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‘China provokes us but we still don’t know how to fight it’

Nehru was a coward else history would have been different

By the way Vietnam adventure was great for China ??
LOL, Indians can't do anything for themselves. Instead of trying to show they fought valiantly during 1962 (they didn't), they try to steal the glory of other countries. :lol:

- They depended on the British colonialists to create their country out of many independent kingdoms
- Even today their highest leader is a white European

You can see India's true face when they were screaming about the Mumbai attacks and promising retaliation.

But what happened in the end? They went home crying. :rofl:

They can't even stand up to Pakistan, how can they prevent a repeat of 1962? This time though, it will be a two-front war, and the Indian Armed forces have already admitted that they stand no chance.

I brushed up a bit on your recent past:

Britain smuggled large quantities of opium into China, making the Qing government impose a ban on the drug. In an effort to protect its opium trade, Britain launched a war of aggression against China in 1840, which led to the Qing government's signing with the British government the Treaty of Nanjing, a treaty of national betrayal and humiliation. Many countries, including Britain, the United States, France, Russia and Japan, forced the Qing government to sign various unequal treaties following the Opium War. China was gradually relegated to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal country.

the eight allied power invasion in 1900-1901. The old Summer Palace was, however, burned in the second opium war.

The second opium war occured in 1858-1860 and only involved 4 powers, UK, US, France, and Russia. Though it was mostly an Anglo-French venture, and they all hauled away loot, with the Russians gaining the most later through Treaty of Aigun, in which Qing ceded outer Manchuria to Imperial Russia.

The British forces, lead by General Lord Elgin (James Bruce), sent 3,500 men to burn down the old Summer Palace of Beijing over French objections to conceal the looting. One only need to visit the British Museum to see where the goodies went.

The eight allied power invasion of China involved UK, Germany, US, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, and Austria in 1900-1901. It was mostly the result of Boxer Rebellion spinning out of control. At first, the allied powers lead by British Vice Admiral Seymour didn't take Qing military seriously and attempted to invade Beijing with only 2,000 men, they were beaten back after 20 days of fighting during June - July, 1900 by the Wuyi Army, lead by General Nieh Shih-Ch'eng. General Nieh was killed a month later, which lead to the decline and breakup of the Wuyi army. Then in August 1900 they made a more cautious advance with 20,000 men and successfully invaded Beijing.

What followed was yet another orgy of rape and pillage, except this time the worse offenders were the Germans, who killed a lot of people. The British and the French simply went on their looting spree. Under pretext of searching for boxers, they even forced their way into the Yonghe Lamasery and carted off with anything made of gold or silver. The Japanese broke into the Ministery of revenue, looted 3 million teals of silver, then burned it to the ground.

I am sorry about your past Chinese have suffered a lot similar to us, and lets hope we pay back in kind to our past aggressors.
Change one of your flag to japan ;)

Pay homage to your ancestors :rofl:

Check the DNA map, all East Asians have majority Chinese DNA to begin with. :P

Indians on the other hand had their genetics permanently changed by the Mughal/Muslim invaders.

The original Indians are the Dravidians, and now these original Indians are the lowest class Dalits. :azn:

The highest class in India of course is white, which is why an Italian waitress like Sonia Gandhi could become the top leader of India without much effort.
LOL, Indians can't do anything for themselves. Instead of trying to show they fought valiantly during 1962 (they didn't), they try to steal the glory of other countries. :lol:

- They depended on the British colonialists to create their country out of many independent kingdoms
- Even today their highest leader is a white European

You can see India's true face when they were screaming about the Mumbai attacks and promising retaliation.

But what happened in the end? They went home crying. :rofl:

They can't even stand up to Pakistan, how can they prevent a repeat of 1962? This time though, it will be a two-front war, and the Indian Armed forces have already admitted that they stand no chance.

Your CCP knows who is afraid (i cannot blame you guys as you are on propaganda dose by your CCP), thats why they say all dispute will be resolved thru dialogue.

Lol........... I am really surpised........... hahahahaha........ When 1962 you occupied Arunachal pradesh, then why the hell you guys ran back to your home??? what were you guys scared off??

You guys are funny........... for few cents, you can write any thing & can keep on writing and writing.
are you vietnamese? LOL

They wish they were anything but Indians. :lol:

They saw how the Indian Army was crushed by the PLA, and they still cry about it to this day. Although now they have switched to crying about the Mumbai attacks (but don't have the balls to do anything).

So instead, they have to "borrow" the glory of other nations, nations that were not creations of the European colonialists like India was. :azn: Nations that actually existed prior to the colonial era, unlike India.
They wish they were anything but Indians. :lol:

They saw how the Indian Army was crushed by the PLA, and they still cry about it to this day. Although now they have switched to crying about the Mumbai attacks (but don't have the balls to do anything).

So instead, they have to "borrow" the glory of other nations, nations that were not creations of the European colonialists like India was. :azn: Nations that actually existed prior to the colonial era, unlike India.

dude get a life you dont know anything about India.
They wish they were anything but Indians. :lol:

They saw how the Indian Army was crushed by the PLA, and they still cry about it to this day. Although now they have switched to crying about the Mumbai attacks (but don't have the balls to do anything).

So instead, they have to "borrow" the glory of other nations, nations that were not creations of the European colonialists like India was. :azn: Nations that actually existed prior to the colonial era, unlike India.

Dont harp on 1962. We accept our Defeat. If you got Guts, come and Tawang and will show you what Punjabi Blood is...
They wish they were anything but Indians. :lol:

They saw how the Indian Army was crushed by the PLA, and they still cry about it to this day. Although now they have switched to crying about the Mumbai attacks (but don't have the balls to do anything).

So instead, they have to "borrow" the glory of other nations, nations that were not creations of the European colonialists like India was. :azn: Nations that actually existed prior to the colonial era, unlike India.

Now i know it is just few Cents, which has brought you to this mark (12,806). You cannot debate logically.

When you speak about defeat, you shd be ready to listen about yours too.

PLA......... which does not have balls, must be cursing you guys for talking big and bringing them to the edge to fight us. Lol.
dude get a life you dont know anything about India.

Sorry brother, but history has spoken. :wave:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

And this colonial creation (India), after being split in half by a religious divide... was only able to LOSE land.

While China was fighting superpowers like the USA (Korean war) and the USSR (Sino-Soviet split)... India was having their land taken by third-world countries like China (1962) and Pakistan (1947).

And now they can't even take on Pakistan alone, as we saw after the Mumbai attacks. :azn:
They wish they were anything but Indians. :lol:

They saw how the Indian Army was crushed by the PLA, and they still cry about it to this day. Although now they have switched to crying about the Mumbai attacks (but don't have the balls to do anything).

So instead, they have to "borrow" the glory of other nations, nations that were not creations of the European colonialists like India was. :azn: Nations that actually existed prior to the colonial era, unlike India.

well said ,i dont blame them , in this thread anything is better than indian LOL
Now i know it is just few Cents, which has brought you to this mark (12,806). You cannot debate logically.

When you speak about defeat, you shd be ready to listen about yours too.

PLA......... which does not have balls, must be cursing you guys for talking big and bringing them to the edge to fight us. Lol.

LOL, the Indian Armed Forces have already admitted that they can never hope to match China. :rofl:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.
Sorry brother, but history has spoken. :wave:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

And this colonial creation (India), after being split in half by a religious divide... was only able to LOSE land.

While China was fighting superpowers like the USA (Korean war) and the USSR (Sino-Soviet split)... India was having their land taken by third-world countries like China (1962) and Pakistan (1947).

And now they can't even take on Pakistan alone, as we saw after the Mumbai attacks. :azn:

LOL I don't want to post what happened to your people in Nanking, Its just amazing you guys survived and are now boasting about yourself after such a humiliation.
LOL, the Indian Armed Forces have already admitted that they can never hope to match China. :rofl:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

Now just look to the fact...... and try to understand with your head & not thru propaganda drugs.

If we can't match china, why what you guys are scared off??? Come... Come and take Arunachal pradesh, which you all claim that it is your land and we have occupied it. lol.

I know you will not answer this, but will keep on ranting sh*t just for the sake of few cents.
LOL I don't want to post what happened to your people in Nanking, Its just amazing you guys survived and are now boasting about yourself after such a humiliation.

At least we fought, and no one managed to colonize us during the age of colonization. At most they took 1/4 of our land area, that was the furthest they could go. :azn:

India on the other hand was created by the European colonialists and then enslaved for TWO HUNDRED years. It was total colonization of the entire country, and Indians never fought for their freedom.

Gandhi could only beg the British, he never actually fought against them.
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