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China pays 2 million to monitor Internet

Actually, this forum is a breath of fresh air for them. I may joke about them being part of the '50-cent army', who knows if such truly exists or not, but this place offers freedoms and knowledge they know they could never experience in China. For the first time, they probably know what true and free intellectual discourses are like. They can engage in it as well as being able to put on a nationalistic front for all to see.

indeed this is really a breath of fresh air, you aint exactly get to meet some one who got top secrete security clearance easily on forum like this do you?:omghaha:
indeed this is really a breath of fresh air, you aint exactly get to meet some one who got top secrete security clearance easily on forum like this do you?:omghaha:
Are you not glad you are on the Internet now?
Thats true monitoring is good for few , and we all know who it is and why?

China internet monitoring is different. Most people in the world don't know how China run the country, the government model of China. What they know, China is not a democracy with public election like theirs. No public election means dictatorship. That's all.

It is very good that Chinese government listen people opinion in internet, directly! Rather than a representative in the democracy political party. Do you think our political parties listen to the people will? They only use our voices for their political gain to challenge the current ruler. Not until, people held a massive protest and even brutal one, finally the government will listen to us.

It is hard to believe...but probably China is the most democratic country in the world right now. Unlike democracy country who has public election to "aspiring" people voice, China democracy mechanism is direct social monitoring. Internet monitoring is part of it.

Do Chinese people care about internet monitoring? If they don't, why should foreigner protest about it?

So far, Chinese people enjoy the real democracy with extreme satisfaction, while the rest of the world don't.
China internet monitoring is different. Most people in the world don't know how China run the country, the government model of China. What they know, China is not a democracy with public election like theirs. No public election means dictatorship. That's all.

It is very good that Chinese government listen people opinion in internet, directly! Rather than a representative in the democracy political party. Do you think our political parties listen to the people will? They only use our voices for their political gain to challenge the current ruler. Not until, people held a massive protest and even brutal one, finally the government will listen to us.

It is hard to believe...but probably China is the most democratic country in the world right now. Unlike democracy country who has public election to "aspiring" people voice, China democracy mechanism is direct social monitoring. Internet monitoring is part of it.

Do Chinese people care about internet monitoring? If they don't, why should foreigner protest about it?

So far, Chinese people enjoy the real democracy with extreme satisfaction, while the rest of the world don't.
So oppression is democracy. All hail '1984'. :lol:
Buddy, when people talk about monitoring the Internet, China comes to the fore, despite the NSA's shenanigans. People know that the NSA can be shut down but not the Chinese government who in fact have the authority and the power to shut down the Chinese people's access to the Internet.

So when people talk about China and the Internet, the NSA pales in comparison to this...

Beijing To Crack Down On Social Media 'Slanderous Rumors' : The Two-Way : NPR

China cracks down on social media with threat of jail for 'online rumours' | World news | theguardian.com

It has been reported that local police have used this law to suppress the spread of local news that could prove damaging to the image of local Party officials or even to the point of arresting people for accidentally spreading wrong information of traffic accidents as 'rumors' or 'slander' or 'defamation'. Ten years for miscounting how many cars were involved in a fender-bender? And you want to talk about the NSA? But of course, talking about the NSA offers your fellow Chinese escape from the oppressiveness they have to live under and even pretends to support for the public face.

Then again in America you have the case of Aaron Swartz and he maybe just the tip of the iceberg.

Aaron Swartz was 'killed by the government,' father tells mourners - Los Angeles Times
So oppression is democracy. All hail '1984'. :lol:

That is what our mainstream media said about China, oppression.

Many of us live and believe in the illusion that we are living in "the real perfect democratic" country. Before Snowden, we are believe our privacy is secure.

Insecurity and pressure that finally drove China democratic evolution to the next level, and it's still going on.
So oppression is democracy. All hail '1984'. :lol:

Say hello to this guy. :laughcry:

Say hello to this guy. :laughcry:

The movie about wikileaks is out and so far got excellent reviews. Probably a movie about Snowden will be made as well.

So tell US, would the Chinese government allow a movie be made -- IN CHINA -- about Tiananmen Square Massacre? Let me guess, the event never happened, right? So then, would the Chinese government allow the movie to be made as a fiction? :lol:
The movie about wikileaks is out and so far got excellent reviews. Probably a movie about Snowden will be made as well.

So tell US, would the Chinese government allow a movie be made -- IN CHINA -- about Tiananmen Square Massacre? Let me guess, the event never happened, right? So then, would the Chinese government allow the movie to be made as a fiction? :lol:

If China made a Tiananmen Square Protest documentary video, we should tell the truth.

The story will begin with the Albert Einstein Institute in HK, including Taiwan involvement too.

We see the opportunity when students started to protest in Tiananmen Square. We welcome and help a lot of US workers from CIA, preparing them to infiltrate these students. It was a very busy moment in US embassy in Beijing. We also help coordinating VOA to broadcast anti-government propaganda, rise students moral, spread distrust propaganda, and the most importance lure them into a bloody violence protest. The more blood it spoiled the better it is. Their life should be sacrificed for our political interest, we use them for the best of us.

But it is a disappointment. So we prepared another protest, a city wide protest. We want as chaotic and bloody as possible. It help to overthrow the Communist government. We prepared two groups, one is worker protesters and another one is the violence protesters. For the violence protesters, we prepared them with weapons and molotov bombs, that we smuggled to China. At the time gasoline was rationed, so we need another source of gasoline to create molotov bombs. We prepared very well.

The worker protest turn out to be disappointment, it's not enough! So the violence protesters came into the scene, pour into the street, start to attack and destroy everything. We put some people in the field to coordinate their attack.

And so on...

At the end of the documentary movie, we also tell the life of Tiananmen protester leaders. How they embrace Christianity and operate anti-Chinese movement. In the spirit of Christianity, they told how cannibal and disgusting the Chinese are. <-- Crazy Mainlanders!

We also tell about the scene where a student stand in front of a tank (the famous moment). How US journalists use this and manipulate the truth. From standing in front of a tank, twisted to be hit and rolled by the tank. Where Tiananmen square became a massacre field where students were killed and rolled by tanks. Full of Blood! While the truth, the students left the square peacefully and yelling anti-US anti-CIA slogans. <-- Stupid Students!

I can say US is very busy country at the time. Because 1989 was a crucial year to end communism. Not just in China, but entire world! This should be included at the end of the documentary video too.

The truth of Tiananmen Protest Documentary Video. People and the world should know the truth! We will create an authentic documentary video as possible.
If China made a Tiananmen Square Protest documentary video, we should tell the truth.
So it is going to be a propaganda movie. :lol:

Sorry, but that is not what I was asking about. I asked if the Chinese government would ALLOW the making such a movie. Not make it or even sponsor it. Did the US government made The Fifth Estate, the wikileaks movie? No. Did the US government approved it? Certainly not, right?

Would the Chinese government ALLOW someone independent of the government, even a foreigner, make a movie about the Tiananmen Square Massacre with the potential of making the Chinese government look bad? The US tolerate it all the time. So why is the Chinese government so weak? :lol:
I'm not going to dispute this, I don't know if this is true. If it is I'm not surprised. Though I will say this, internet monitoring is considered part of internal security, how it is conducted and by who is top secret. Highly unlikely it is revealed to anyone, there may only be one or two that actually knows the full extent of the monitoring.

Now on to new business, @gambit I know you like to judge China as not free. According to Western standards it's certainly not. Or any standard for that matter. But it really isn't that much of an inconvenience, not really. If you think about it, when I was working in the US, I was dying for Chinese food, but couldn't get it. Made me really depressed, now you wouldn't feel that despite that you also live in the US.

We have different levels of comfort, not everyone likes the same thing. I'm not saying media shouldn't be free, but it's not a one rule applies to all kind of deal.

Most times we are over critical of things, China 30 years ago to now. The result is for everyone to see. I don't know what could have happened and what didn't happen.

I do know what did happen. What did happen is China will cross the 9 Trillion GDP mark, will reach about 10 more or less next year.

We are far richer than our supposed free neighbors. It's not even close. Minus Japan, Korea, of course.

Now, let's talk about some funny business on this forum, those that make fun of this '50 cent' army, if you are American, fine, do that.

But if you are Indian, Philippines or any other crap third world country, improve your living standard first. I can understand first world insults, but your people could really use 50 cents far more than us.

Usually the guys that runs last in a race don't make fun of the guy in front of them for not getting first place.
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So it is going to be a propaganda movie. :lol:

Sorry, but that is not what I was asking about. I asked if the Chinese government would ALLOW the making such a movie. Not make it or even sponsor it. Did the US government made The Fifth Estate, the wikileaks movie? No. Did the US government approved it? Certainly not, right?

Would the Chinese government ALLOW someone independent of the government, even a foreigner, make a movie about the Tiananmen Square Massacre with the potential of making the Chinese government look bad? The US tolerate it all the time. So why is the Chinese government so weak? :lol:

No, it should not be a propaganda one. China should already leave the Cold War mentality, no more communism versus democracy anymore. China should back to his root.

In today China, there's no more Mao Zedong vs Chiang Kai Shek. Both of them are equally idiot, one is a communist and other is a christian. I give my fingers to both of them! :nana:

In the documentary video, we also tell the truth, behind the students protest, what motivate them. It should be started with the disastrous foreign worshiper communist era of mainland China, a disastrous Deng Xiaobing economy reform, then continued to the CCTV documentary video to humiliate and defame Confucianism and the whole Chinese civilization in the mid '80. That created a very low moral and lost confidence of mainlanders to became a Chinese (that supposed to be a very proud people of the Empires, 5000 years of history and the grandeur of the Chinese civilization). These motivated the students and rioters, to sold out the whole China to foreigners.

When CCTV broadcast a documentary video to humiliate and defame Confucianism and the whole Chinese civilization. It become a hot topic at the time in China. We, people in Taiwan and HK were just jaw dropped seeing mainlanders behavior. How can CCTV call Confucianism and the whole Chinese civilization as the source of poverty and backwardness??? It was the communist, TRAITORS!!!
I'm not going to dispute this, I don't know if this is true. If it is I'm not surprised. Though I will say this, internet monitoring is considered part of internal security, how it is conducted and by who is top secret. Highly unlikely it is revealed to anyone, there may only be one or two that actually knows the full extent of the monitoring.


You claimed to be a mainlander but you don't know the government model of yours. Yes, neighbor grass look greener. Even Taiwan may be look better than mainland, although the truth is not. I tell you as Taiwanese.

Internet monitoring is part of the social monitoring program by the CCP. Without it, CCP is going to be blind. It's part of democracy policy, where the government care and listen to the people. It works great, as the China government approval and satisfaction rating are the world highest right now, almost a perfect score. The most democratic country in the world right now. Despite there are still a lot of problem and a huge homework need to be done, but overall, people are satisfy.

Don't hear what others said about China, including the article above. French government do internet monitoring too. French wrote and complain about China internet monitoring, is because CCP is blockading and counteracting French attempt to destabilize your country thru internet. So, they tell us that Chinese internet monitoring as EVIL. They just didn't write everything, Evil to whom? To French government interest over China. If you are angry to CCP for the sake of France, you just idiot fall into a trap, a traitor.

Remember French government do internet monitoring too, and they share the data with US.
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