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China: Pakistani student killed for dating Chinese girl by her father and brother.

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First the incident did occur in a Hui region of China, Shenyang city is full of them I mean @Foxtrot Delta lived there for years and studied there and Chinese are known to sleep around in the west
Again, that’s just easy to write. You don’t know if those were Han or hui. You are just winging it. Most likely it was han Chinese bc China is 90% han Chinese so the chances of that are much higher.

Unless you give any solid proof of otherwise
i tell you ita Hui, believe or not.
How do you know it’s Hui Muslims and not regular Chinese??

Just wondering...

It kinda makes sense bc Chinese girls date, sleep around all the time with foreigners and non-Chinese and it’s not a problem....whether in China and especially here in Western world. Whereas Muslim girls are far more reserved in that regard and it’s not uncommon to see people landing in big trouble if they mess around with Muslim girls. Muslim families will tear you apart for that many times.

But having said all of that, I still would like to know how you are so sure that they were Hui Muslims? Most likely an average Han Chinese family.
Which group of people will perform murder,even their own daughter, just because they are dating? A hint, not in Chinese culture.

i tell you ita Hui, believe or not.

Why would I believe it? Lol

Hui Chinese are restricted in Central Asia. Beijing, where this incident happened, is literally 99% Han chinese. Those people are han Chinese and acting like barbarians.

But then again, it’s not surprising. As I said, China seems to be a place with no culture anymore. Just monotonic materialism. We have all seen videos where such things keep happening in China and nobody gives a shit. A toddler got run over by a truck, people saw it, and kept of walking and talking as if nothing happened.

Disgusting! Lol

Don’t make excuses.
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