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China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

You claimed to be a mainlander but you don't know the government model of yours. Yes, neighbor grass look greener. Even Taiwan may be look better than mainland, although the truth is not. I tell you as Taiwanese.

Internet monitoring is part of the social monitoring program by the CCP. Without it, CCP is going to be blind. It's part of democracy policy, where the government care and listen to the people. It works great, as the China government approval and satisfaction rating are the world highest right now, almost a perfect score. The most democratic country in the world right now. Despite there are still a lot of problem and a huge homework need to be done, but overall, people are satisfy.

Don't hear what others said about China, including the article above. French government do internet monitoring too. French wrote and complain about China internet monitoring, is because CCP is blockading and counteracting French attempt to destabilize your country thru internet. So, they tell us that Chinese internet monitoring as EVIL. They just didn't write everything, Evil to whom? To French government interest over China. If you are angry to CCP for the sake of France, you just idiot fall into a trap, a traitor.

Remember French government do internet monitoring too, and they share the data with US.

Dude you dont get it do you.....agreed all gove monitor their netizens to some extent...the point is what do they do with information.....do you see countries you are talking about going after the citizens criticising their gov.
Is that the reason why Chinese are present 24/7 on PDF and other internet forum, earning a living. :lol:
If can get the part job, I will be glad to get it, The damn CPC has lifted the housing price, for chinese like me can't afford it in the city like Shenzheng, Damn CPC.
So how do you earning living? selling god lotion, or device to rich man for filtering ganges river water?

Obviously, as you can see Chinese haven't disputed that report........... but started trolling instead!
Of course, how can be dispute the report indian posting, your purpose we are know well, and you have invincible mouth, let alone your……
No, it should not be a propaganda one.
But it will be. And we all know it. :rolleyes:

The real test is when this Tiananmen Square Massacre is admitted by the Chinese government as a real event, all censorship removed and at the expense of Party image if necessary, then the government steps back and allow truly independent filmmakers have their go at it. They can make a documentary, a fiction inside a real event, or a lopsided narrative.

Your children will not live to see that day.
The US has the first amendment to their constitution which preaches "freedom of speech". What exactly is "freedom of speech" is up to the US supreme court to decide. As is usual for the judeo-christian mentality, the US seem to believe that this is universal truth and the world has to agree to it.

FYI, China is a sovereign country and has her own tradition and culture that might not agree to the US view. Accept it and live with it.

The corrupt will use this infrastructure to stay corrupt while not ending up in prison for it, and supressing freedom of speech this way will also lead to less effective government policies. I'd advise the Chinese government to explicitly allow at least a moderate form of criticizing of their policies, if they want to be truly seen as a government 'for the people' (as their country's official name implies) domestically and outside China.
About the article, I do not know if it is true that China has 2 million people employed to monitor the internet, but Chinese government do have the requirement and duty to monitor internet for social and civil stability purposes. That should be normal for government nowadays.

The recent regulation on rumors was as a result of pass experience. The internet and the public opinion that it manipulated was too unruly. Because of the anonymous nature of the internet, it is too easy for someone to spread rumor on the net for either financial or anti-social reason. Many of the recent internet originated riot and civil unrest were later found out to be based on lies. The regulation is meant to deter irresponsible spreading of lies. Offender would be punished if what they spread were proven to be lies by a court of law.

As is mentioned in the article, Chinese citizen did and still does criticize the government on the internet. They would protest on the street as well. The regulation is meant to stop irresponsible inciting of the public based on lies. And if anyone is charged, the process is transparent to the public as in any other court cases in China.

So far, there are reports of several cases of arrest by police on some people spreading sensational and provocative rumor on the internet. All of them were given administrative detention of at most 10 days. There has not yet been anyone formally charged under the new regulation.

And about the blocked of New York Times by China. New York Times published several articles that contain CIRCUMSTANTIAL INNUENDO on corruption of an incumbent head of government of China. Surely, the New York Times would realize that such action would have political implication. China see this as a blatant attempt at meddling in China internal affair. When did China-US relation get to the level of North Korea or Iran when the US propaganda machine would take potshot at their leader?

I know that China has always been a traditional target but this is too much. But then maybe I am expecting a bit too much.
Dude you dont get it do you.....agreed all gove monitor their netizens to some extent...the point is what do they do with information.....do you see countries you are talking about going after the citizens criticising their gov.

What they do is...more democracy and government satisfaction!

There's a different between Chinese and Western culture, and their perspective toward their government. You can't use one culture to explain the others. It's an act of selfish and ignorant. Beside, like Chinese, many of US citizen are understand about their government monitoring program beside of the media and minor activist rant.

And you don't understand the whole game of propaganda tactics. Will your government accept the Al Qaeda demand under the packet of freedom? Of course you don't. It just some articles to criticize "Chinese Freedom" was well written, and fooled a lot of people who didn't think twice and don't understand the matter.
More news:

Tang Xiaotao has been working as a monitor for less than six months, the report says, without revealing where he works.

"He sits in front of a PC every day, and opening up an application, he types in key words which are specified by clients.

"He then monitors negative opinions related to the clients, and gathers (them) and compile reports and send them to the clients," it says.

The reports says the software used in the office is even more advanced and supported by thousands of servers. It also monitors websites outside China.

read: defence.pk

The government is also to organise training classes for them for the first time from 14 to 18 October, the paper says.

I wonder if by October 18th, the resident Chinese posters will debate better.

BBC News - China employs two million microblog monitors state media say
About the article, I do not know if it is true that China has 2 million people employed to monitor the internet, but Chinese government do have the requirement and duty to monitor internet for social and civil stability purposes. That should be normal for government nowadays.

The recent regulation on rumors was as a result of pass experience. The internet and the public opinion that it manipulated was too unruly. Because of the anonymous nature of the internet, it is too easy for someone to spread rumor on the net for either financial or anti-social reason. Many of the recent internet originated riot and civil unrest were later found out to be based on lies. The regulation is meant to deter irresponsible spreading of lies. Offender would be punished if what they spread were proven to be lies by a court of law.


Well, actually Taiwan has some contribution to the rumors... :partay:

Some of us work for the CIA to infiltrate Chinese internet. Some of the center is in Taiwan and HK.

But it will be. And we all know it. :rolleyes:

The real test is when this Tiananmen Square Massacre is admitted by the Chinese government as a real event, all censorship removed and at the expense of Party image if necessary, then the government steps back and allow truly independent filmmakers have their go at it. They can make a documentary, a fiction inside a real event, or a lopsided narrative.

Your children will not live to see that day.

The communist will be overthrown.

Then Tiananmen Square Bully will be made into documentary film in the very fair perspective.
The US has the first amendment to their constitution which preaches "freedom of speech". What exactly is "freedom of speech" is up to the US supreme court to decide. As is usual for the judeo-christian mentality, the US seem to believe that this is universal truth and the world has to agree to it.

FYI, China is a sovereign country and has her own tradition and culture that might not agree to the US view. Accept it and live with it.
A lot of people around the world do not 'accept it and live with it', whatever 'it' is that might be in their country. They like what they see in the US, especially that annoying 'freedom of speech' thingie, and they believe it to be a 'universal truth'. Now YOU have to live with that and accept the fact that not all want to be sheeple like you.
I don't know how it feels when one cannot protest openly about Govt. actions, or cannot express personal opinion in fear of persecution. I would feel helpless. :undecided:

Respect to Liu Xiaobo and thousands of others who are fighting for the freedom of speech and democracy.

Or, alternatively, this is all about people should not post slanderous information. You should not be allowed to start random rumor just so you can attract a few more viewers. For example, when an earthquake happens and the people are anxiously waiting for news to see if their family is alive. Then some random guy start posting exaggerate posts to attract viewers by claiming these people's families are dead. What are you suppose to do with these people? Well, China's stance is that you are responsible for you say or type, regardless if it is in real life or on the internet.

Also, Chinese government is quite open with criticism. Not only they allows people to post and discuss their opinions, they also actively reach out for the people and more important, they actually do improve overtime. Can the Indian claim the same thing for their government?
A lot of people around the world do not 'accept it and live with it', whatever 'it' is that might be in their country. They like what they see in the US, especially that annoying 'freedom of speech' thingie, and they believe it to be a 'universal truth'. Now YOU have to live with that and accept the fact that not all want to be sheeple like you.
I have always accepted and lived with people of other country's sovereign right to live and pursue their happiness in whichever way they believe in.

I just ask Chinese view to be accepted and respected.

Taking what you believed and labeled it "universal truth" and used it to criticize other culture is rather oppressively fascist, don't you agree?
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