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China objects to oil hunt, India says back off

Meanwhile, more Vietnamese swim to China as illegal immigrants:

China's Immigration Problem - Forbes.com

Hordes of illegal workers crossing China's borders - GlobalTimes

Illegal immigration from Vietnam surges in S. China - People's Daily Online

Three Vietnamese illegal immigrants caught after swimming from Macao to Zhuhai - Welcome to Dongguan Today

Beijing plans curbs on number of foreigners working in China - Telegraph

2 Vietnamese

If you hate our country so much, why are millions of Vietnamese coming to China to work as low wage slaves?

If you hate our country so much, why are you buying our products as if your lives depended on it while giving us your natural resources which we extract at huge and permanent environmental damage to Vietnam?

If you hate our country so much, why are you copying us in every way from TV to books to urban culture to politics to military?
Meanwhile, more Vietnamese swim to China as illegal immigrants:

China's Immigration Problem - Forbes.com

Hordes of illegal workers crossing China's borders - GlobalTimes

Illegal immigration from Vietnam surges in S. China - People's Daily Online

Three Vietnamese illegal immigrants caught after swimming from Macao to Zhuhai - Welcome to Dongguan Today

Beijing plans curbs on number of foreigners working in China - Telegraph

2 Vietnamese

If you hate our country so much, why are millions of Vietnamese coming to China to work as low wage slaves?

If you hate our country so much, why are you buying our products as if your lives depended on it while giving us your natural resources which we extract at huge and permanent environmental damage to Vietnam?

If you hate our country so much, why are you copying us in every way from TV to books to urban culture to politics to military?

Ironic right. China-Vietnam relationship is exactly like India-Bangladesh. China helped Vietnam in war, India helped Bangldesh, Millions from both country pour into China and India. Yet Vietnamese hates China, Bangladesh hates India.

Makes you wonder why. Either we are doing something wrong, or there are another players, who are making them hate our country.
Ironic right. China-Vietnam relationship is exactly like India-Bangladesh. China helped Vietnam in war, India helped Bangldesh, Millions from both country pour into China and India. Yet Vietnamese hates China, Bangladesh hates India.

Makes you wonder why. Either we are doing something wrong, or there are another players, who are making them hate our country.

Bangladeshis have very valid reasons for hating India. Your BSF shoots and kills hundreds of Bangladeshis every year. Not 1 Vietnamese was shot by Chinese military forces or police. Bangladesh's GDP per capita is half of India's, but China's GDP per capita is 4 times that of Vietnam overall, and in the places Vietnamese illegal immigrants go to, over 10 times as high. India built a fence on the border. China leaves the border open. Bangladesh was an integral part of East Pakistan that you cut off by force. Vietnam was always a unified nation that was temporarily under French and US occupation. India is Hindu while Bangladesh is Muslim. Both China and Vietnam are socialist. We've treated Vietnam with far more respect than India does Bangladesh.

The only food in Vietnam, is copied and ripped off Cantonese food.

The only TV series in Vietnam, all have Chinese themes.

The only street culture on the streets of Hanoi and Saigon, is Chinese style street culture.

The only political system in Vietnam, is Chinese socialism.

The money Vietnamese want to make, is the red one with a picture of Chairman Mao on it, not the green one with the picture of Ho Chi Ming on it.

Looking Chinese is considered beautiful in Vietnam.

Looking Vietnamese is considered an INSULT in China.
Ironic right. China-Vietnam relationship is exactly like India-Bangladesh. China helped Vietnam in war, India helped Bangldesh, Millions from both country pour into China and India. Yet Vietnamese hates China, Bangladesh hates India.

Makes you wonder why. Either we are doing something wrong, or there are another players, who are making them hate our country.

there is no point compare the two..

each bilatral relation has their own merits/demerits..
Bangladeshis have very valid reasons for hating India. Your BSF shoots and kills hundreds of Bangladeshis every year. Not 1 Vietnamese was shot by Chinese military forces or police. Bangladesh's GDP per capita is half of India's, but China's GDP per capita is 4 times that of Vietnam overall, and in the places Vietnamese illegal immigrants go to, over 10 times as high. India built a fence on the border. China leaves the border open. Bangladesh was an integral part of East Pakistan that you cut off by force. Vietnam was always a unified nation that was temporarily under French and US occupation. India is Hindu while Bangladesh is Muslim. Both China and Vietnam are socialist. We've treated Vietnam with far more respect than India does Bangladesh.

The only food in Vietnam, is copied and ripped off Cantonese food.

The only TV series in Vietnam, all have Chinese themes.

The only street culture on the streets of Hanoi and Saigon, is Chinese style street culture.

The only political system in Vietnam, is Chinese socialism.

The money Vietnamese want to make, is the red one with a picture of Chairman Mao on it, not the green one with the picture of Ho Chi Ming on it.

Looking Chinese is considered beautiful in Vietnam.

Looking Vietnamese is considered an INSULT in China.

Well Vietnam has very valid reasons for hating China then? You guys had a war with them, and killed thousands of them,, and you are stealing their resources! Enough said. :disagree:
Depends on if you can survive without water, longer than we can survive without oil.

Our strategic reserves are for 52 days. Can you live for 52 days without drinking? :lol:
1. It will affect Laos-Camb first , and they will sue you to International course and send all of your investor-workers home, China will lose lots of money like in Libya.

2. we will buy more Salt Water Filtering machine to turn sea water to fresh water, so controlling Makong river is No longer useful :P.

Quang Ngai suggested Doosan Vina a salt water filtering for the island residents (16/07/2010)

Quang Ngai leaders met with Doosan vina directors about a salt water filtering for the islanders

The newly-elected provincial party committee secretary Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh and PPC Vice-Chairman Le Quang Thich have recently met with Doosan Vina leaders about a salt water filtering for Ly Son island residents, who have been facing the shortage of freshwater during the prolonged drought season.

Methods to supply fresh water to island residents have been the most concern of Quang Ngai provincial Government.

During the short meeting with Doosan Vina leaders, the provincial leaders suggested Doosan Vina a salt water filtering for the islanders.

General Director of Doosan Vina, Mr. Cho Bong Jin praised the idea and said that to set up a salt water filtering for 30,000 people would cost amount of 40 million USD.
..:::::::::: T

below_freezing said:
2 Vietnamese

If you hate our country so much, why are millions of Vietnamese coming to China to work as low wage slaves?

If you hate our country so much, why are you buying our products as if your lives depended on it while giving us your natural resources which we extract at huge and permanent environmental damage to Vietnam?

If you hate our country so much, why are you copying us in every way from TV to books to urban culture to politics to military?
1. Hehe, No need to post again and again like that, thousand illegal CHinese worker also staying in VN now, and we plan to send them home, just do the same to those Vnese worker if you want, your choice, bro :azn:

2. We don't hate you , just bcz you robe some thing from us, so we request to give it back. See, we can even be USA's friend now, that's all .
Bangladeshis have very valid reasons for hating India. Your BSF shoots and kills hundreds of Bangladeshis every year. Not 1 Vietnamese was shot by Chinese military forces or police. Bangladesh's GDP per capita is half of India's, but China's GDP per capita is 4 times that of Vietnam overall, and in the places Vietnamese illegal immigrants go to, over 10 times as high. India built a fence on the border. China leaves the border open. Bangladesh was an integral part of East Pakistan that you cut off by force. Vietnam was always a unified nation that was temporarily under French and US occupation. India is Hindu while Bangladesh is Muslim. Both China and Vietnam are socialist. We've treated Vietnam with far more respect than India does Bangladesh.

The only food in Vietnam, is copied and ripped off Cantonese food.

The only TV series in Vietnam, all have Chinese themes.

The only street culture on the streets of Hanoi and Saigon, is Chinese style street culture.

The only political system in Vietnam, is Chinese socialism.

The money Vietnamese want to make, is the red one with a picture of Chairman Mao on it, not the green one with the picture of Ho Chi Ming on it.

Looking Chinese is considered beautiful in Vietnam.

Looking Vietnamese is considered an INSULT in China.

hehe, what make you keep posting again and again like that ??

You killed our fishermen in our sea,

you assimilated our BaiYue brother and turn them into some zombie named Cantonese CHina,

you robed our islands and want to robe our EEZ, our resouces also , and you expect we will do Nothing to stop you ??

We just wanna take back what belong to us, if you feel unacceptable , let sue VN to International course.
China should take care of these two axis of e@il
But they're still so weak, with India's help we will unify ASEAN to get stronger, and CHina can not bully VietNam-India anymore :P .

Btw: CHina still on Black list of Human rights, so, they're Evil, not us :P
Oh NO!! INDIANS are gonna send INS Delhi with its slaves and flipflops (google it).
try stopping the exploration process and feel the heat in Indian ocean (ur oil supply route) not to mention Indian ocean has heavy presence of Indian Navy and ur enemy no one (u know whome i am talking about)
no need to send INS Delhi job can be done by a dozen of Brahmos and couple of Akash batteries
any ways on serious note i dont think it will create any crisis hardly the issue will go to international court where China is very weak on this position. Vietnam will win the case easily in international court
Oh NO!! INDIANS are gonna send INS Delhi with its slaves and flipflops (google it).

its a warship ,of course we will send it,we will send it with slaves wearing chapal's and chudi's .....lets face it " its more than enough to take care of Chinese navy "....:lol::lol:
either Vietnam or India will be taught a lesson.

India will be ruined if you brag about your economic growth, all gone... we are happy.

i believed your post is famous for finger in others ..... welcome anyways. back up for CD
Bangladeshis have very valid reasons for hating India. Your BSF shoots and kills hundreds of Bangladeshis every year. Not 1 Vietnamese was shot by Chinese military forces or police. Bangladesh's GDP per capita is half of India's, but China's GDP per capita is 4 times that of Vietnam overall, and in the places Vietnamese illegal immigrants go to, over 10 times as high. India built a fence on the border. China leaves the border open. Bangladesh was an integral part of East Pakistan that you cut off by force. Vietnam was always a unified nation that was temporarily under French and US occupation. India is Hindu while Bangladesh is Muslim. Both China and Vietnam are socialist. We've treated Vietnam with far more respect than India does Bangladesh.

The only food in Vietnam, is copied and ripped off Cantonese food.

The only TV series in Vietnam, all have Chinese themes.

The only street culture on the streets of Hanoi and Saigon, is Chinese style street culture.

The only political system in Vietnam, is Chinese socialism.

The money Vietnamese want to make, is the red one with a picture of Chairman Mao on it, not the green one with the picture of Ho Chi Ming on it.

Looking Chinese is considered beautiful in Vietnam.

Looking Vietnamese is considered an INSULT in China

TRUST- you can trust Vietnam that's y u left it and moreover you want some more land from there, but we have very friendly neighbor whom we cant trust. we don't want others land so we fenced it. reading your post is insult and waste of my 1min time.
China warns India against exploring oil in South China Sea ahead of Krishna's visit to Hanoi

BEIJING: China has warned Indian companies from entering into any deal with Vietnamese firms for exploring oil and gas in disputed parts of the South China Sea. The statement might give a new turn to its relationship with India, which has been asking China not to build infrastructure projects in the disputed Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

"We hope foreign countries will not get involved in the dispute," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said ahead of Indian foreign minister SM Krishna's upcoming visit to Hanoi this week.

"For countries outside the region, we hope they will respect and support countries in the region to solve this dispute through bilateral channels," she said while responding to a question concerning ONGC Videsh's plans to explore in two offshore oil blocks that Vietnam claims to be its own.

China enjoyed "indisputable sovereignty" over the South China Sea and its islands, Jiang said.

New Delhi is expected to turn around and ask Beijing why it was allowing Chinese companies to build hydro-electricity and other infrastructure projects in the disputed ***, which India claims to be its own, observers said. Politicians in Pakistan and *** openly discuss Chinese investments in the disputed portion of Kashmir although China has not yet confirmed it.

This is the first time India is getting involved in the sea dispute between China and Vietnam, which has flared up in recent months. New Delhi expected a sharp Chinese reaction to ONGC Videsh's move, and is prepared to handle it, sources said.

India recently said it supported the "freedom of navigation in international waters, including in the South China Sea". The statement came after a Chinese vassel asked INS Airavat to leave "Chinese waters" while it was on a goodwill visit to Vietnam.

"Our consistent position is that we are opposed to any country engaging in oil and gas exploration and development activities in waters under China's jurisdiction," Jiang said.

Vietnam claims it holds rights to the area being explored for oil and gas under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Jiang today said the UN convention of 1982 "did not give any country the right to expand their own exclusive economic zone and continental shelf to other countries' territories." The convention, she said, did not negate "a country's right formed in history that has been consistently claimed."

China warns India against exploring oil in South China Sea ahead of Krishna's visit to Hanoi - The Times of India

holy crap
looks like india and china are face to face again after 62 conflict

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

its good that india raised the question of OK projects funded by china if india withdraws chian will have to withdraw from OK
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