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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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Tibet has been a part of China since the Qing Dynasty. It does not belong to the "Tibetans." It belongs to China.

Both Yuan and Qing weren't Chinese dynasties to begin with.

Before you bring the argument that Qings got mixed with local culture,then by extrapolation of that logic we get ot claim what belonged to the Mughals.(hint:Askai Chin)

However all that is history,What matters now is China holds Tibet.

India's unwillingness to accept this means that India must be destroyed in order for China to rise. At least Kashmir and Northeast India must be independent

Historically ppl tried doing so ,but ended up losing their identity /making us more united and stronger.
When they are not causing any violence and nor their is any case pending against them in India from China they are free and preach whatever they like. That is within the legal constraints within India as otherwise these separatist mouth pieces within India would not ever had voice. :hitwall:

Apart from violently trying to overthrow the Chinese government during the Tibetan uprising?

This was 1959, when Nehru still kept saying "Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai".

Is that the action of a friend, to host our biggest separatist group immediately after they failed to violently overthrow our government?
One thing is for sure with your mental standard you are surely not chinese. :undecided:

Its deja vu for me.

I remember coming across a Chinese poster with the same tone,
Even the same avatar(Qing warrior)

I heavily doubt he is Chinese, no modern Chinese in his right state of mind would view the Qing rule with pride, considering how some of these rulers tried to ban/limited Chinese culture.
Both Yuan and Qing weren't Chinese dynasties to begin with.

The Manchus and the Mongols were eventually subsumed by the Chinese identity.

Nowadays there are less than 70 people in the entire world who speak Manchu. The vast majority of Manchus speak Chinese.

Manchu language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The vast majority of Mongolians also now live within the PRC. Only a fraction of them continue to live in Mongolia itself.
And thats the reason India recognizes it as part of your territory. Now i have started doubting the IQ theory of below freezing... Are you chinese for real?

it's not a theory, it's basic statistics. the IQ distribution of india clearly points to a higher burden of low IQ handicapped persons with an inferior educational system incapable of training low IQ persons to performing at the level of high IQ people.

real performance is changable through education, but india doesn't have that, along with being crippled with a heavier burden of low IQ people.
Apart from violently trying to overthrow the Chinese government during the Tibetan uprising?

This was 1959, when Nehru still kept saying "Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai".

Is that the action of a friend, to host our biggest separatist group immediately after they failed to violently overthrow our government?

Has CPC approched the Indian courts for that. Once in India was it found that the voilence is being originated from within India. And if it was China is already a permanent member of UN can very well tackle things in International courts. What refrained you guys. What refrained you guys to declare Dalai Lama as the war criminal.

Dalai Lama and his students sought peaceful asylum in India with no violations of Indian policies or engagement in violent activities they got one.

And as far as Dalai Lama is considered if there red corner notice against him? Is he on the interpol list? There are proper channels to address the issue. Not everything can be done just because China said it. Declare him a war criminal we will hand him over to you.
Both Yuan and Qing weren't Chinese dynasties to begin with.

Before you bring the argument that Qings got mixed with local culture,then by extrapolation of that logic we get ot claim what belonged to the Mughals.(hint:Askai Chin)
Yuan and Qing were Chinese. They were just not Han Chinese. The Manchu were fully assimilated by late Qing Dynasty.

You do not get to claim what belongs to the Mughals because Republic of India is not a successor state to the Mughals. PRC is a successor state to Republic of China. Republic of China is a successor state to the Qing Dynasty.
Has CPC approched the Indian courts for that.

Because by hosting them in India while Nehru was singing his bhai bhai song, was an act of treachery from a so called brother. Which was then quickly followed by Nehru's forward policy and the 1962 war.

And after the 1962 war, ethnic Chinese were mass deported from Kolkata, and we have been rivals ever since.

The Chinese government asked for the separatists behind the 1959 violent uprising to be returned to China, but India did not want to do that. India wanted them as a political chip, and they got their wish.
A conflict...ofcourse but a full scale war? I would say highly unlikely. Risk of a nuclear war is too great and we all know a conventional war between nuclear powers could escalate into nuclear strikes. I would say the chinese leaders are well aware of the facts. Unlike the remaining optimistic brothers of mine in pakistan, i wouldn't jump into the "all weather friend" bandwagon so hastily.
I dont think its even remotely possible or desirable for bharat to attempt an annexation of pakistan. Annexation of 140 million thirsting for revenge isnt really a smart move. Neither is destabilisation. My understanding is that china wants to develop us as a satellite nation.
(Waits for false flag calls). The thing is i am honestly paranoid about the chinese hand in pakistan. I fear for the sovereignity of our 60 year old nation. There wont be a war if sanity prevails , but if there is a war then god help us all and god help pakistan smack right in the middle. On a lighter note......merry christmas to all....yes to you bhartis as well;)
A conflict...ofcourse but a full scale war? I would say highly unlikely. Risk of a nuclear war is too great and we all know a conventional war between nuclear powers could escalate into nuclear strikes. I would say the chinese leaders are well aware of the facts. Unlike the remaining optimistic brothers of mine in pakistan, i wouldn't jump into the "all weather friend" bandwagon so hastily.
I dont think its even remotely possible or desirable for bharat to attempt an annexation of pakistan. Annexation of 140 million thirsting for revenge isnt really a smart move. Neither is destabilisation. My understanding is that china wants to develop us as a satellite nation.
(Waits for false flag calls). The thing is i am honestly paranoid about the chinese hand in pakistan. I fear for the sovereignity of our 60 year old nation. There wont be a war if sanity prevails , but if there is a war then god help us all and god help pakistan smack right in the middle. On a lighter note......merry christmas to all....yes to you bhartis as well;)

Don't be silly. It's not China that's bombing targets in Pakistan with the express permission of one Pakistani politician whose name starts with Z. In contrast, not only are we not bombing we are building.
And after the 1962 war, ethnic Chinese were mass deported from Kolkata, and we have been rivals ever since.

After a war would you have not done the same with the warring nation.

The Chinese government asked for the separatists behind the 1959 violent uprising to be returned to China, but India did not want to do that. India wanted them as a political chip, and they got their wish.

The political chip is already neutralised with the recognition of Tibet. And as I said China is free to put forward the agenda in International courts. We are obliged to follow international courts. But things cannot be done just because China said so. Sorry our foreign policies are not China centric or for Chinese appeasement
Don't be silly. It's not China that's bombing targets in Pakistan with the express permission of one Pakistani politician whose name starts with Z. In contrast, not only are we not bombing we are building.

"Styx" is not a Pakistani. All the other Pakistanis have called him a false flag.
Canada? It is already another US state -- unofficially...:D
If you say that in Canada, you'll get hung by some Canadians.
I said it in front of a bunch of Canadians at Maple Flag...:D...And they laughed. Enough of them admitted that no matter how much Canadians may 'look down' on Americans, both countries, with the exception of Quebec, are more alike than different.

Why don't you do some experiment: put a sticker of US national flag on your car window, and parking your car on a busy street of Montreal, for instance, for couple of days. You'll conveniently see your window smashed into dust.

Many Americans a notoriously sumptuously ignorant. And many of them even don't know where Canada is. :lol:
I read sometime ago: Americans are benevolently ignorant of Canada while Canadians are malevolently well informed of the US.
After a war would you have not done the same with the warring nation.

The political chip is already neutralised with the recognition of Tibet. And as I said China is free to put forward the agenda in International courts. We are obliged to follow international courts. But things cannot be done just because China said so. Sorry our foreign policies are not China centric or for Chinese appeasement

Hey you don't need to apologize to me.

We're discussing the causes of the Sino-Indian rivalry. That was the cause.
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