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China navy send LPD to Phillipine to rescue

Seems like nobody gonna really say thank you to us due to propaganda coming from the western media.We should not help pinoys at first.The US did stoped help NK after the nuclear weapon test.
Seems like nobody gonna really say thank you to us due to propaganda coming from the western media.We should not help pinoys at first.The US did stoped help NK after the nuclear weapon test.
You now see the true face of the West media. They love to bash us but will never compliment us. This is their strategy to not give us credit but unfortunately we are the leader of developing country so everyone knows our generosity despite US media fabrication..
You now see the true face of the West media. They love to bash us but will never compliment us. This is their strategy to not give us credit but unfortunately we are the leader of developing country so everyone knows our generosity despite US media fabrication..

Even your own media bashed China's response. So enough said. At least better late than never.
Even your own media bashed China's response. So enough said. At least better late than never.

I thought our media are the government's mouthpiece, as "mouthpiece" is always always inserted after then name of any Chinese news media.

I never expect some positive from your mouth since you are firm China hater. It's our determination to help, if shall have a speak when you donate 2 millions USD plus or STFU.

Here is your 50 cents for the day, rest your case.

Who are you talking about? Me? I care only about Chinese, not Filipino or the western media. I have very thick skin so I don't care about "face" or world opinion. Now face the reality, today's world is controlled by the west and its media, so some financial aids wont change that, no matter how loud you scream. Better not waste the money and instead spend on our own people.

Also I guess majority of Chinese in China agree with me as evidenced by polls after polls that overwhelming majority do not support giving any aids to the Philippines.

Also please don't be so desperate and start throwing personal insults against others if you don't agree. You really remind me of some "intellectuals" in China that call for democracy but then start insulting others with name calling when others don't agree with them. lol Those democracy champions will just alienate others if democracy means intolerance.
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But he does has a point, that is exactly how "soft power" is created:
Throwing money into the sea and being fake.
And of course the media as a tool of defaming and flaming does matter.

Exactly, the Chinese government should just shower lots of lots of condolences and then make some huge pledges, only portion of it will be fulfilled in future depending on how the Philippines government behaves. Now in this way, if in the future, the Philippines government continues to be belligerent, we have reason not to fulfill our pledges and the world will probably understand better.

I just cannot fathom how the Chinese government operates. I am sure they have smart think tanks to advise them, but alas, you never know some government officials that still live in 60s and 70s.
Us belligerent? how by defending what is ours our islands our resources?
At this point there is really no need to send anymore ships, money or supplies. Philippines already has received military assistance from U.S, Britain, Japan and Canada. China has already sent more than 10 millions worth of supplies.

It's not a competition. Nobody said a thing when the Americans gave 100,000 for Yushu earthquake in China, but now they're butthurt because China didn't give more money?

Well again i call bull$h%T on this! They are just trying to save face
Don't you have to replant your banana tree? How do you still have internet after your tree home got blown away?
At this point there is really no need to send anymore ships, money or supplies. Philippines already has received military assistance from U.S, Britain, Japan and Canada. China has already sent more than 10 millions worth of supplies.

It's not a competition. Nobody said a thing when the Americans gave 100,000 for Yushu earthquake in China, but now they're butthurt because China didn't give more money?

Don't you have to replant your banana tree? How do you still have internet after your tree home got blown away?

Is there other idea, Resources, goods you have to steal?
Is there other idea, Resources, goods you have to steal?
Shouldn't you go loot a warehouse or run to an American helicopter? Your survival is at stake here, since you no longer have the monkey tree to live on.
The heavens tried to help CCP with this storm but the idiots failed to capitalized. Instead, they actually look pretty bad in this situation. Giving 100k, why not just not give? Then they gave 10m rmb, now they send the floating hospital. Yet the world still laughs at them.

These new generation CCP leaders are becoming more like American politicians, except America has the military and the will to bomb countries they don't like.
It seems to me that the English language media in their eagerness to bash China has given the horrific response of the Aquino government to the disaster a pass. Remind you that their are no governments, international organizations or even the Filipino's themselves that are bashing China over being "stingy". All the criticisme comes almost entirely from the English language media.

But i guess the average Filipino is not asking what is China doing for us ? But rather they are asking WTF is our government doing to help us in this crisis.
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Ha too late china! I mean obviously they only did it because they now being condemned by the International community for putting their imperial ambitions first before genuine sincerity first. But sure go ahead help any how again the International community help is already enough.
Do you have the word "HATRED" tattooed all over your body?
Don't insult Song Dynasty! Song Dynasty chose to give financial packages to those nomads because wars costed toooooo much to Song Dynasty compared to those barbaric nomads that juts wandered around and ravaged. The life in Song Dynasty worth 100000 times more than those nomads so they chose financial aids over sacrificing human lives in war. Do you think the Chinese government now chose to gives aids to foreigners because Chinese worth more than foreigners? Quite the opposite. It reminds me of Mao's human warfare, as if we Chinese are just pawns. Sick of this CCP cowardice.

I understand this about the Philippines specifically, but ripping on CCP's development aid to Africa is ridiculous, which you have in previous posts. There is negotiations and after China provides development aid to those African countries, and builts roads and schools, they open up the markets to Chinese traders and the sale of raw materials such as vital minerals to China in exchange for Africans buying manufactured products from China. Africans understand this and many like it better than America, which tries to force political and social agendas on the Africans (homosexual rights and democracy), while China doesn't ask the Africans to do anything except business. There will be some opposition since some African countries have rival political factions, one may favor China and the other might favor the west, and thats natural.

China, hip-hop and the new Sudan - CNN.com

With Southern Sudan on the cusp of nationhood, China is now the focus of its hopes and Hong Kong's fabled Chungking Mansions, a labyrinth-like building in Kowloon and the unofficial African quarter of Hong Kong, the perfect metaphor for the future of both Africa and China.

"The Chinese don't influence our politics," says Jal. "They don't comment on it, and what they want, they pay for -- sometimes double the amount. This tends to make all Africans happy -- from the dictators to the democrats," he adds wryly.

"There isn't a party in Africa that doesn't like them. Even if you're a rebel movement and you say to them you can secure gold, the Chinese will simply say they want to buy it.

"The only foreign policy advice I heard from China was when they said to Sudan, 'Don't go back to war.' That's all they said. They didn't push anything else."
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