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China on verge of high-income status after wealth measure jumps 20%

China has 4plus times the population of US. Just 1/4 GDP per capita of US is enough to make China economy bigger than US.
Chinese people won't be satisfied with having only 1/4 wealth as an American. With China's population, China's economy needs to be 4 times bigger then the US.
Russia will default on foreign debt, there is no escape. Russia assets in dollars, sterlings, euros, yens, singapore dollar, Taiwan dollar and many other currency are seized or frozen. The US, Ukraine will take that money to compensate the damages Putin has done.
Russia economy will go down the toilet. There are estimates Russia would take 30y to recovery.
Putin is 70 y old now he would be 100 y old man.
And then I will be the new tsar of new Russia :) You are a victim of too much western BS....
If they do, Russia will seize their assets in Russia, they will suffer more loss than Russia
I think people don't realise Russia owes 200bil $ in debt and around 300bil$ reserves is frozen, the 100bil$ in difference can be easily compensated by nationalisation. I think Putin is prepared for import substitution.
Putin is a corrupt war monger. Only himself and group of oligarchs become rich. In his 22y reign He only makes his country into a gas station with nuclear bombs. The red army has less money to spend than German army how can you win a war? Ukraine is supported by 2/3 of global economies.
Europe said yesterday she will cut off the energy Russia imports in 5y. Russia will become a chinese colony. I am pessimistic for us Vietnam the chinese become stronger nobody can’t stop them now.
Return the territory stolen from Cambodia and Muslims to Cambodia and Champa, North Vietnam rejoins China as a province of China
Nah. Definition for middle income is around ~$1K to ~$12K which is a very wide range.

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The threshold is adjusted only for inflation, which means it has remained constant in real terms ($6K in 1987 prices) over the decades. Thus, theoretically all countries will eventually reach high income as long as they have positive real GNI per capita growth.

The threshold has remained basically the same over the past decade. Not even sure how is it adjusted for inflation lol.

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I remember that in 2001, China's per capita GDP just exceeded 1000 US dollars.
China has only stayed in the ranks of middle-income countries for 20 years, which is indeed a very short time.

Nonsense I myself don’t blame China Putin certainly will. If I was chinese I would be cautious.
Putin is an ex Soviet spy in Germany. He speaks German I follow some of his speeches. He blames Lenin for giving up Ukraine. He blames gorbatschow for Soviet collapse. His thought is surrounded by restoring of Soviet Union. He is a man of the past. The Russia army military doctrine is formed by idea of the red army. The tanks invading Ukraine have red flag.

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Don't worry, the Chinese won't accept the resurrection of the USSR. For the Chinese, the threat of the USSR is far greater than that of the USA. If Putin really wants to revive the USSR, we can only choose to help the USA.
But we don't mind the emergence of an imperial Russia. If Putin wants to be emperor, we can accept it.
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And then I will be the new tsar of new Russia :) You are a victim of too much western BS....
You ignore the reality that’s bad. Ruble lost 40 pct against USD within a month. The same loss for all major currencies. Ruble even lost 40 pct against VND.

Putin makes Russia poorer. I read he now puts Russia fate to chinese hands that’s rediculous.
You ignore the reality that’s bad. Ruble lost 40 pct against USD within a month. The same loss for all major currencies. Ruble even lost 40 pct against VND.

Putin makes Russia poorer. I read he now puts Russia fate to chinese hands that’s rediculous.
Short term pain for long term gain.
Short term pain for long term gain.
What gain? The western sanctions now in place are worse than on NK and Iran combined. More sanctions coming. Russia will remain for 3 decades a gas station with nuclear bombs. Without access to western technology and markets Putin makes Russia into poorer primitiver gas station with more nuclear bombs. That’s dangerous.

Short term pain? Yes, we will miss Russia tourists in Vietnam this summer season. That sucks.
What gain? The western sanctions now in place are worse than on NK and Iran combined. More sanctions coming. Russia will remain for 3 decades a gas station with nuclear bombs. Without access to western technology and markets Putin makes Russia into poorer primitiver gas station with more nuclear bombs. That’s dangerous.

Short term pain? Yes, we will miss Russia tourists in Vietnam this summer season. That sucks.
Russia can use this opportunity to integrate their banking system with China and shake off western control once and for all. Russia has rich resources that every country covets, in long term, it has nothing to worry, it's Europe now that has to worry about how they can deal with next winter.
You ignore the reality that’s bad. Ruble lost 40 pct against USD within a month. The same loss for all major currencies. Ruble even lost 40 pct against VND.

Putin makes Russia poorer. I read he now puts Russia fate to chinese hands that’s rediculous.

If you want a balanced view the very 1st rule is to FLUSH western media/propaganda. Otherwise, you will keep on repeating the same ol over n over.

Short term pain for long term gain.
That would be the bigger picture that is ignored for obvious reasons.
Russia will default on foreign debt, there is no escape. Russia assets in dollars, sterlings, euros, yens, singapore dollar, Taiwan dollar and many other currency are seized or frozen. The US, Ukraine will take that money to compensate the damages Putin has done.
Russia economy will go down the toilet. There are estimates Russia would take 30y to recovery.
Putin is 70 y old now he would be 100 y old man.
Putin will more then likely not be around, and he probably figures if he regains the territory, it will be worth it in the end, regardless of how many decades it takes to economically recover. Russia’s demographics were such that it was a make or break time. And his fumble in Ukraine seems to have made it a fumble.

I hope India learns the lesson from this war that any war with a determined western neighbor won’t be a cakewalk and will cost them dearly, which is why I hope the Ukrainians make the Russians pay for every inch of Ukraine they take, even if ukraine seems to “lose” at the end of the current hostilities, because eventually the Russians will have to give back to get sanctions relief. Also, that Pakistan is not as weak as Ukraine and India is not as strong as Russia.

I think people don't realise Russia owes 200bil $ in debt and around 300bil$ reserves is frozen, the 100bil$ in difference can be easily compensated by nationalisation. I think Putin is prepared for import substitution.
Putin is proabably hoping Chinese companies will invest in Russia, to pick up where Western investors left off. Not a bad idea, especially in civilian industries. China should be careful lot to help the Russian defense industries.

China could also use this conflict to extract concessions from the Russians, such as allowing the PLAN to use the Vladivostok Naval base and Sakhalin Island to get around their first island dilemma, as well as greater incidence in Central Asia, and to allow China to build a corridor between Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan to allow BRI back on track (outside of Russian territory)

If China is to be of any use to Russia, China will need ways to insure its economic growth, and the continuation of BRI is vital for that to happen. A Chinese owned trans-caspian rail tunnel would be a game changer.
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Putin will more then likely not be around, and he probably figures if he regains the territory, it will be worth it in the end, regardless of how many decades it takes to economically recover. Russia’s demographics were such that it was a make or break time. And his fumble in Ukraine seems to have made it a fumble.

I hope India learns the lesson from this war that any war with a determined western neighbor won’t be a cakewalk and will cost them dearly, which is why I hope the Ukrainians make the Russians pay for every inch of Ukraine they take, even if ukraine seems to “lose” at the end of the current hostilities, because eventually the Russians will have to give back to get sanctions relief. Also, that Pakistan is not as weak as Ukraine and India is not as strong as Russia.

Putin is proabably hoping Chinese companies will invest in Russia, to pick up where Western investors left off. Not a bad idea, especially in civilian industries. China should be careful lot to help the Russian defense industries.

China could also use this conflict to extract concessions from the Russians, such as allowing the PLAN to use the Vladivostok Naval base and Sakhalin Island to get around their first island dilemma, as well as greater incidence in Central Asia, and to allow China to build a corridor between Turkmenistan or Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan to allow BRI back on track (outside of Russian territory)

If China is to be of any use to Russia, China will need ways to insure its economic growth, and the continuation of BRI is vital for that to happen. A Chinese owned trans-caspian rail tunnel would be a game changer.
What has Putin to gain in Ukraine if he wins the war? He adds some more lands into already giant Russia. The price he pays is He makes Russia into a giant but poor pariah. I rather want to live in a scrambled place but rich Singapore than in a giant prison uninhabitable Russia.
You ignore the reality that’s bad. Ruble lost 40 pct against USD within a month. The same loss for all major currencies. Ruble even lost 40 pct against VND.

Putin makes Russia poorer. I read he now puts Russia fate to chinese hands that’s rediculous.
It's called paper lost, still doesn't mean the oil gas minerals food, infrastructure are all gone. You need to understand economics. You are viewing this through a dollar lens, Russia has one of the largest gold reserves on earth, and guess who secretly has the largest, hint the largest gold producer on earth who doesn't export gold but keep on importing gold.
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