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China: Pakistani student killed for dating Chinese girl by her father and brother.

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Dear Pakistani students...Welcome to China..

Video of a horrific killing of a Pakistani student in plain public view in Beijing China and people just casuallt strolled by.
Osama Ahmad Khan was a Civil Engineering Student at Shenyang University.
He was dating a Chinese girl which can be seen here trying to protect him. Her close relatives are "Honor Killing" the Pakistani student.
the most disturbing part is the insensitivity of the chinese people .
The Boy's head is being crushed by stones and he is being killed while sone Chinese are making this video and others are not bothered to intervene and stop the murderers.
There has been no update if the killers have been aprehended by Chinese authorities or not..
This is the second such case this year in China.
Centuries of Killing female babies and resultant shortage of women in Chinese culture makes a chinese woman a very sort after commodity and family members giving her hand to the highest bidder.
Likewise with better economy and Chinese having more money, racism is also rampant and "How dare a foreigner date our girl" type mentality is very common.
Shortage of women in China made Chinese men sex hungry wolves who will rip apart any competition.
It can be said that Chin ais not a safe country for Pakistani students.
They are materialistic,no compassion no sympathy no commiseration no remorse no culture(most) nothing,the communist party made sure of that.
So,what do you expect?

That is bs,at least one person would have intervened in those countries.

May be those 2 were gangsters in the area and rest of the people feared them. Just like yakuza. A normal person would not kill if you were banging her daughter. This would have been only a beating so it means those 2 were not normal and belonged to some crime rig.
Absolutely shocking. Murders happen but what is surprising is no one intervenes. A human being is being bludgeoned to death but everybody just walks past. Only recently another pakistani student was stabbed to death next to his Chinese girlfriend. My advice to Paks. When in China keept it zipped.

Well guess what I just came back from the Twitter troll fest and this is great ammunition for Tarek Fateh and his ganngoo crew truly sad incident I hope the relevant authorities do what they can but alas we cant predict what will happen in the Chinese Judicial System From what I read the dude who got killed was dating a Hui girl so Chinese Muslim and I think the father and brother wasnt fond of this but such isolated incidents should not sever a geo-startegic relations with the PRC
Dear Pakistani students...Welcome to China..

Video of a horrific killing of a Pakistani student in plain public view in Beijing China and people just casuallt strolled by.
Osama Ahmad Khan was a Civil Engineering Student at Shenyang University.
He was dating a Chinese girl which can be seen here trying to protect him. Her close relatives are "Honor Killing" the Pakistani student.
the most disturbing part is the insensitivity of the chinese people .
The Boy's head is being crushed by stones and he is being killed while sone Chinese are making this video and others are not bothered to intervene and stop the murderers.
There has been no update if the killers have been aprehended by Chinese authorities or not..
This is the second such case this year in China.
Centuries of Killing female babies and resultant shortage of women in Chinese culture makes a chinese woman a very sort after commodity and family members giving her hand to the highest bidder.
Likewise with better economy and Chinese having more money, racism is also rampant and "How dare a foreigner date our girl" type mentality is very common.
Shortage of women in China made Chinese men sex hungry wolves who will rip apart any competition.
It can be said that Chin ais not a safe country for Pakistani students.

Go to liveleaks this is a common thing in cheen. People will be dying on the road and no one will help them. There was a video of
a toddler who got run over by a truck and other cars continued to drive over her body while people walked by not caring.
As horrible as this is, it can happen in any country . Do not make this a country specific thread. Criminals should be punished
Disgusting. No one stops to intervene. Must have looked at the brown skin on the person they were beating and looked away.
I expect China to take action against these people, but if the same thing happened in Pakistan I guarantee the killers would be declared heroes for "protecting their sisters honour"
China's policy of selling weapons to anyone and not worrying about how they are used pretty much filters into the general populace, make money anyway you can and don't get involved in other people's affairs, even if someone is getting beaten to a bloody pulp or a child getting run over. Same with the ultra violent culture and mass shootings in the USA, their foreign policy is might makes right and we'll bomb you back to the stone age if you don't submit.
All your embassy can do it is ask Chinese govt to investigate. Just like a Chinese engineer was shot in Pakistan few days back and all Chinese could do is ask us to investigate. He was not killed for being Pakistani but was killed for having a relation with their daughter. I think if the boy was German Arab or African those would have done the same so it falls in domestic crime.

This is not an issue for opposition to ask govt to serve ties with China.
There's a difference between a murder for personal grudge and an act of terrorism for a political incentive. You can pass it on as a domestic crime to play it down, but there are even International laws dealing with such matters . Pakistan can lodge a protest and it must do that, if the victim in the video is indeed a Pakistani.
Pakistani establishment may have strong relations with the Chinese, but incident like this will deal a great blow to the public perception of China, regardless what a meager number of "intellectuals" believe. This news is already trending at social media and there is massive outcry.
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