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China on verge of high-income status after wealth measure jumps 20%

It's all over the media. Not just CNN. Ppl saying its because of corruption within Russian army itself.
Putin is a corrupt war monger. Only himself and group of oligarchs become rich. In his 22y reign He only makes his country into a gas station with nuclear bombs. The red army has less money to spend than German army how can you win a war? Ukraine is supported by 2/3 of global economies.
Europe said yesterday she will cut off the energy Russia imports in 5y. Russia will become a chinese colony. I am pessimistic for us Vietnam the chinese become stronger nobody can’t stop them now.
CNN is credible, I think Fox news might be better in that case. Lol
Chinese slogan 做人不能CNN - Being a human can not be as shameless as CNN.





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Meanwhile Russia is a pariah she will suffer for decades to come. Russia is the most sanctioned country on earth. Putin makes his country worse than North Korea and Iran combined.

Interesting news, Russia invasion stalls before Kiev because the red army purchased cheap tires and other cheap parts from China.
Talk nonsense, you Viets no surprise blame everything bad in the world on China and Chinese, Viets are just sore losers ! Are you a fossile from another century ? Still talk Russian army as Soviet red army, Russia is a capitialist country with "democratically elected gov" as defined by the West.
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The news comes from CNN bro. Very credible report. The tires are bursting.
Putin will not be amused.
He will blame China for the defeat.
Give me a break, CNN is a fake news factory and is untrustworthy as almost all Yankee and Western news media ! Even Trump said that.
Lol. Yes blame the Chinese tires eh.
US buys Chinese tires like crazy, Chinese tires are the top import for US, will US also blame Chinese tires for their pathetic withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Putin is a corrupt war monger. Only himself and group of oligarchs become rich. In his 22y reign He only makes his country into a gas station with nuclear bombs. The red army has less money to spend than German army how can you win a war? Ukraine is supported by 2/3 of global economies.
Europe said yesterday she will cut off the energy Russia imports in 5y. Russia will become a chinese colony. I am pessimistic for us Vietnam the chinese become stronger nobody can’t stop them now.
We don't have colonies mate, they will be our partner in the new gold backed digital RMB trading system. We colonize Vietnam for 1000 years, it ain't that bad right, gave you culture and language and customs and yes even TET. Be grateful

US buys Chinese tires like crazy, Chinese tires are the top import for US, will US also blame Chinese tires for their pathetic withdrawal from Afghanistan?
I am very sure even those humvees are using some Chinese components
Talk nonsense, you Viets no surprise blame everything bad in the world on China and Chinese, Viets are just sore losers ! Are you a fossile from another century ? Still talk Russian army as Soviet red army, Russia is a capitialist country with "democratically elected gov" as defined by the West.
Nonsense I myself don’t blame China Putin certainly will. If I was chinese I would be cautious.
Putin is an ex Soviet spy in Germany. He speaks German I follow some of his speeches. He blames Lenin for giving up Ukraine. He blames gorbatschow for Soviet collapse. His thought is surrounded by restoring of Soviet Union. He is a man of the past. The Russia army military doctrine is formed by idea of the red army. The tanks invading Ukraine have red flag.

Putin is a corrupt war monger. Only himself and group of oligarchs become rich. In his 22y reign He only makes his country into a gas station with nuclear bombs. The red army has less money to spend than German army how can you win a war? Ukraine is supported by 2/3 of global economies.
Europe said yesterday she will cut off the energy Russia imports in 5y. Russia will become a chinese colony. I am pessimistic for us Vietnam the chinese become stronger nobody can’t stop them now.
you never know. if situation get worse some one inside russia will take him out.

With 20 percent interest rate and rampant inflation...living standard going down to toilet fast. once they default which will happen next month russian currency will go down even more.
The truth is the EU fears Russia today.

But they do need Russian oil and gas.

It is easy for the US to impose sanction butfor the EU the consequences are dire and may even lead to the breakup of EU.
It is already happening.

Meanwhile Russia is a pariah she will suffer for decades to come. Russia is the most sanctioned country on earth. Putin makes his country worse than North Korea and Iran combined.

Interesting news, Russia invasion stalls before Kiev because the red army purchased cheap tires and other cheap parts from China.
Reading up on the Vietnam War, I used to be boggled how tens of thousands of babies were born to the same people bombing, genociding and raping you.
This didn't happen with Afghan, Iraqi, or Japanese who were also invaded by the USA.
Russia and China were the two that came to the help of Vietnamese then... and you take every opportunity to deride them and take the coattails of the USA.
If this is the national character of Vietnam then it well explains why invaders were welcome with open thighs..
It does seem like China was stuck for a long long time as low income, then a few years ago it entered middle income, now it is approaching the high income category very fast.

Nah. Definition for middle income is around ~$1K to ~$12K which is a very wide range.


Although I think a more accurate description of high income should be a per capita above $20K at least.

The threshold is adjusted only for inflation, which means it has remained constant in real terms ($6K in 1987 prices) over the decades. Thus, theoretically all countries will eventually reach high income as long as they have positive real GNI per capita growth.

The threshold has remained basically the same over the past decade. Not even sure how is it adjusted for inflation lol.



you never know. if situation get worse some one inside russia will take him out.

With 20 percent interest rate and rampant inflation...living standard going down to toilet fast. once they default which will happen next month russian currency will go down even more.
Russia will default on foreign debt, there is no escape. Russia assets in dollars, sterlings, euros, yens, singapore dollar, Taiwan dollar and many other currency are seized or frozen. The US, Ukraine will take that money to compensate the damages Putin has done.
Russia economy will go down the toilet. There are estimates Russia would take 30y to recovery.
Putin is 70 y old now he would be 100 y old man.
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