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China-Pak in MoU to develop stealth variant of JF-17 Thunder

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Mr Indian-Devil first of all 'donot' is not a word, so my advice is to brush up on on your writing skills before you come here and ask mundane useless question's.

Additionally... did you not read my post properly, I said you won't find any credible links in what Pakistan has contributed to the project, because that is not the way PAF operates, if you can't get that through your head, then see a Psychiatrists. Also the question you have asked has been answered many times by Senior member's in the JF-17 thread. You Indian's remind of a Parrot, maybe you should do a DNA tests to see if your related.

Ramu why are you acting like a four eyed monkey?
Can you please answer me this question first and give me credible links, before we talk about the JF-17, otherwise hush your gum.

These are typical Indian replies.......i smell a troll honestly:coffee: mod....please do the needful:mod:
And for your information JF-17 is a mean machine,
it is currently Pakistan best fighter jet apart from the f-16 block-52.

Why ? , because it's called thunder ?
Seriously though , why is it the second best plane for the PAF , when it also operates the Mirage fighter.

And don't tell me , it none of business, its top secret and all such nonsense.

Talk about radar, Missiles , EW suits , avionics

What sets it apart from different, aircrafts is that for such a low price it is as good as any other 4th generation fighter jet, and it cost only $15 to $20 million dollars,

Cost effectiveness does not make it a mean machine , It is a very attractive attribute. But not exactly threatening on the battlefield.

What performance based or Design based Attributes set it apart from the Contemporary plane

I would like to see the Indian try and replicate that, I think not.

Replicate what exactly ,

Tejas also costs under 25 million for you information.
That's after setting up all infrastructure related to aircraft R&D , for radars , engines , design and testing.

Cost can be brought down even lower when the KAveri is finally ready

Furthermore many countries are interested in purchasing the JF-17, its only a matter of time.

Time will tell , but Interest does not equal purchase.
Exports are still a ways , no one has even asked for JF-17 trials as of yet.

And you are jealous because every thread of the JF-17 has been derailed by Indians, hijacked by asking useless questions, its like your on suger rush. Like i said to Ramu, you lot might be related to parrots.

Look at the Chronological order of how this thread was derailed.

It's always il-informed Members casting jokes on the LCA , Because they can't answer out questions. Instead they go on the offensive derailing the thread.

From out point of view , there is nothing for us to be jealous about.

You obviously don't know anything about airplanes.... A plane with 15% new design can be considered a new plane. Modifying JF17 can also mean anything from a slightly different variant to developing a drastically different new plane.

The only joke of the century is your LCA, not the JF-17.

:rofl: :rofl: Please don't say anything about LCA, it hurts :rofl:

Because there are different levels of stealth sir. Some stealth is better then no stealth and lots of stealth is better then some. Stop trying to downplay a stealthy JF-17 and keep trying to produce your amazing LCA aircraft that keeps running into delays. There is no such thing as a completely stealth aircraft. Even the F-22 can be detected if your close enough to it. The whole point is to reduce/disrupt radar detection range.

Stealthy version is not a distant dream anymore as technologies are being developed for JXX and some are being tested on J-10b and J-11s. These technologies can be readily accommodated to some extent in JFT stealth version. By the way, JXX is likely to fly late 2011 or early 2012 and avionics, sensor integration is on as of now. We (China-Pakistan) are going ahead in this arena and having explored new dimensions more than once, one has to think where LCA stands today?

Last time i heard LCA was using foreign Engine & Radar & Kaveri was no where

then why india testing israeli radar and forigen engines and avionics on Lca?

Yeah right India owned, It was india own when it failed you before, then you put some foreign stuff to make it work, and guess what, it is flying, bravo

You talk about Kaveri engine all the time, even when it is not ready

You have built a radar?? where is it??, you are using Israeli radar

Buddy, look at the history and you will get your answer just why Pakistan avoided the Indian route of reinventing the wheel. We went the smarter way of JV instead of lifting a massive burden of entire manufacturing process in house without having appropriate R&D and necessary resources. The fact is that JFT IS in service because of this strategy today and LCA is NOT. Until it arrives in IAF colors, lets not go into repeatedly discussed details plz..................

Fact is Indians can talk as much as they want in how good the LCA is, but until it is operational, I think its best too pipe down, because at least we have the JF-17 operational with a squadron available. While the LCA is still test flying, it's looks good in paper but in reality its a pile of ****, in which the Indian etablishment royally messed up, but is trying to save face in not looking like a clown and letting down its people.

You know while you can proudly look at something which is on paper, we Pakistanis can proudly look at something which is not only active in duty but also drawing a lot of attention and attracting international costumers. So let me ask again what Nabil asked earlier......where does LCA stand?
So before you challenge us, at least make sure the jet gets inducted first in the IAF.

just one thing who is not doing JV

euro fighter

and in future there will be more examples

it better to do JV

as product will be in air in years

like JF-17

instead trying to work alone and make product in decades like


So your saying that the LCA was a testing bed for foreign tech so you can develop your own (Isn't the LCA your fighter ?) Its been almost a decade since the aircraft flew and your still having large amounts of foreign input on it. Now your saying your going to be able to build a 5th gen aircraft ? What will that take a 2 to 3 more decades of foreign input ? Another sinkhole ? :rofl:

I have no problem with anything entering our Air Force we are already set with our F-35/F-16s/Possible Eurofighter and if the JF-17 needs induction that can be added too. It is just that you seem to be under the impression that a JF-17 can not be made stealthy. Though now your maintaining that it can just not F-35/F-22 stealth which is a no brainer.

Atleast we have guts to say we made JF 17 with China, it was a joint venture, Indians on the other say LCA is entirely there own while its inputs are all foreign made

If LCA was entirely your own then I bet it wud have taken atleast another decade:lol:

Buddy we make parts for the F-35,A400M,Eurocopter Group,etc and build F-16s, we have also been offered a multibillion dollar contract to build EFTs in Turkey. And we use your LCA's state of the art Israeli made radar in our F-4 Terminators. :rofl:
No matter how many arguments you guyz make but the fact remains a fact and the fact is what everyone knows including you so try to swallow the bitter pill of reality for once in your lives.

The Bottom line is, JFT is in service and LCA is not !
To all Indian members, please visit the jf-17 thread for all your answers of Pakistani contribution in the project as we DO manufacture more than nut bolts and paint as you folks think all time.


What Pakistan Manufactures is not the question here ,

Original question was regarding the feasibility of making a stealthy JF-17

Some members took offence and attacked the LCA.
Indian members naturally came to its defence.

Then we went on fact finding machine for the JF-17 as to why exactly were all these smug members attacking the LCA , To point out they are on no position to comment on the LCA.
Hasnain0099 I take that as a great insult, if your implying i'm a Indian, you can't question my right as a Pakistani, just as I don't have a right to question you. Just because I'm living in England does not make me not a Pakistani.

Futhermore that Ramu guy deserved it, he was being cheeky so I gave him a reply he deserved. So go on get the mods, but know this Omar Ali Admal Keyani, will always be a Pakistani and never a Indian.
What Pakistan Manufactures is not the question here ,

Original question was regarding the feasibility of making a stealthy JF-17

Some members took offence and attacked the LCA.
Indian members naturally came to its defence.

Then we went on fact finding machine for the JF-17 as to why exactly were all these smug members attacking the LCA , To point out they are on no position to comment on the LCA.

Anything added to make JFT stealthy was envisioned right from the start when DSI were incorporated in design and this will continue to make it as stealthy as possible through conventional means. I am not aware of a separate stealthy version of JFT although we did hear a few pieces on it.
Anything added to make JFT stealthy was envisioned right from the start when DSI were incorporated in design and this will continue to make it as stealthy as possible through conventional means. I am not aware of a separate stealthy version of JFT although we did hear a few pieces on it.

There are certainly ways of reducing the RCS of the JF-17 to the point where it will have HS.(high survivability)

But stealth near that of 5th gen aircraft , even from one aspect seems to be a bit far fetched.

Just the original question is this stealth variant really going to be stealth , or just HS
Why do indians always have to ruin and derail threads?
Okay Gogbot if some Pakistani members did derail the thread, then you should have reported it. All I'm saying is less stick to the JF-17 talk rather than comparing.

And the JF-17 is the second best Aircraft in the PAF, because it has BVR, in which Pakistan Airforce did have in the past. We have it on the F-16 block 52, but that was given recently. But furthermore we have no restrictions on the JF-17, and China has given us its most advance BVR missle SD-10A and the PL-12. Also the JF-17 is equipped with HMS/D, in which we did not have in our old F-16s, and so on.

We have also heard reports from pilots who have flown the JF-17 have stated that it is better than F-16 block 40, the only thing missing is AESA radar and maybe a better bvr missile.
Let us not blame them. Most in India have been let down by DRDO, Hal, and ADA, and now riled up after being blindsided by Pakistan and China. It is a defeat difficult to accept.

First they thought that JF-17 would never become a reality before LCA did.
Once it did, line of attack became that Pakistan had no contribution in this success. We must remember that it was actually conceptualized by the Pakistanis and very useful insights were provided by them. You may credit the Chinese for converting the concept into a reality just like General Dynamics converted USAF concept into a reality. Pakistan will get the major share of the profits derived from Thunder is a proof by itself.

Let us ignore the outburst. It is understandable for the reasons we all know about. LCA is no more an indeginous aircraft as it was once touted to be. If you read respected Indian Bharat Rakshak:

Engines from USA, even Kaveri's genes come from a french engines
Cobham of UK to provide retractable probe
Elta or Eads to develop the radar for LCA

If you research, you will find a lot more tenders for systems for use in LCA are being floated.

Indians friends have given a new meaning to word "Indiginous" Any thing foreign developed, produced but sold to India is now called indeginous.

Let us ignore the varying insults hurled at Pakistan. For Indians it is a zero sum game and unfortunately they know no other way to express their disgust on their own.

"Khisyani Billi Khamba Noche"
If GTRE is offering the engine to Japanese fighter than good luck to Japanese with another JCA saga !!!
The fact is that LCA program began in 80s to induct a fighter for IAF to replace Migs by 90s and where it stands today? and still Indians are learning new ways to spend more and more money to flush down the drain? All this for a mainstay fighter that could be tagged as "INDIGENOUS"? despite its foreign engine, radar, design, ew and what not ? Sir Shamim is a very senior member and has way more knowledge than me, you and many out there so you better respect him and not paste remarks like troll tank and likes ok or you will be reported.
If GTRE is offering the engine to Japanese fighter than good luck to Japanese with another JCA saga !!!

As much as it may surprise you

Japan invited India into the race. Not the the Other way around.

Kaveri is nearing completion , it has had a string of successful trials
However obviously Kaveri has a very slim chance if any of being selected.

But it is the fact that international players are willing to acknowledge the KAveri alongside

General Electric, Snecma, VolvoÂ

It's a good sign , you have to admit.
KAveri has had a very troubled past. Something like this is a sure morale boost , and a sign of future prospects
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