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China, Philippines agree to safeguard peace in South China Sea

There are five countries that lay claims to islands in South China Sea besides China

- Vietnam
- Malaysia
- Brunei
- Philippines

I can see China can enter into settlement with Malaysia and Brunei, perhaps even giving into some of their demands. Malaysia is quite friendly with China in recent years, thanks to the large Chinese community there. Philippines should not be too much trouble, as their military is both small and outdated. They will be more open to talks once China strengthen its naval forces.

On the other hand, I do not see any peaceful resolution with Vietnam. I think it's better to make an example out of them. They have been the most aggressive of the ASEAN and occupies the most island. Their recent efforts in trying to bring in Japan, India and United States into the matter as well as arms purchase from Russia indicate they want to do it the hard way. To top it all off, Vietnam is by far the most hated ASEAN country in China. Public sentiment may prevent the government from taking softer measures.

I would not be surprised at naval campaign against Vietnam in the near future. My guess is in 10 to 15 years.

It will show the world that they are not as strong as they always claim they are. In fact they have always depended on third party help to win back their freedom - with the help of Chinese and Russians. They knew this deep down. This is why they are trying to bring in third parties again in regards to the South China Sea issue. They know they cannot handle the situation well enough themselves. For me, it is an embarrassment to claim to be strong and seek help from elsewhere. This only shows the world how helpless they really are.
It will show the world that they are not as strong as they always claim they are. In fact they have always depended on third party help to win back their freedom - with the help of Chinese and Russians. They knew this deep down. This is why they are trying to bring in third parties again in regards to the South China Sea issue. They know they cannot handle the situation well enough themselves. For me, it is an embarrassment to claim to be strong and seek help from elsewhere. This only shows the world how helpless they really are.
I don't blame them for trying to get other major powers involved. There is alot at stake here. I believe majority of the world's shipping pass through South China Sea, and the area potentially has huge reserves of natural gas and oil. Even without Vietnam's invitation, I suspect they'll find other excuses to get themselves a piece of the pie.

As far as they are claiming to be strong goes, even Iraq before 2003 invasion claimed to be strong and united against Americans. However, their government's action showed that they are deeply concerned of what China might do to them.

However, Vietnam from what I can see is especially combative in their attitude. If the Viets here are any indication of what we can expect, the chance for negotiated settlement is zero. In that case, I rather fight a limited war to destroy their naval and air capability than drag the issue on. The longer this goes on, the bigger the advantage we have on them. That's why I estimate 10 to 15 years in the future. Once we deplete their navy and air force, their fishermen will be without protection and the troops they occupied the islands with wills starve. Perhaps they will be more receptive to talking in that case. Remember, military force is just a mean to get them to accept compromises in negotiation.

PS: In Chinese terms, 以战止战, keeping peace through war. Peace on our terms of course.
Vietnamese regime never care about those islands. They just want to shift the domestic anger against them.
Vietnamese regime never care about those islands. They just want to shift the domestic anger against them.
That's naive thing to say. The potential oil/natural gas reserve there is wanted by anybody with a brain. Whoever controls South China Sea controls the future of energy resources in Asia.
The problem is Philippine think: btw: Vietnam will not make trouble with Phil if US say: Stop! too.

So, we will not let US. say like that, we're free men, we will do every thing to take back our islands :smokin:.

btw: we have big trouble with you now, we must solve it first. we should not fight stupidly against both CHina-US like 1979 :lol:
It will show the world that they are not as strong as they always claim they are. In fact they have always depended on third party help to win back their freedom - with the help of Chinese and Russians. They knew this deep down. This is why they are trying to bring in third parties again in regards to the South China Sea issue. They know they cannot handle the situation well enough themselves. For me, it is an embarrassment to claim to be strong and seek help from elsewhere. This only shows the world how helpless they really are.
Malaysia- Brunei- Philippines will not fight with us if Us say: Stop ! :lol:
S 10 said:
I don't blame them for trying to get other major powers involved. There is alot at stake here. I believe majority of the world's shipping pass through South China Sea, and the area potentially has huge reserves of natural gas and oil. Even without Vietnam's invitation, I suspect they'll find other excuses to get themselves a piece of the pie.
You're Right, 80 % of CHina shipping pass through SCS(East sea), so , US. will come without any invitation, we will take advance to request some things from US.that's all, and the war (if happend) will happend between US-China, not CHina-VietNam, or Vietnam-US :smokin:
Malaysia- Brunei- Philippines will not fight with us if Us say: Stop ! :lol:
That's okay. They don't need to fight you. All they have to do is stand aside and watch the show.

You're Right, 80 % of CHina shipping pass through SCS(East sea), so , US. will come without any invitation, we will take advance to request some things from US.that's all, and the war (if happend) will happend between US-China, not CHina-VietNam, or Vietnam-US :smokin:
We do realize that Americans are behind the issue. Otherwise we'd smack you silly already. The day will come though. Like I said, 10 to 15 years down the road and it should happen. By then we will likely operate about 4 carrier battle groups, and J-20 will be the primary fighter jet in our inventory.
We do realize that Americans are behind the issue. Otherwise we'd smack you silly already. The day will come though. Like I said, 10 to 15 years down the road and it should happen. By then we will likely operate about 4 carrier battle groups, and J-20 will be the primary fighter jet in our inventory.

:lol: don;t make me laugh:lol:

Do you wanna see again US's strategy toward China ???they won't let you have large sea teritory, as long as Taiwan still in their hands, so your Naval forces is just some funny thing to US.:lol:

btw: our Yakhont will handle all of your AC if they violate our EEZ :smokin:
:lol: don;t make me laugh:lol:

Do you wanna see again US's strategy toward China ???they won't let you have large sea teritory, as long as Taiwan still in their hands, so your Naval forces is just some funny thing to US.:lol:

btw: our Yakhont will handle all of your AC if they violate our EEZ :smokin:
On the other hand, the only thing laughable is Viets thinking they can freely use their Yakhont. How will you locate our carriers? You lack any long range sensors and spy satellites. Suppose by chance you do find our carrier battle groups, how will you perform mid-range guidance? You probably never even heard of that concept to begin with. Even if you magically have some mid-way guidance for your missiles, the carrier itself is protected by multiple layers of air defences. You need a saturated missile attack to get through those defences. Even the Soviet Union had trouble pulling it off, and you think Vietnam can? Quite laughable.

Saturation attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason Taiwan is still not united is because Americans have interfere with their navy, both in 1949 and 1996 when we had plans to retake the island. Our navy was not strong enough to counter the American fleets, but that's changing. What is not going to change, is our growing naval advantage over you. Even today, we can turn your ships and planes into artificial reefs quite easily.

In short, your navy and air force is not worth talking about.
On the other hand, the only thing laughable is Viets thinking they can freely use their Yakhont. How will you locate our carriers? You lack any long range sensors and spy satellites. Suppose by chance you do find our carrier battle groups, how will you perform mid-range guidance? You probably never even heard of that concept to begin with. Even if you magically have some mid-way guidance for your missiles, the carrier itself is protected by multiple layers of air defences. You need a saturated missile attack to get through those defences. Even the Soviet Union had trouble pulling it off, and you think Vietnam can? Quite laughable.

Saturation attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason Taiwan is still not united is because Americans have interfere with their navy, both in 1949 and 1996 when we had plans to retake the island. Our navy was not strong enough to counter the American fleets, but that's changing. What is not going to change, is our growing naval advantage over you. Even today, we can turn your ships and planes into artificial reefs quite easily.

In short, your navy and air force is not worth talking about.

1.hehe, we did not invent Yakhont, we bought the right to manufacture from Russian, we will not waste our money for trash , bro :lol:, our EEZ only have 200 miles, it's quite close and inside Yakhont's range, your AC can not run away coz Yakhont can fly only 1,5 m above sea face :smokin:

2.Taiwan will never go back to China if your don't have the guts to fight, and if you can not take it back to expand the sea territory, your Navy is just a huge joke :smokin:
1.hehe, we did not invent Yakhont, we bought the right to manufacture from Russian, we will not waste our money for trash , bro :lol:, our EEZ only have 200 miles, it's quite close and inside Yakhont's range, your AC can not run away coz Yakhont can fly only 1,5 m above sea face :smokin:
These question still stands, and you are avoiding them. The carrier group does not need to get within 200 nautical miles to conduct their operation. The carrier battle group can operate anywher along your coast.

You still need to aquire target first, which will be difficult with ground radar because of earth's shape. Furthermore, you radars can be expected to be jammed in a war. Without satellite, UAV or AWACS to provide that target data, you are basically blind. Without mid-way guidance, there is nothing to provide updates to target data which severely limits missile range.


Also, missiles do not fly at 1.5m above sea surface. That is just an ignorant statement to make. Surface wave at sea regularly go above that height. Learn some basic high school science before you talk. Do they have high school in Vietnam? In addition, sea skimming targets have been the focus of fleet air defences for decades, so it's nothing new. We have operated Moskit missiles, with similar capabilities to Yakhont, for over 10 years. It's not difficult for us to counter.


2.Taiwan will never go back to China if your don't have the guts to fight, and if you can not take it back to expand the sea territory, your Navy is just a huge joke :smokin:
On two occasions we were going to take it back, and was forced to drop the plans because we had no way to overcome American fleets. However, it's been more than 15 years since then, and our naval capability has grown in comparison. Taiwan is only a matter of time, so is Vietnam getting kicked off the islands.
I would consider it as a great insult to the navy if they need to use carrier groups to sink those fishing boats operated by the Vietnamese navy.
I would consider it as a great insult to the navy if they need to use carrier groups to sink those fishing boats operated by the Vietnamese navy.
It is a bit of an overkill, but Viets here don't think it's a problem for them. It's either they're incredibly stupid or incredibly ignorant of the capabilities of a carrier battle group. I suspect it's a bit of both. It's like a child holding a stick, telling a man with a gun how the stick could hurt him.

So far none of the Viets that posted on this forum any worthy knowledge in anything.
I would consider it as a great insult to the navy if they need to use carrier groups to sink those fishing boats operated by the Vietnamese navy.

Red: it means aircraft-carrier, right?????? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Where is Varyag now? Have You finished a new dress for the scrap heap???

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