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China: Pakistani student killed for dating Chinese girl by her father and brother.

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Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
A shocking video of a Pakistani man, Osama Ahmed Khan, being beaten to death in Beijing, China surfaced on social media on Sunday.

The video which was shared by journalist Ali Arif on his Facebook page, shows Osama being beaten by two men using objects that look like a stone and brick.

According to information shared on social media, Osama was killed by the brother and father of a girl he was dating. The father-son duo strike have Osama face down on a pedestrian crossing as they beat him on a main road in a seemingly well-populated area.

Many cars, motors and pedestrians pass by but do not look twice or stop or even call the police.

The deceased belonged to Bahawalpur and was a Civil Engineering student at Shenyang University in Liaoning, China.

Lots of people in the Facebook comments section are saying he's not Pakistani but is German.

What's the most shocking is how no one intervenes or calls for help.
A shocking video of a Pakistani man, Osama Ahmed Khan, being beaten to death in Beijing, China surfaced on social media on Sunday.

The video which was shared by journalist Ali Arif on his Facebook page, shows Osama being beaten by two men using objects that look like a stone and brick.

According to information shared on social media, Osama was killed by the brother and father of a girl he was dating. The father-son duo strike have Osama face down on a pedestrian crossing as they beat him on a main road in a seemingly well-populated area.

Many cars, motors and pedestrians pass by but do not look twice or stop or even call the police.

The deceased belonged to Bahawalpur and was a Civil Engineering student at Shenyang University in Liaoning, China.

I bet there wasnt even a police report about the killing.
Lots of people in the Facebook comments section are saying he's not Pakistani but is German.

What's the most shocking is how no one intervenes or calls for help.

It doesn't matter which country he belongs, he was murdered in the middle of a busy streets with no one coming to help or calling the police :(
I bet there wasnt even a police report about the killing.
Absolutely shocking. Murders happen but what is surprising is no one intervenes. A human being is being bludgeoned to death but everybody just walks past. Only recently another pakistani student was stabbed to death next to his Chinese girlfriend. My advice to Paks. When in China keept it zipped.

This is domestic crime and happens in every country not only China. Many people are killed in Europe USA and other countries due to domestic crimes. Very sad to see these crimes happen around the world.
Absolutely shocking. Murders happen but what is surprising is no one intervenes. A human being is being bludgeoned to death but everybody just walks past. Only recently another pakistani student was stabbed to death next to his Chinese girlfriend. My advice to Paks. When in China keept it zipped.

They are materialistic,no compassion no sympathy no commiseration no remorse no culture(most) nothing,the communist party made sure of that.
So,what do you expect?

This is domestic crime and happens in every country not only China. Many people are killed in Europe USA and other countries due to domestic crimes. Very sad to see these crimes happen around the world.
That is bs,at least one person would have intervened in those countries.
Brutal murder of a foreigner on your land is hardly a "Domestic" issue.

All your embassy can do it is ask Chinese govt to investigate. Just like a Chinese engineer was shot in Pakistan few days back and all Chinese could do is ask us to investigate. He was not killed for being Pakistani but was killed for having a relation with their daughter. I think if the boy was German Arab or African those would have done the same so it falls in domestic crime.

This is not an issue for opposition to ask govt to serve ties with China.
I wasn't expecting cold blooded reaction from people on main road.
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