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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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you seem to forget we gave you a hell of a beating in 1962, a total humiliation...enuf said ...lol

running out of arguments,do u have a single reply to defend ur imaginative victories

Ha ha..... you think Agni-2 actually works? Then why are making Agni-2 prime? Why not skip right to Agni-IX?

Indians don't even have an Agni-2 working! To teach India a lesson this time, maybe nuclear weapons are needed this time?[/QUOTE]

Lol,according to ur concept non of DF-21,DF-21A and DF 21 c works because that why China created a crap called DF-21 d(oh i forget they call it anti shipping ballistic missile)

Ha ha....... what another stupid comment. China is a P5 permanent member and a thermonuclear power since 1964. Everybody knows China's power, but India is too malnourished and stupid. It has already forgotten the lesson from 1962.

China a superpower:rofl:...China is my :bunny:,they r a bunch of clowns who cannot even takeover taiwan,at one side they defend their argument that is is protected by U.S,at other side they say they beat U.S every day:lol:

Ha ha ha.... MKI is such a joke! Do you think anybody is really afraid of the MKI? Russia totally ripped off India with that sale. Indian MKI hardly even work! The quality is so poor and India cannot do maintenance.

MKI will not survive long against China's J-10. It will be total slaughter of MKI.

Ya I know almighty indigenous j-10 is a 10th generation fighter which still runs on foreign components,because u farted it out:lol:

Ha ha.... we do not care about US, Japan and Vietnam. We will defeat India first and carve it up. Then we will plunder and colonize India and become the most richest country in the world.

You think you can hide behind USA, Japan and Vietnam? No, you are enemy #1 and will be the target of our missile and air strikes first!

all i can say,dont play to much erepublic:lol:
We will defeat India first and carve it up. Then we will plunder and colonize India and become the most richest country in the world.

You think you can hide behind USA, Japan and Vietnam? No, you are enemy #1 and will be the target of our missile and air strikes first!

then what are u waiting for paper dragon .. :sniper:
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You ever of the vietnam war?

You ever heard of vietnam? what's more impressive...a stalemate
from the country of 1 billion plus people with the second biggest land mass in the world or a country that embarrassed the US with 50 million people and one of the smaller land mass in the world?
also that small little country also gave the mighty super duper powahhh PLA a ***** slap in 1979.

Vietnam :sniper::china::usflag:

China and the US got PIMPED by VIETNAM post WW2

lol you think Vietnamese did that alone, how shameless, even the US says that Vietnam would have been won easily if it wasn't for China and Russia forcing them to hold back and supplying north vietnam. Can vietnam even make a bicycle without outside assistance?
China beat Vietnam several times in total -- 1979, 1984 and 1988. You don't see Vietnam violating China's borders anymore do you? That tells you who's in charge.

Actually, Vietnam's victory against the US was largely due because PLA deployed AAA against USAF.
why will Vietnam violate the boundary. its the paper dragon having problem with everything and every one .
But the paper dragon "flushed" the so-called elephant down the drain in 1962 and it showed the world what the poor elephant really made of eh? :D

Yawn! Nearly 50 years ago. Its a bit like Mongolia claiming superiority over China because Genghis Khan's army made mincemeat of the Chinese(sometimes literally) in the 13th century.
Yawn! Nearly 50 years ago. Its a bit like Mongolia claiming superiority over China because Genghis Khan's army made mincemeat of the Chinese(sometimes literally) in the 13th century.

13th century mongolia was strong, now they're trash.

1962 india was weaker than china. 2010 india is still weaker than china. in fact, the ratio of indian GDP/chinese GDP has grown since 1962 instead of shrink.

the ratio of US GDP:Chinese GDP is only 2.8, but the ratio of Chinese GDP:Indian GDP is an astonishing 4!
But the paper dragon "flushed" the so-called elephant down the drain in 1962 and it showed the world what the poor elephant really made of eh? :D

indeed, but you gotta understand that time has changed. no matter how strong china is, they will take heavy damage by attacking India even if china won at the end.

there will be dead bodies all around when world first and second largest armies are fighting against each other and believe me you WON"T be there to pick those dead bodies.
13th century mongolia was strong, now they're trash.

1962 india was weaker than china. 2010 india is still weaker than china. in fact, the ratio of indian GDP/chinese GDP has grown since 1962 instead of shrink.

the ratio of US GDP:Chinese GDP is only 2.8, but the ratio of Chinese GDP:Indian GDP is an astonishing 4!

We are talking war.While GDP is important in a long race, I see nothing to suggest that China is militarily even remotely as well placed as in 1962. You must remember that India was still in thrall of its non-violent independence struggle & its leaders harboured an idealistic streak about it still. There were almost no addition to Indian military capability from independence to the 1962 war. That isn't the case anymore. India's top fighters are probably better than anything China has & since India has access to a lot of Western equipment which China does not, the next conflict, if it were to happen in the immediate future won't resemble 1962 in the least.

Your GDP is important only if that has means that you have access to better equipments than your adversaries. Since a ban remains in place, the odds are no longer stacked in your favour. A key example would be China failed attempt to obtain Israeli Phalcon AEW & C. India has it, you don't. The balance is not as sharp as you might imagine it to be. As far as destroying cities go( a common line taken by some of your high IQ compatriots), an Indian nuclear bomb is as capable of destroying your economy as China's is of destroying India's. Once that is removed from the equation as being a loony idea, then all that might happen is a short border war & there is no way that you can overwhelm India in such a situation.
lol you think Vietnamese did that alone, how shameless, even the US says that Vietnam would have been won easily if it wasn't for China and Russia forcing them to hold back and supplying north vietnam. Can vietnam even make a bicycle without outside assistance?

Dam dawg I didn't know that, so the american told you that he would gave vietnamese a beatdown if it wasn't for the supa powah all mighty china, the same chinese that was still riding bicycles and wearing grey suit in the 60s?

the american also told me that if it wasn't for the american help chinese would be speaking japanese today. Uncle sam said he should've stay out of asia in ww2 so Japan can PWNED china a$$.

can you chinese make anything with out the white man and japanese's help?
We are talking war.While GDP is important in a long race, I see nothing to suggest that China is militarily even remotely as well placed as in 1962. You must remember that India was still in thrall of its non-violent independence struggle & its leaders harboured an idealistic streak about it still. There were almost no addition to Indian military capability from independence to the 1962 war. That isn't the case anymore. India's top fighters are probably better than anything China has & since India has access to a lot of Western equipment which China does not, the next conflict, if it were to happen in the immediate future won't resemble 1962 in the least.

Your GDP is important only if that has means that you have access to better equipments than your adversaries. Since a ban remains in place, the odds are no longer stacked in your favour. A key example would be China failed attempt to obtain Israeli Phalcon AEW & C. India has it, you don't. The balance is not as sharp as you might imagine it to be. As far as destroying cities go( a common line taken by some of your high IQ compatriots), an Indian nuclear bomb is as capable of destroying your economy as China's is of destroying India's. Once that is removed from the equation as being a loony idea, then all that might happen is a short border war & there is no way that you can overwhelm India in such a situation.

Some problems with your analysis:

1.) we have the KJ-2000 with equal detection radius and equal target tracking numbers to the Phalcon. Thanks to Israel for forcing us to make our own later instead of buy instantly. In addition we have domestic production capability for the smaller KJ-200, which, unlike the KJ-2000, is not limited by airframes.
2.) GDP*percentage of GDP that is industry = military production GDP, ours is much bigger than yours. who cares if our engines wear out twice as fast as yours if we can produce one after another. from uniforms to high grade steel to ceramic armor we can produce more weapons. The primary weakness of our engine is the low endurance time, it's actual acceleration and thrust is better than the russian engine. In a real war, we'll just make more backup engines and change them more often.
3.) one of our nukes can deal more megatons of damage than the entire indian arsenal. using nukes is not in your favor.
4.) india might not have been ready but we were actively handicapped. 1962 is the year right after we ended our economic crisis, we lost all support from the USSR, we're still enemies with the US, our soldiers didn't have enough to eat, and we had logistic difficulties because no roads existed in tibet at the time. on the other hand indian forces were near their centers of power, had support of the USSR and acceptance of the US, and had no major economic crisis.
5.) India is disadvantaged by both geography and infrastructure. While it has a global geographical advantage by its capital being closer to the front lines and the bulk of its forces deployed along that line, we have the advantages of mass transport: a train can transport 50000 tons of equipment every day and we have the airlift capability to put 48000 soldiers anywhere in the globe in 48 hours. In addition, we have local geographic advantage: the himalayas make it very very hard for Indian forces to attack us first, which means the choice of attacking is always up to us, not India.
Dam dawg I didn't know that, so the american told you that he would gave vietnamese a beatdown if it wasn't for the supa powah all mighty china, the same chinese that was still riding bicycles and wearing grey suit in the 60s?

the american also told me that if it wasn't for the american help chinese would be speaking japanese today. Uncle sam said he should've stay out of asia in ww2 so Japan can PWNED china a$$.

can you chinese make anything with out the white man and japanese's help?

yoyoyo you real hardcore gangsta now dawg? wanna be a nig* then get some face paint like preschoolers, this isn't the place for kids.
Uncle sam said he should've stay out of asia in ww2 so Japan can PWNED china a$$.

Instead, Uncle Sam PWNED Japan's a$$ with nuclear weapons, and the Nazi-Japanese alliance are remembered as the bad guys, the war criminals, and the losers of WW2. :cheers:
India has all the wonderful things of this world and China got nothing even after 1962 conflict.So if conflict happen again whether China win or lose he will lose nothing but if India lose he must lose something important.
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