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China: Pakistani student killed for dating Chinese girl by her father and brother.

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@T-123456 @Indus Pakistan I really think that huge countries specially developing ones and ones rotting like US..

Have fuked up societies..

Did you see the news from India, where a woman was raped on the curb? Of public masterbation?harrasment,female fetus genocide,brothers sharig wives,temple prostitution and so on so forth?

Did you guys see viral videos from china where motorists intentionally kill people they hit? Coz its cheaper to cover funeral costs than medical bills in case of injury?
People generally not giving a crap about murder and other fuked up things happening in public?

Even the american society has fuked up issues..

Degeneration of societies...

Now im not saying that rapes,murders etc dont happen elsewhere! They do.. Pakistanis were shocked when we 6 year old Zainab was murdered? But did you see the fuking outcry? Yeah nobody knew that a fuking monster was living among them and acting all pious... but the people fuking stood up!
You cant just harass someone on a street in Pakistan.. let alone masterbate in public lol.

In Pakistan when something happens what the fk do our people do? Form a crowd and get in there to help... they dont just wait for rescue services.. the guys nearby become the first reaponders... in other societies— nobody wants more troubles in their lives? They probably consider it a virtue..

I hope you understand my point..
The world is changing for the worst,maybe Kiyamet(end of times) is coming.
Most people in China are atheists. We are definitely secular and we don't know what "honor killings" are. Chinese do not understand this word

So, let me get this straight, Hui are not Chinese?

@Nilgiri India being dragged in to underline the 'Iron Brother' feel good factor with the underlying proverbial stick. Typical Pakistanis ... supposedly a German! Spin spin and more spin.

Same as in Pakistan,there is honor killing in China too. to prevent family blood from being contaminated, the father and son decided to put an end to it themselves.

But @long_ says this:

Most people in China are atheists. We are definitely secular and we don't know what "honor killings" are. Chinese do not understand this word
Dear Pakistani students...Welcome to China..

Video of a horrific killing of a Pakistani student in plain public view in Beijing China and people just casuallt strolled by.
Osama Ahmad Khan was a Civil Engineering Student at Shenyang University.
He was dating a Chinese girl which can be seen here trying to protect him. Her close relatives are "Honor Killing" the Pakistani student.
the most disturbing part is the insensitivity of the chinese people .
The Boy's head is being crushed by stones and he is being killed while sone Chinese are making this video and others are not bothered to intervene and stop the murderers.
There has been no update if the killers have been aprehended by Chinese authorities or not..
This is the second such case this year in China.
Centuries of Killing female babies and resultant shortage of women in Chinese culture makes a chinese woman a very sort after commodity and family members giving her hand to the highest bidder.
Likewise with better economy and Chinese having more money, racism is also rampant and "How dare a foreigner date our girl" type mentality is very common.
Shortage of women in China made Chinese men sex hungry wolves who will rip apart any competition.
It can be said that Chin ais not a safe country for Pakistani students.

I didn't find the news in Chinese.
If Pakistani citizens were killed in India, what would you indians do?
The indians are going to raise this thing as a national rivalry, a racial rivalry, a religious rivalry?

Frankly, neither Pakistanis nor Indians would care. Life if very cheap in these countries. But let us get back to your emphasis on 'Chinese do not know honour killing' claim. The other member from China says they do. So, is he a foreign plant? A Nationalist? Or a pragmatic Chinese member?

fake news as expected.

So what happened with the said gentleman? Is he alive? Is he deceased?
If Pakistani citizens were killed in India, what would you indians do?
The indians are going to raise this thing as a national rivalry, a racial rivalry, a religious rivalry?
they will celeberate.
Then you should prove me wrong,you think i have no knowledge about your society?
I have real life Han Chinese friends who have family and visit China every year,they tell me whats going on over there.
Or just take a look at all the YouTube films,ill never forget the one with the little girl overran by a minibus,they all watched,nobody fvcking helped the child.
Nothing stays hidden in todays society.
Your biggest problem is to admit.
if i were there, i will help.

but i might get serious wounded by the Hui. the goverment shall seriously adopt iron fist on those Hui mobs, teach them how to behave.
Again, that’s just easy to write. You don’t know if those were Han or hui. You are just winging it. Most likely it was han Chinese bc China is 90% han Chinese so the chances of that are much higher.

Unless you give any solid proof of otherwise

Crimes like this will be checked and punished according to the law very soom in china
According chinese law, the guy will be punished dead;
But it is between muslim, if using muslim rule, we don't know the result

But it seems a lot of pakistani are so radical, your radical thoughts lead your nation into the poor situation, no one can really rescue you except your nation itself
Frankly, neither Pakistanis nor Indians would care. Life if very cheap in these countries. But let us get back to your emphasis on 'Chinese do not know honour killing' claim. The other member from China says they do. So, is he a foreign plant? A Nationalist? Or a pragmatic Chinese member?

So what happened with the said gentleman? Is he alive? Is he deceased?
why the brother and Father killed that Pakistani boy if their daughter love him? they will face death penalty for sure. China is.not an Islamic state, we have very strict laws. honour killing will not be tolerated at all. zero tolerance.

Huis nowadays beahve like wahhabists, they think they are the descendants of Saud or Persians.
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