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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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yes u r right hongwu is great worrior, an honerable chinese member, a great leader with vision. if only india have leader like him india surely can conquer the world.

thanks for your generocity
but no thanx we dont have any plans to conquer world to his talent will be wasted in INDIA.
rather we would always prefer to make whatever we have and is ours more developed.:cheers:

Now u had proved one thing,either u r impotent or ur govt is,Chinese dont talk much,right?

Now this is the reason I accept's Below freezing's epic ritualistic high iq figures:no:

Now here we have a guy who basically do not understand the spelling difference between Agni-2 and Agni-2 prime,comon freezing so what is his position in ur nation's IQ ladder,I know he is still above me:lol: but frankly do his cross ur avg of 15 or whatever


oh this man have no idea how funny he is

another epic Chinese BS,the reality is that except the one with India u lost each and every other war,ur govt should b congratulated with the amount of brainwashing they had done,even tame losses r considered to b victories there,we atleat have the humility to accept our defeat,our govt does not brainwash us on it

at best that was a stalemate,this also can b pronounced in the reverse order American's defended South korea,if u look at the chinese and North korean advancements at a particular timeline of war when they were just km's far of seoul

But had any one ever had a look at causalities,china stand at 10 times to the numbers of U.S(400000),with almost same amount injured and around 30000 Pow

U call this victory,we call this failure

one more lie, Chinese forces were effectively repelled by soviet forces and thrown out of Zhenbao Island,once again u were the losers

First of all stop using this word defense, every time ur not defending but actually acting like aggressors

Now let come back to topic,Sino-Vietnam war or third Indo China war was another epic Chinese failure

Of course u succeed with ur scorched earth policy but u sucked at the strategic level,u attacked Vietnam in support of Khemer Rouge regime which vietnam dismantled.

Once inside Vietnam ur govt came to know that u can never defeat them.

As usual china claimed victory,but have even a remote idea of what happened later Vietnam still continued its occupation over Cambodia,the very basic reason of Chinese aggression,and china like poor boys were unable to do anything rather than watching

Really which one,the trolley incident,so the trolley belonged to ur navy:lol:

The problem is that other than beating hard on the keyboard u people r unable to do anything,so fit ur 25 mega tone nuclear bomb in ur a$$ at give urself some rest

you seem to forget we gave you a hell of a beating in 1962, a total humiliation...enuf said ...lol
I thought that this thread was about a belligerent PLA general being permitted by the CPC to make remarks in public, that would be widely publicised, to the effect that some unnamed lands looted by neighbours should be recovered. The way the news item was interpreted, General Luo's views were timed to appear before the very guarded New Delhi meeting recently. Apparently, this is a way of conveying a message, something very oblique is said before an important meeting, and others have to make the connection. If questioned, naturally, the PRC Foreign Office (I believe the abbreviation used is MFA) can blandly deny any connection, point to the policy of freedom of speech, and insist that the unnamed territories and the unnamed neighbours have nothing to do with the India-China dispute.

Where is the thread going?

Is it about long-term Chinese intentions, world-wide?

Is it about the native and inherent qualities of Chinese and Indians?
Is it still about the nature and range of relations between the PRC and India?
Is it about war and peace and their respective prospects between India and China?
Is it about the respective military capabilities of China and India?

I am curious; would some kind person please enlighten me?

I am also curious to know why we know so little about each other, judging by the information content of the posts and comparing them to the information content of posts concerning Pakistan and India, and Bangladesh and India, and Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Is it possible that neither side is interested in knowing more about the other, and is content to go along in relative ignorance, and not make the slightest effort to find out what the world looks like from its biggest neighbour's point of view?

This is not about india. His remarks are almost guarenteed to be reserved for south sea disputes or Diaoyu Island. But some other indian members have misinterpreted, and MADE this about india.
The PLA is also one of the most experienced military forces in the world, it is the only country post WW2 to have fought the US military and much of the worlds army's to a stalemate, even though at the time she was far behind in terms of military technology.

You ever of the vietnam war?

You ever heard of vietnam? what's more impressive...a stalemate
from the country of 1 billion plus people with the second biggest land mass in the world or a country that embarrassed the US with 50 million people and one of the smaller land mass in the world?
also that small little country also gave the mighty super duper powahhh PLA a ***** slap in 1979.

Vietnam :sniper::china::usflag:

China and the US got PIMPED by VIETNAM post WW2
I thought that this thread was about a belligerent PLA general being permitted by the CPC to make remarks in public, that would be widely publicised, to the effect that some unnamed lands looted by neighbours should be recovered. The way the news item was interpreted, General Luo's views were timed to appear before the very guarded New Delhi meeting recently. Apparently, this is a way of conveying a message, something very oblique is said before an important meeting, and others have to make the connection. If questioned, naturally, the PRC Foreign Office (I believe the abbreviation used is MFA) can blandly deny any connection, point to the policy of freedom of speech, and insist that the unnamed territories and the unnamed neighbours have nothing to do with the India-China dispute.

Where is the thread going?

Is it about long-term Chinese intentions, world-wide?

Is it about the native and inherent qualities of Chinese and Indians?
Is it still about the nature and range of relations between the PRC and India?
Is it about war and peace and their respective prospects between India and China?
Is it about the respective military capabilities of China and India?

I am curious; would some kind person please enlighten me?

I am also curious to know why we know so little about each other, judging by the information content of the posts and comparing them to the information content of posts concerning Pakistan and India, and Bangladesh and India, and Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Is it possible that neither side is interested in knowing more about the other, and is content to go along in relative ignorance, and not make the slightest effort to find out what the world looks like from its biggest neighbour's point of view?

What people are taking issue with is the attitude by several Chinese posters here. That seem to mimic what are widespread feelings within the Chinese military. The release of what the General said I'm sure is no coincidence and meant for as you suggested.

But that doesn't negate that many Chinese are yearning for a more imperialistic aggresive stance in Asia. They seem to want to settle what they consider to be old greviences. As well as expand thier claim on resources they currently have no right to.

Here is a nice report done in 2001. Some of it's conculsions on the military have changed somewhat.

This is not about india. His remarks are almost guarenteed to be reserved for south sea disputes or Diaoyu Island. But some other indian members have misinterpreted, and MADE this about india.

Heh. Thanks for the insight.

I get it now.

Typical of these nationalist threads. Both sides getting offended at imaginary slights and beating each other up on the Internet.

I think it is best to watch the fun - there was a smiley which exactly conveys the most appropriate sentiments for the occasion, and it is:pop:

There were some historical and sociological points but those seem to have been buried deep down somewhere in these mutual exchanges of poo!
"Quantity has a quality of its own" Napoleon Bonaparte said it and not Mao zedong .

Chinese reverse engineering a.k.a copying :lol:
this thread still going.......not surprised.
A win is a win....lol dont you love indians coming up with all sort of excuses for their failures.

So what excuse do you have for PLA retreating from Sikkim in 1987?
If you can beat us so easily, then what stopped you then?

Indian political leadership and military underestimated China's capability in 1962. We were zero intelligence of what your military was doing in Askai Chin till the battle actually broke out.

Times are very different today.

And before you start harping on your military capabilities, suggest you read this little article
Military strength eludes China, which looks overseas for arms
yes u r right hongwu is great worrior, an honerable chinese member, a great leader with vision. if only india have leader like him india surely can conquer the world.

Ya, whats wrong with the Chinese members?! Omg lol.

He is just an arm chair general on the internet lmao!!

So many **** being spewed here...
but it shows the level where pdf went to. :frown:
yes u r right hongwu is great worrior, an honerable chinese member, a great leader with vision. if only india have leader like him india surely can conquer the world.

For doing what? writing letters? :lol: internet warriors
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