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China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

This is the article(probably machine translated) from Beijing News that France-24 refer to. Read it and learn how France-24 used it to twist to censorship issues.

Internet public opinion analyst into officially recognized professional practitioners over 2,000,000 - News

It is actually about a computer software that can help whoever used it to gather and categorize public opinion on the web. The information gathered unlike PRISM is PUBLIC information on the web.

Traditionally in China, since thousand of years ago, China has a system that is top bottom which is different from Western electoral-representative bottom up system. Chinese official would actively gauge and seek public opinion for governing and stability reason.
I have always accepted and lived with people of other country's sovereign right to live and pursue their happiness in whichever way they believe in.

I just ask Chinese view to be accepted and respected.

Taking what you believed and labeled it "universal truth" and used it to criticize other culture is rather oppressively fascist, don't you agree?
Then you should have no problems with slavery. After all, it is just another view from another culture. Who are YOU to say that it is not a people's fate to be servants to another people?
Or, alternatively, this is all about people should not post slanderous information. You should not be allowed to start random rumor just so you can attract a few more viewers. For example, when an earthquake happens and the people are anxiously waiting for news to see if their family is alive. Then some random guy start posting exaggerate posts to attract viewers by claiming these people's families are dead. What are you suppose to do with these people? Well, China's stance is that you are responsible for you say or type, regardless if it is in real life or on the internet.

Also, Chinese government is quite open with criticism. Not only they allows people to post and discuss their opinions, they also actively reach out for the people and more important, they actually do improve overtime. Can the Indian claim the same thing for their government?
False information is not always slanderous opinions. Take your earthquake scenario for example. In such a chaotic situation, false information is inevitable, and more likely from honest mistakes, and you demand absolute perfection in such a situation? What do you want the government to do, arrest every mistake, jail the persons for indefinite time while the investigators sorts out who made the honest mistakes and who was careless?
It's important to monitor the Internet to ensure national security. Well done to the CPC. Stronger we get, the more we can push our weight around.
False information is not always slanderous opinions. Take your earthquake scenario for example. In such a chaotic situation, false information is inevitable, and more likely from honest mistakes, and you demand absolute perfection in such a situation? What do you want the government to do, arrest every mistake, jail the persons for indefinite time while the investigators sorts out who made the honest mistakes and who was careless?

No, they are not going to arrest everyone who posted wrong information. People are not perfect and the law enforcement deal with the situation appropriately. This is similar to US where police will let you go with a warning if your crime is unintentional and does not cause harm. This law is against people who purposely post false information for personal gain.

Why would they arrest everyone? By Chinese laws, you are innocent until proven guilty. So the police will not jail people unless they have solid evidence. Depending on the individual in question, the response will also be different. For example, children who don't know better will be directed to their parents. Adults who are just seeking attention, but not malicious will be giving warning or fined if there is actually damage.

Overall, the goal of this law is to set boundary for online behavior. Too many people are forgetting that internet is just another social medium. The same rule for all social behaviors applies.
Then you should have no problems with slavery. After all, it is just another view from another culture. Who are YOU to say that it is not a people's fate to be servants to another people?
I do have problem with slavery. But that does not means that I would not respect the tradition of other culture. China have a few custom and tradition that are not in line with modern concept like slavery. Thing like slavery, head-hunting or highway/passage taxation/extortion/robbery would not be tolerated under the law. But sometimes there are leniency given like for example some Tibetan tradition of brothers sharing the same wife, which is illegal by Chinese law but tolerated, albeit reluctantly.

It is obvious that issue of Chinese view of freedom of speech is not in the same category as slavery. Chinese do have freedom of speech although it is not the same degree of freedom as the western idea.

For Chinese, it is obvious that western media slandering China on this issue is not well-intention. They are not interested in reporting the real situation but only looking after western interest. It is just an excuse for the west to criticize China.

China would ignore western criticism and proceed with our way of governance. So far everything is looking good.
I do have problem with slavery. But that does not means that I would not respect the tradition of other culture. China have a few custom and tradition that are not in line with modern concept like slavery. Thing like slavery, head-hunting or highway/passage taxation/extortion/robbery would not be tolerated under the law. But sometimes there are leniency given like for example some Tibetan tradition of brothers sharing the same wife, which is illegal by Chinese law but tolerated, albeit reluctantly.

It is obvious that issue of Chinese view of freedom of speech is not in the same category as slavery. Chinese do have freedom of speech although it is not the same degree of freedom as the western idea.

For Chinese, it is obvious that western media slandering China on this issue is not well-intention. They are not interested in reporting the real situation but only looking after western interest. It is just an excuse for the west to criticize China.

China would ignore western criticism and proceed with our way of governance. So far everything is looking good.
Of course it does. By YOUR contention that there are no 'universal truths', or at least certain moral precepts that are so powerful and compelling that they are perceived as near 'universal'. And since you effectively declared that there are no such, you have no right to criticize institutionalized slavery or even silently morally offended by it. Do not try to evade your own argument by resorting to legalism. Before laws there must be morality, and since by your argument that there MUST NOT be 'universal truths', or nearly of, the morality of institutionalized slavery is just as valid a state of being as the right to free speech.

Congratulations on taking mankind back a couple hundred years.

No, they are not going to arrest everyone who posted wrong information. People are not perfect and the law enforcement deal with the situation appropriately. This is similar to US where police will let you go with a warning if your crime is unintentional and does not cause harm. This law is against people who purposely post false information for personal gain.

Why would they arrest everyone? By Chinese laws, you are innocent until proven guilty. So the police will not jail people unless they have solid evidence. Depending on the individual in question, the response will also be different. For example, children who don't know better will be directed to their parents. Adults who are just seeking attention, but not malicious will be giving warning or fined if there is actually damage.

Overall, the goal of this law is to set boundary for online behavior. Too many people are forgetting that internet is just another social medium. The same rule for all social behaviors applies.
:lol: That is a good laugh. I guess all those secret black jails are figments of imagination from inside China as well as from outside.
Of course it does. By YOUR contention that there are no 'universal truths', or at least certain moral precepts that are so powerful and compelling that they are perceived as near 'universal'. And since you effectively declared that there are no such, you have no right to criticize institutionalized slavery or even silently morally offended by it. Do not try to evade your own argument by resorting to legalism. Before laws there must be morality, and since by your argument that there MUST NOT be 'universal truths', or nearly of, the morality of institutionalized slavery is just as valid a state of being as the right to free speech.

Congratulations on taking mankind back a couple hundred years.

:lol: That is a good laugh. I guess all those secret black jails are figments of imagination from inside China as well as from outside.
Could you tell me what this universal truth is.

And by whose definition? US? United Nation? God? Whose God?
Of course it does. By YOUR contention that there are no 'universal truths', or at least certain moral precepts that are so powerful and compelling that they are perceived as near 'universal'. And since you effectively declared that there are no such, you have no right to criticize institutionalized slavery or even silently morally offended by it. Do not try to evade your own argument by resorting to legalism. Before laws there must be morality, and since by your argument that there MUST NOT be 'universal truths', or nearly of, the morality of institutionalized slavery is just as valid a state of being as the right to free speech.

Congratulations on taking mankind back a couple hundred years.

:lol: That is a good laugh. I guess all those secret black jails are figments of imagination from inside China as well as from outside.

The only black jails are in the US that brutally beat and jailed innocent Occupy Wallstreet protestors and anti-war activists. China stands for freedom and we uphold human rights. The US is the worst violator of human rights and suppress freedom of speech such as 1% control of the US and the 9/11 false flag operation.
That's what the Indian Trolls here are doing....they are on the Indian Government's payroll to spy on Pakistan and Pakistanis !

To spy on an international open forum ?:what::rofl:

@Chinese members in here....Why don't you trolls get a real job instead of polluting this forum and others ? It should be an international rule,chinese 50 cent trolls should not be engaged in discussions.There's no point in discussing things with paid slaves and make no mistake ,most of them are paid slaves... No if,no maybe.
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The only black jails are in the US that brutally beat and jailed innocent Occupy Wallstreet protestors and anti-war activists. China stands for freedom and we uphold human rights. The US is the worst violator of human rights and suppress freedom of speech such as 1% control of the US and the 9/11 false flag operation.

I actually spilled my morning coffee when I read this. Now I need to change my shirt :(
To spy on an international open forum ?:what::rofl:

@Chinese members in here....Why don't you trolls get a real job instead of polluting this forum and others ? It should be an international rule,chinese 50 cent trolls should not be engaged in discussions.There's no point in discussing things with paid slaves and make no mistake ,most of them are paid slaves... No if,no maybe.

Chinese members in here....Why don't you trolls get a real job instead of polluting this forum and others ?

Real job? like gang raping, Dalit hunting, making indigenous cow pee cola in rapepublic of india?
Polluting this forum and others, how so? perhaps you may have mistaken us as those curry scumbags that open defecate everywhere like animals?

It should be an international rule,chinese 50 cent trolls should not be engaged in discussions.There's no point in discussing things with paid slaves and make no mistake ,most of them are paid slaves... No if,no maybe

Don't ever underestimate 50 cents since more than 1/4 people in your 3rd world hole made less
than a few so-called 50 cents posts:lol:
There's no point in discussing things with paid slaves and make no mistake ,most of them are paid slaves...

Agreed, perhaps people should not have discussion with some shameless false flagger curry troll.
However if i were you, instead of shooting bad breath from your big mouth how about call your female family members if they're safe or not? as you know rape happen every 20 min in your sh!t hole, so be aware, be extremely aware:azn:
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Real job? like gang raping, Dalit hunting, making indigenous cow pee cola in rapepublic of india?
Polluting this forum and others, how so? perhaps you may have mistaken us as those curry scumbags that open defecate everywhere like animals?

Don't ever underestimate 50 cents since more than 1/4 people in your 3rd world hole made less
than a few so-called 50 cents posts:lol:

Agreed, perhaps people should not have discussion with some shameless false flagger curry troll.
However if i were you, instead of shooting bad breath from your big mouth how about call your female family members if they're safe or not? as you know rape happen every 20 min in your sh!t hole, so be aware, be extremely aware:azn:

:)) Seriously dude...get a real job :)))
Chinese actually bother to find out how other country really is like.

This is because in the past century, after Chinese has been sold these and that ideologies sort of like down the river, generally Chinese are cynical and skeptical about what they heard and been told. Contrary to common believe, common Chinese has an antenna that can pick-up bull-**** from 50 miles away.

I just hope that other national would investigate a little and find out how China really is like instead of just swallowing what bias western media feed you.

I know that China is complex and it is not easy, but I believe that nobody like being a sucker.
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