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China, Pakistan air forces launch joint training exercise

and you are relying on believes that JF-17 is superior to every threat out there and can counter them just like PAF

keep defending JF-17 like you are doing the thing is J-11B is superior to JF-17 i don't wanna discuss about J-11D here which might have killed 3 JF-17's

FACT is JF-17 is not even close to F-16's Block 52 yet :D :D
and we don't know what will block III will look like everything is speculations

First of all, do not attribute false information to myself. I am not defending JF-17, I am merely asking people to hold their comments until information from a more reliable source is available.

Next, you are destroying the value of this forum by propagating your keyboard warrior evaluation of fighter jets with no expertise at all. So I am asking you to cease and desist.

Who decides WHAT is reliable ? AND what is not ?

Mind your caps. And nobody asked for your opinion on anything, least of all 'reliable sources'.

It is currently early morning in Sydney. Once my native Chinese speaking friends arrive, I will confirm with them and post here. Or, some other well known Chinese members such as @Chinese-Dragon and @wanglaokan might post.
I take that tweet as telling me that the Chinese are now a very well trained force in WVR

Mind your caps. And nobody asked for your opinion on anything, least of all 'reliable sources'.

It is currently early morning in Sydney. Once my native Chinese speaking friends arrive, I will confirm with them and post here. Or, some other well known Chinese members such as @Chinese-Dragon and @wanglaokan might post.
Do not quote this troll- he is a pathetic cross border fellow who aims to derail every thread. Will deal with him in due course
woow now paf pilots will learn a lot from this exercise
@Muhammad Omar and everyone else. My Chinese friend just confirmed the literal translation

" the J-11 finally grabbed a fleeting advantage to gain victory"

In general, multiple rounds of combat were held between 2 JF-17 Thunders and 1 J-11. After many tries, in the final round, J-11 used a fleeting advantage to gain victory.

@HRK we need to set the record straight on Twitter as well.
@Muhammad Omar and everyone else. My Chinese friend just confirmed the literal translation

" the J-11 finally grabbed a fleeting advantage to gain victory"

In general, multiple rounds of combat were held between 2 JF-17 Thunders and 1 J-11. After many tries, in the final round, J-11 used a fleeting advantage to gain victory.

@HRK we need to set the record straight on Twitter as well.

can you plz ask your Chinese friend to translate the relevant paragraph .... it will be helpful

I ask for confirmation of Bing Translation to Hendrik_2000 (who I think is the one tweeted about J-11 & JF-17) on the other forum but no reply yet
can you plz ask your Chinese friend to translate the relevant paragraph .... it will be helpful

I ask for confirmation of Bing Translation to Hendrik_2000 (who I think is the one tweeted about J-11 & JF-17) on the other forum but no reply yet

We will have to wait till Monday, I am afraid.
no issue I will wait ....

Btw, in case you are wondering, I had an overall discussion with him regarding the meaning. It is confirmed there were multiple rounds and only in the end did J-11 win.

The way I have seen my friends translate, they roll up their sleeves and take it on as a mathematical challenge. There is no 'word to word' translation. You glean the semantics and express them in English. The paragraph translation will be no different to what I have written.
What is the paragraph you want translated? I can have it translated by a close friend

Well @HRK would feel more comfortable if he could get an independent verification of the meaning of following paragraph


2对2变成了1对2,朱振华没有申请取消对抗。战机升空后,他放开手脚,敢打敢拼,经过数个回合“激战”,最终抓住稍纵即逝的战机取得空战胜利。“Mr.ZHU,good job!”酣畅淋漓的对抗后,巴方飞行员拍着朱振华肩膀说,不只是为他的技战术,更为他身上的血性。
Well @HRK would feel more comfortable if he could get an independent verification of the meaning of following paragraph

I am comfortable even with translation you provided; I actually want to understand the context & the theme of that paragraph as bing translation is indicating in the end part of the paragraph that it was an individual achievement because of some aggressive & bold maneuvering & tactics for which the Chinese pilot received praise from Pakistan side as well.

If this is the case then this could not be taken as an STANDARD RESULT or as THE MOST LIKELY OUTCOME of any possible engagement b/w JF-17 & J-11(or Su-series)
I am comfortable even with translation you provided; I actually want to understand the context & the theme of that paragraph as bing translation is indicating in the end part of the paragraph that it was an individual achievement because of some aggressive & bold maneuvering & tactics for which the Chinese pilot received praise from Pakistan side as well.

If this is the case then this could not be taken as an STANDARD RESULT or as THE MOST LIKELY OUTCOME of any possible engagement b/w JF-17 & J-11(or Su-series)

Agreed. No simulated exercise can be taken as definitive. Normally, if you are going to determine superiority in a simulated environment, you go to lengths in order to ensure that effects such as pilot ability don't skew the results. This sounds like a training exercise. The initial parameters if the exercise could not be met because of issue in one of the jets so the training proceeded in a 1 v 2 configuration.
First of all, do not attribute false information to myself. I am not defending JF-17, I am merely asking people to hold their comments until information from a more reliable source is available.

Next, you are destroying the value of this forum by propagating your keyboard warrior evaluation of fighter jets with no expertise at all. So I am asking you to cease and desist.

I'm not being the keyboard warrior neither i quoted your comment in the first place i saw the tweet it says 1 J-11B defeated 2 JF-17 weather it was after several rounds or fleeting advantage or whatever advantage thing is that 1 plane has a lot advantage then 2 JF simple

neither i'm attributing any false information here the link and source of the news is not me it was posted here

ok waiting for a more reliable source do tag me
I'm not being the keyboard warrior neither i quoted your comment in the first place i saw the tweet it says 1 J-11B defeated 2 JF-17 weather it was after several rounds or fleeting advantage or whatever advantage thing is that 1 plane has a lot advantage then 2 JF simple

neither i'm attributing any false information here the link and source of the news is not me it was posted here

ok waiting for a more reliable source do tag me

Look at the bold part above. Let me translate it for you:

You saw, you self-reinforced, you stated.

I am trying to tell you that you should stop at the seeing part.

Further, have a look at the bold part below. Please avoid sharing such gems, because they are the defining characteristic of keyboard warriors. This thread being about China/Pakistan exercise, it would be off topic to even try and refute any of this in detail. But for the sake of intellectual honesty, I consider it my duty to call this out and inform you that you are wrong.

and you are relying on believes that JF-17 is superior to every threat out there and can counter them just like PAF

keep defending JF-17 like you are doing the thing is J-11B is superior to JF-17 i don't wanna discuss about J-11D here which might have killed 3 JF-17's

FACT is JF-17 is not even close to F-16's Block 52 yet :D :D
and we don't know what will block III will look like everything is speculations

See the videos of Oscar of the dogfight between IAF and PAF against MKI Mirages etc that's gonna be the eye opener for sure
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