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China must respect EU as "strong and united" entity - French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian

In the end china must chose its decission. Does it want good relations with Europe or enemyship, cold war relations?

So European minions send warships to south china sea and provoke china and then u scumbags have the audacity to say that china must chose??? Do u ppl have ur head so far up ur *** that u cant see or hear??
What does Europe have to offer? Big rich market? We ll see that market after a few wars lolz. Europe is about to expire.
But all German government officials said it's hard and even devastating to decouple with Russia, we'll see they are right or a random Greek in PDF is right.

Im half greek, half german. So best of both. Sure its not easy but has to be done. Germany can do evrything i have no doubt for that.

China must respect EU as "strong and united" entity - French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian​

  • 2022-04-03
  • BNS/TBT Staff

Photo: The Official CTBTO Photostream

VILNIUS –China must start to respect the European Union as a united force, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said in Vilnius on Friday amid the EU's ongoing effort to persuade China not to support Russia in the latter's war against Ukraine, and also while Lithuania is under pressure from Beijing over its ties with Taiwan.

"China must learn to respect the EU as a united and strong entity," he told a joint press conference with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabriel Landsbergis. "If China does not respect the EU, (...) we have ways in which we can remind China of what we expect."

Earlier on Friday, EU leaders held a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and they warned that any attempt by Beijing to help Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February, would affect economic ties between the EU and China.

According to the French minister, China's economy is already suffering from the changed geopolitical situation in the world, and Beijing is now in a difficult position because it wants to appear as a defender of democratic values, while at the same time being close to Moscow as it is breaking international norms.

Moreover, the recent crises have strengthened the EU and it feels "its power towards both Russia and China", the French top diplomat said.

On his part, Landsbergis said the EU must maintain pressure on China as it is now facing one of the most important choices of the 21st century.

"Either you are on the side of the world order or you are on the side of the destroyers of the world," he said. "So far, China has given no sign that it is on the side of world order."

On the other hand, China is clearly afraid of EU sanctions, which is why it wants to give the impression that it does not support Russia, the Lithuanian minister said.

"Russia also tells us all sorts of things, but we don't necessarily have to believe them," Landsbergis said.

He compared Russia's military pressure on Ukraine and China's economic pressure on Lithuania as curbing "the sovereignty of states in a certain sense".

"These are different chapters of the same textbook", the Lithuanian foreign minister said. "The EU has a very clear principle that the sovereignty of states must be defended, whether in Ukraine, Lithuania or elsewhere," he added.

China's anger towards Lithuania was triggered by Vilnius' decision last year to allow Taiwan to open a representative office in Lithuania under Taiwan's name. In response, Beijing restricted relations with Vilnius and blocked Lithuanian exports, leading to the EU decision to turn to the World Trade Organization in late January over China's trade practices.

I still remember Indian members on this forum crying "you must respect India" in last 10 years.

Respect must be earned, not demanded, as many have said to India, and now EU should be given that answer. Guess who'll come next.
But German government doesn't, how useful is your personal confidence?

Germany just announced more weapons to Ukraine and harsher sanctions on Russia as the war crimes are uncovered in the city Bucha.

The things we see that Russia did were last seen in Europe in 1945. Germany will act on this.

Germany just announced more weapons to Ukraine and harsher sanctions on Russia as the war crimes are uncovered in the city Bucha.

The things we see that Russia did were last seen in Europe in 1945. Germany will act on this.

We love to see who'll tough it out in the end, pop corn and beer for me now.
Germany just announced more weapons to Ukraine and harsher sanctions on Russia as the war crimes are uncovered in the city Bucha.

The things we see that Russia did were last seen in Europe in 1945. Germany will act on this.

Yes, Germany is shooting itself in the foot. What else is news?

Now they are going to sanction China? The biggest market for BMW's, Volkswagens and Benz's? Ok, go ahead then. Must be that high German IQ.
Yes, Germany is shooting itself in the foot. What else is news?

Now they are going to sanction China? The biggest market for BMW's, Volkswagens and Benz's? Ok, go ahead then. Must be that high German IQ.
The only quick fix to EU's energy crisis is to cut ties with China, EU needs enomous amount of Russian energy supply to produce and maunfacture, most EU states are heavily dependent on exporting goods and China is their major market, once EU cut ties with China, their goods have no markets to sell, so they don't have to make those goods anymore, thus they can relieve themselves from Russian energy dependence.
So European minions send warships to south china sea and provoke china and then u scumbags have the audacity to say that china must chose??? Do u ppl have ur head so far up ur *** that u cant see or hear??
What does Europe have to offer? Big rich market? We ll see that market after a few wars lolz. Europe is about to expire.

The irony in the EU ministers comments, lol.
EU depends on Chinese products to keep their soraing inflation in check, EU also needs Chinese market, which is the biggest in the world for luxury items, to sell their luxury goods, in bilateral trade, China holds all the cards while EU is empty handed.
Yes, Germany is shooting itself in the foot. What else is news?

Now they are going to sanction China? The biggest market for BMW's, Volkswagens and Benz's? Ok, go ahead then. Must be that high German IQ.

What value has a market when a facist dictator plans to occupy entire Europe? We have to finish Putin and we will.
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