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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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By just looking at your username made me laugh, find me one real japanese will stupid enough to use such a name except some shameless "faker" who thought it will sounds more like a jap.:lol:

Good point, this guy looks like a false flag.

What kind of Ri ben ren would call himself "Kamikaze attack"? :azn:

(And he even spelled "Kamikaze" wrong as well. :lol:)
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Yeah, i'm sure you must be one brave japs eye, seriously i wonder you ever been to japan and you know **** about japan.
By just looking at your username made me laugh, find me one real japanese will stupid enough to use such a name except some shameless "faker" who thought it will sounds more like a jap.:lol:
Regarding you idiotic make-up story proved nothing but only your real "age" i could imagine a 5 feet tall ugly midget talking tough on the internet just to feel good.:D

That's right I have never been to japan neither do I want to.

I aint brave dude, I am a man of peace. hence I know that nukes kills and I dont avocate the use of nukes on any human beings. I dont go on saying Japan or Canada should attack anybody.

Me scared, unlike you and your internet warrior friends here...you guys are real brave.., wanting to invade every country there is. I know China is the best, the great supapowah PLA are so tough and strong it can survive a nuclear war by wearing oakleys.

You right me ugly too, but I have tap more *** and eaten more pussies that by the time I was 18 than you will probably ever see in your lifetime.

but hey you tall and handsome right? and talking tough like invading India, japan, vietnam...just to look good too?
wow I got the whole chinese crew reved up.


they totally skipped the topic, took time off bashing India

to have a personal attack

hey what's 1 sure way we know people can't handle the heat...

they start calling people names like " you're ugly and a midget"

:rofl: " your' re ugly and a midget" "FALSE FLAG..FALSE FLAG"

is somebody feelings hurt?

are you boys that soft? are you going to tell the moderator on me now?
That's right I have never been to japan neither do I want to.

I aint brave dude, I am a man of peace. hence I know that nukes kills and I dont avocate the use of nukes on any human beings. I dont go on saying Japan or Canada should attack anybody.

Me scared, unlike you and your internet warrior friends here...you guys are real brave.., wanting to invade every country there is. I know China is the best, the great supapowah PLA are so tough and strong it can survive a nuclear war by wearing oakleys.

You right me ugly too, but I have tap more *** and eaten more pussies that by the time I was 18 than you will probably ever see in your lifetime.

but hey you tall and handsome right? and talking tough like invading India, japan, vietnam...just to look good too?

Please stop abusing the Internet warriors. They have nothing better to do.

wow I got the whole chinese crew reved up.


they totally skipped the topic, took time off bashing India

to have a personal attack

hey what's 1 sure way we know people can't handle the heat...

they start calling people names like " you're ugly and a midget"

:rofl: " your' re ugly and a midget" "FALSE FLAG..FALSE FLAG"

is somebody feelings hurt?

are you boys that soft? are you going to tell the moderator on me now?

Look at that huge post with all the rofl smilies...

It looks like the only one who is upset here... is you. :azn:

Maybe you should stop taking the internet so seriously...
That's right I have never been to japan neither do I want to.
I aint brave dude, I am a man of peace. hence I know that nukes kills and I dont avocate the use of nukes on any human beings. I dont go on saying Japan or Canada should attack anybody.

Me scared, unlike you and your internet warrior friends here...you guys are real brave.., wanting to invade every country there is. I know China is the best, the great supapowah PLA are so tough and strong it can survive a nuclear war by wearing oakleys.

You right me ugly too, but I have tap more *** and eaten more pussies that by the time I was 18 than you will probably ever see in your lifetime.
but hey you tall and handsome right? and talking tough like invading India, japan, vietnam...just to look good too?

Kudos to an honest so-called jap eye, way to go to avoid further embarrassment that you know sh!t about japan eh?:tup:

And i believed your pussies eater's claim, in fact by imagine what size of tool a midget will logically processed tell the true story:lol:
Look at that huge post with all the rofl smilies...

It looks like the only one who is upset here... is you. :azn:

Maybe you should stop taking the internet so seriously...

no i am actually having a hell of a time

come on dude, I am on the clock. you know how slow my day would be today if I din't have PDF?

hey buddy I was just wondering... do you guys in china hang out and talk about guys? do you sit at the mall and check out guys and comment about them while they walk by?

because me personally and 100% guys I know don't really give a dam about the next dude. I don't think I have ever said a dude is ugly or short...why would I care if the next dude is a "midget and ugly"

I am just curious to know why you someone would comment about some guys looks on the internet.

BTW are you tall and handsome? are your nails sparkiling clean? is your hair smooth and silky :azn:

Chinese Dragon, I rather say that then nuking a billion people off the planet, Ok?

I know you would rather say that, but I have never advocated nuking anyone at all, you can check my post history.
I know you would rather say that, but I have never advocated nuking anyone at all, you can check my post history.

Not you, but other Chinese gives thumbs up..

Tell someone who cares, I have seen so many Indians using racial abuse towards Chinese here, and plenty of Indians who advocate attacking the Three Gorges Dam, which would be worse than a nuclear detonation.

Right, right, I am going to leave this epic internet battle for you keyboard warriors, ok tough guy?

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no i am actually having a hell of a time

come on dude, I am on the clock. you know how slow my day would be today if I din't have PDF?

hey buddy I was just wondering... do you guys in china hang out and talk about guys? do you sit at the mall and check out guys and comment about them while they walk by?

because me personally and 100% guys I know don't really give a dam about the next dude. I don't think I have ever said a dude is ugly or short...why would I care if the next dude is a "midget and ugly"

I am just curious to know why you someone would comment about some guys looks on the internet.

BTW are you tall and handsome? are your nails sparkiling clean? is your hair smooth and silky :azn:


LOL calm down buddy, it's just the internet!

Go take a walk, talk to someone, and next time you pretend to be a Ri ben ren, spell "Kamikaze" correctly in your user name. :azn:
Not you, but other Chinese gives thumbs up..

Tell someone who cares, I have seen so many Indians using racial abuse towards Chinese here, and plenty of Indians who advocate attacking the Three Gorges Dam, which would be worse than a nuclear detonation.

Kamikaze attack is just one, in a long line of Indians who like to racially abuse Chinese people. :azn: It's just par for the course.
The japs and the korean g**ks are just bunch of idiots for not understanding that without a prosperous China, Asia would fall right under the hands of the Western Imperalism.

China is your backbone, if China ceases to exist, the whitemen would just get rid of you guys like thrash. So don't destroy the hands that feed you!!!
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