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China powers up new radar tech to unmask stealth fighters | SCMP


Dec 15, 2009
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Stealth fighters can be detected by L-band, UHF, and VHF radars (see second-citation chart below).

Stealth fighters can also be detected with an infrared sensor. The jet engine's exhaust is extremely hot and heats the air. Additionally, a jet flying at hundreds of miles per hour through the air experiences heating of its skin (which is detectable).

Now, China has built a high-power radar in the terahertz wavelength (T-ray) to detect stealth fighters. Eventually, China will miniaturize its T-ray radars and stealth is pretty much obsolete.

China powers up new radar tech to unmask stealth fighters | South China Morning Post

"China’s biggest arms manufacturer has tested a new instrument to detect stealth aircraft, technology that could be a military 'game changer' if mounted on a satellite or plane, scientists say."



L-band, UHF, and VHF are at the bottom of the chart.

China Tests New Terahertz Radiation Radar That Could Detect Stealth Jets

22:51 27.09.2017(updated 02:38 28.09.2017)

The China North Industries Group Corporation has tested a radar in recent weeks that generates terahertz radiation in order to better track the presence of stealth aircraft, the South China Morning Post reports.

The device has the potential to be a “game changer” for the People’s Liberation Army, scientists told the Hong-Kong based news outlet, since the radar might be able to spot the US’ F-22 Raptors and beleaguered F-35 Joint Strike Fighters.

Terahertz radiation can theoretically see through the “composite materials” that help hide stealthy jets, SCMP reports. The F-22 fleet’s new $40 million paint job might be for naught after all.

“The radar-absorbent coatings on the F-35 will look as thin and transparent as stockings if [the Chinese radar] is as powerful as they claim,” a technical executive told the Post. The reported power of the radars is “more than a million times higher” than other terahertz machines — dubbed T-rays — that have tried to measure the physical specifications of stealth coatings on F-35s, the executive added.

The instrument was designed at the China Academy of Engineering Physics.

A terahertz ray device is still far from actual military use. Researcher Qi Jiaran of the Harbin Institute of Technology said “there is still a long way to go” before a T-ray radar could be equipped onto a surveillance plane or satellite.

This is slightly off-topic, but it is interesting.

When you compare the Chinese Type 517M VHF radar (on the Chinese Type 052C destroyer) to the P-18 radar, you will notice they have a similar design. This shows that "form follows function" and VHF anti-stealth radars look alike. The emitting/receiving antennas have a particular length and specific orientation for directional detection.



The picture of the P-18 VHF radar is at the bottom-left.

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