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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?

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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea
2015/11/23 11:44

SEJONG, Nov. 23 (Yonhap) -- China's rapid growth has helped the world's second-largest economy reduce its technology gap with South Korea over the past several years, a report showed Monday.

According to the report by the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), South Korean manufacturers have an average 3.3-year lead over their Chinese counterparts.

The gap is down from 3.7 years tallied in 2011, and a sign that the world's No. 2 economy is speeding up efforts to bridge existing gaps.

The report was based on surveys carried out on 708 local manufacturers in October and November and checked such areas as technology levels, efforts put into research and development (R&D), and policy measures to fuel competitiveness.

By sector, the KIET report showed South Korean companies maintaining a 3.5 year lead in heavy industries and petrochemicals, although their edge in light industries and information technology areas stood at 2.9 years and 2.6 years, respectively.

"South Korea has made gains in such areas as light industries, but the pace of Chinese advances has accelerated," the think tank claimed.

In addition, only 69.5 percent of companies checked engaged in in-house R&D, down from an average of 81.9 percent in 2011.

Even among companies belonging to large conglomerates, R&D numbers fell to 86.9 percent from 93.9 percent.

"The drop is closely linked to the deterioration of technology levels and skills," KIET argued. Such developments if left unchecked can pose serious problems down the line and erode the country's overall technological prowess.

Among companies engaged in R&D, research-related outlays were equal to 4.7 percent of total sales, with 8.8 percent of the workforce engaged in this field. This represents an increase from 4.2 percent and 8.1 percent, respectively, in 2011.

The latest report, meanwhile, showed that only 9.5 percent of companies checked believed they possessed class-leading technologies that outpaced rivals around the world, down from 14.7 percent in 2011.

KIET said 48 percent of companies wanted the government to provide more R&D support, with 16.4 percent asking for assistance in the training of research personnel. Another 11.8 percent called for streamlining rules and cutting administrative red tape that is discouraging more investment into R&D.

China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?
But according to this:

'S. Korea Overtaken by China in Technology'
Write : 2015-12-06 14:54:05


Most of South Korean companies think that the nation was overtaken by China in terms of technology or will be within three years.

According to the Federation of Korean Industries’ survey of 30 business associations and groups, 19 of 24 respondents said that South Korea is no longer superior to China in terms of technology levels.

Ninety-two percent of the respondents presented a negative outlook in the competition with China.

Compared to Japan, 65 percent said that South Korea is still behind Japan in terms of technology, while 70 percent said that the country is behind in technology as well as price competitiveness.

Half of the respondents said that the government should relax corporate regulations to help South Korean companies have a competitive edge over their Chinese and Japanese rivals.

Economy/News/News/KBS World Radio
The technological gap applied mainly for private commercial technology. It does not applied to state-of-the-art, state technology. For that, we are way ahead of South Korea and pretty much all of Asia as we are the only one capable of making 5th generation fighters, SSBN, hypersonic missiles, anti-satellite, rocketry, plane and warships, etc..Our information force is much more powerful than anyone and rival with the US-Russia. We are probably one of the three country in the world that can commit massive destruction to a country electric grid, shut down the internet, and black out a country.
The technological gap applied mainly for private commercial technology. It does not applied to state-of-the-art, state technology. For that, we are way ahead of South Korea and pretty much all of Asia as we are the only one capable of making 5th generation fighters, SSBN, hypersonic missiles, anti-satellite, rocketry, plane and warships, etc..Our information force is much more powerful than anyone and rival with the US-Russia. We are probably one of the three country in the world that can commit massive destruction to a country electric grid, shut down the internet, and black out a country.

I think so.

According to this China is ahead only in Aerospace Technology which is - 4.3 year gap to Korea (or china 4.3 year ahead korea).


Chipping away at South Korea's pillars- Nikkei Asian Review

Even in construction and transportation Korea is still ahead, in spite of Chinese high speed train achievement, nuclear reactor construction, etc.
I think so.

According to this China is ahead only in Aerospace Technology which is - 4.3 year gap to Korea (or china 4.3 year ahead korea).


Chipping away at South Korea's pillars- Nikkei Asian Review

Even in construction and transportation Korea is still ahead, in spite of Chinese high speed train achievement, nuclear reactor construction, etc.
China design & produce domestic aircrafts / tanks / ships / subs / engines / nukes / missiles / rockets / satellites for many years, and Chinese didn't buy any components from U.S not like Korea installed 'Made in U.S' on their aircraft / tank / ship.

Korean technology is still ahead than that of China ? Maybe Korean just feeling their Samsung ahead of China ... ridiculous ! :lol:
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I thought China surpassed RoK some years ago.
I think so.

According to this China is ahead only in Aerospace Technology which is - 4.3 year gap to Korea (or china 4.3 year ahead korea).


Chipping away at South Korea's pillars- Nikkei Asian Review

Even in construction and transportation Korea is still ahead, in spite of Chinese high speed train achievement, nuclear reactor construction, etc.
How did they calculate the year? -4.6 seems too short. I don't expect South Korea to put anything in space beyond launching satellite in the next 10 years, let alone 4.6.
China design & produce domestic aircrafts / tanks / ships / subs / engines / nukes / missiles / rockets / satellites for many years, and Chinese didn't buy any components from U.S not like Korea installed 'Made in U.S' on their aircraft / tank / ship.

Korean technology is still ahead than that of China ? Maybe Korean just feeling their Samsung ahead of China ... ridiculous ! :lol:

Korea is still ahead at least in: Semiconductor technology, Display Technology (OLED), Automotive technology, Ship building technology, Petrochemical technology.
How did they calculate the year? -4.6 seems too short. I don't expect South Korea to put anything in space beyond launching satellite in the next 10 years, let alone 4.6.

Probably by weighted average of each sub sector

It seems the T-50 has reduced the 10 year to 4.3 year gap.
Korea is still ahead at least in: Semiconductor technology, Display Technology (OLED), Automotive technology, Ship building technology, Petrochemical technology.
Yes, semiconductor technology ... it didn't mean u can design & produce rocket / satellite ahead of China.
automotive technology ... it didn't mean u design & produce better tank and 'Made in Germany' engine, 'Made in U.S' T-50
Ship building technology ... i see 'Made in Germany' type209 & type212 sub and 'Made in U.S' DDG
Probably by weighted average of each sub sector

It seems the T-50 has reduced the 10 year to 4.3 year gap.
T-50 and J-10, J-16 are two vastly different aircraft and capabilities. Let alone comparing it with J-20 which by Korean estimation may be able to match in the 2030s. That about 15 years gap.
Probably by weighted average of each sub sector

It seems the T-50 has reduced the 10 year to 4.3 year gap.
Lockheed design help Korean T-50 reduce the gap ... ?! China HongDu K-8 jet trainer produced in 1980s and already exported 500+ to foreign airforces ... is that increasing the gap ? After JL-8/K-8, there'r China JL-9 and JL-10/L-15 jet trainers ... so how reduce 10 year to 4.3 year gap ?

Wiki Hongdu JL-8/K-8
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I think so.

According to this China is ahead only in Aerospace Technology which is - 4.3 year gap to Korea (or china 4.3 year ahead korea).


Chipping away at South Korea's pillars- Nikkei Asian Review

Even in construction and transportation Korea is still ahead, in spite of Chinese high speed train achievement, nuclear reactor construction, etc.

True, there is no denial of such existential gaps, there are areas in which China leads (e.g. nuclear tech, aerospace), as well as areas where Korea leads. It's also factual that China is fast closing the gaps in areas lagging behind.

From what I see, it takes two factors to succeed, innovation, and scale of execution. China has a overall scale of execution second to none, far exceeding any country, so there is no comparison on this count.

In terms of innovation, overall China is catching up, fast indeed. Take WIPO results as an example, by 2014 Korea still tops the world by 3254 patents per million population, China ranks only number 9 by 587 in the same measure, far behind despite fast growth. In robotisation, Korea tops the world by 478 industrial robots per 10,000 workers, China was far behind despite an yearly increment of 43%.

Taking out scale, China not only lags far behind Korea but also Japan, Germany, etc. Let's sustain the good trend as observed since 2000-2005, and close up the tech gaps.

WIPO Global Ranking – 2015 Edition
Chinese Economy News & Updates | Page 400
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Let put this simple. There are areas in which South Korea would never be able to match us. Yet we can match South Korea in all fields. I give credit for South Korea for being a small efficient country, the fastest internet connect speed in the world. But that only because it is small and easily to build infrastructure than a massive country like China/USA. It is also pointless to compare a big and small country as our scale is vast. We able to cover all fields and compete well. South Korea has to choose its niches technological market to compete.

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