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China presents latest technologies of air defense missile systems at IDET 2015 in Czech Republic.


Apr 28, 2011
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For the first time, CPMIEC of China exhibits at IDET 2015, the International Defence & Security Technologies Fair in Czech Republic with air defense missile system and surface-to-surface missile. With foreign sales of $7.4 billion over the past five years, China overtook France in 2013 to become the world’s fourth-largest arms exporter, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


Chinese B611M ballistic missile scale model at IDET 2015, the International Defence & Security Technologies in Brno, Czech Republic.

The Chinese defense ministry says the Chinese Armed Fores dependence on foreign arms technology is overstated. According to international practice, China is also engaged in communication and cooperation with some countries in the area of weaponry development.

Transfers of European technology to the Chinese military are documented in SIPRI data, official EU arms trade figures and technical specifications reported in Chinese military publications.

China now has the world's second-largest defense budget after the United States and the fastest growing military market.

At IDET 2015, China presents a scale model of its surface-to-surface ballistic missiles (SSMs) for export, the B611M. The B611M has a range between 80 and 260 km, and a launch weight of 2,183 kg, including a 480 kg warhead.

Another Chinese-made air defense system showed at IDET 2015 is the FK-1000 a surface-to-air missile weapon system with high operational performance all-weather mid-to-low-altitude and mid-to-short-range air defense weapon system, characterized by missile-gun integration and multiple functions integrated into a combat vehicle.

It is mainly designed for protecting the battlefields and the important places against various offensive air weapons such as cruise missiles, armed helicopters, air-to-surface missiles and fixed-wing aircraft.


Scale model of Chinese FK-1000 short-range air defense missile system
China presents latest technologies of air defense missile systems at IDET 2015 in Czech Republic 20051510 | IDET 2015 News Official Online Show Daily Coverage | Defence security military exhibition 2015
These are far from the latest technologies of air defense missile systems in China's possession。:hitwall:
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