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China railways scandal widens, raising criticism

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Things in India are too political. It should be based on actual specification needs.
China can make it the fastest, cheapest, and most advanced. No other country operates trains that go 350Km average.
Govt decisions will be politically influenced, but if the contract goes to a private partner, then they wouldn't hesitate bring in the Chinese companies into the bidding. Remember Reliance (company which is building the Mumbai Metro) bought its coaches from a Chinese company.

We still don't know what will be the max speed requirements for India will be. The faster you go, the more expensive it becomes (exponentially). It will also depend on future maintenance and development and the problem with Chinese companies will be that the situation will be volatile and thus pose a high risk to the project.
And Canadian (bombardier) I think someone posted a list of the JV's for HSR's in China, don't recall seeing Japanese company but they could contain Japanese tech.

I think the CRH2 is based on the Japanese Shinkansen.
And Canadian (bombardier) I think someone posted a list of the JV's for HSR's in China, don't recall seeing Japanese company but they could contain Japanese tech.

In fact, China imported HSR technologies from Canada, Germany, Japan and Fance, basically every country that possesses HSR technology cooperapted with China before.

I have perosnally visited the factory of JV by CNR and Bombardier in Qingdao.
:coffee: USA high-speed rail plan. USA-General-Electric has signed a Intention-contract with China.
We hope that India high-speed rail connections with China high-speed rail.
:coffee:China's high-speed rail technology is the best, because we have integrated the technology in Japan and Germany and France and Canada...
And China have bought those patent rights, do not worry about legal issues.
Not to troll, but Pakistan had a very bad experience with Chinese locomotives. We'll probably go with a JV with Japan or something (if HSR materializes in the future)

I agree Japan is the leader in HSR and willing to help then why play second fiddle?
Japan has never been the leader in HSR. Its been Germany or France.

please to stop making stuff up.

Well, that is not true.

Japanese Shinkansen was the first commercial HSR in the world, and Japanese technology is still one of the best. By no means can we exclude Japan from the leaders of HSR.
Well, that is not true.

Japanese Shinkansen was the first commercial HSR in the world, and Japanese technology is still one of the best. By no means can we exclude Japan from the leaders of HSR.

Perhaps but they are extremely uncompetitive and they share a small share of global supply compared to bombardier and alstom.
Perhaps but they are extremely uncompetitive and they share a small share of global supply compared to bombardier and alstom.

Well, maybe you are right in this regard, but still it is a mistake to degrade Japanese HSR ability.

HSR technologies from Japan, Germany, France, and Canada, all have their pros and cons, it is hard to tell who is the best among them. But Japan lags behind no one with regard to HSR.

The newest Japanese HSR train now runs at a speed of 320km/h.

????50 ?321?--?? ?? ???
Well, maybe you are right in this regard, but still it is a mistake to degrade Japanese HSR ability.

HSR technologies from Japan, Germany, France, and Canada, all have their pros and cons, it is hard to tell who is the best among them. But Japan lags behind no one with regard to HSR.

The newest Japnese HSR now runs at a speed of 320km/h.

????50 ?321?--?? ?? ???

And our normal ones can run at 486Km/h.
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