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China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

The word banana is only used for overseas Chinese who are associating themselves more with Caucasians (culture) than with their own race, meaning lack of knowledge of Chinese history, tradition, culture despite being Chinese. At the same time it can also be applied to Mr Locke, because he is just another US government mouthpiece criticizing China for not respecting human rights in his departing speech. Chinese people don't use banana to refer other overseas South East Asians, Koreans or Japanese because we don't care about them talking sh!t about their own countries or whether they identify themselves more with Caucasian cultures rather than their own kind. Plenty overseas Chinese even admit being a banana and not feeling any racism at all because they know it's the truth. But Gambit here just want to link that word with racism because Mr Lock (a US government employee) is being called a rotten banana while he doesn't care about other overseas Chinese being referred as banana.
The word banana is only used for overseas Chinese who are associating themselves more with Caucasians (culture) than with their own race, meaning lack of knowledge of Chinese history, tradition, culture despite being Chinese. At the same time it can also be applied to Mr Locke, because he is just another US government mouthpiece criticizing China for not respecting human rights in his departing speech. Chinese people don't use banana to refer other overseas South East Asians, Koreans or Japanese because we don't care about them talking sh!t about their own countries or whether they identify themselves more with Caucasian cultures rather than their own kind. Plenty overseas Chinese even admit being a banana and not feeling any racism at all because they know it's the truth. But Gambit here just want to link that word with racism because Mr Lock (a US government employee) is being called a rotten banana while he doesn't care about other overseas Chinese being referred as banana.
But why must Locke care about China? So what if his ancestry is Chinese? What has China done for him? Yes, it would be nice to have some knowledge about one's ancestry, but unless the person is willing to adopt his ancestors' country in terms of living its culture and speaks the language wholesale, allegiance belongs to where one is borned, grew up, and matured.

Face it, racist...And I mean YOU, buddy...No matter how much and your pals want to dodge, you are exposed for what you are.
As reported Air Quality Index AQI of Beijing : 512-537 in 25 Feb ...
while Hanoi : 152 in 26 Feb
Nha Trang - Vietnam : 61
Allegiance belongs to where one is born, grew up and matured? Now this i find hilarious.

Mr Lock is not obliged to care about China and can stick his allegiance to USA. Nobody is forcing him to become some US lapdog badmouthing China on issues which the US doesn't even respect either just don't expect China and other overseas Chinese to go easy on the dude.

Plenty immigrants and their descendants living in foreign nations don't feel the need to stick their allegiance to those countries. It's not for you to decide what should or should not be, every individual can show loyalty to their own father/motherland if they choose to.
Funny that nobody here see it as racism except you, if some overseas Chinese being labelled as banana don't even have any problem with that word i don't see why there's any reason some old senile feel the urge to defend for them. I guess it's some kind of an opportunity for you just to call us racist.
Allegiance belongs to where one is born, grew up and matured? Now this i find hilarious.
Where do you think one's allegiance should be? Sure, a person could change his allegiance, but the word 'belongs' as used in no way implied a mandatory condition. The word simply mean a person always have the desire or even need to feel that he is a valuable member of a group, be that group the Boy Scouts or the United States. So how is it 'hilarious' to say that a person's allegiance belongs to his country of birth and political maturity?

Mr Lock is not obliged to care about China and can stick his allegiance to USA. Nobody is forcing him to become some US lapdog badmouthing China on issues which the US doesn't even respect either just don't expect China and other overseas Chinese to go easy on the dude.
Who is demanding that China not criticize Gary Locke? Unless you mean calling scurrilous names that are outside of his official duties legitimate part of criticisms. If that is the case, then you should have no problems with Americans calling Chinese all sort of names, from simple insults to racist ones, right? Bottom line is that not one of you here could stand up to Gary Locke. He probably know and understand your China than you do.

Plenty immigrants and their descendants living in foreign nations don't feel the need to stick their allegiance to those countries. It's not for you to decide what should or should not be, every individual can show loyalty to their own father/motherland if they choose to.
Who is talking about merely living? Did I not use the word 'citizen'? I do not expect the Indian and Chinese engineers I support (at work) to pledge allegiance to the US. They are citizens of India and China and I fully expect them to pledge allegiance to their respective charges. I would raise more than just an eyebrow if they do not. But if any of them took the oath of citizenship, which required the public declaration of abandonment of prior loyalty, then it is fully within my rights to demand him/her to place his/her allegiance to the US. Completely reasonable.

Funny that nobody here see it as racism except you, if some overseas Chinese being labelled as banana don't even have any problem with that word i don't see why there's any reason some old senile feel the urge to defend for them. I guess it's some kind of an opportunity for you just to call us racist.
Racists often feel they are not.

So here are a couple more 'bananas' for you Chinese...


They are not official ambassadors for US, but in their own ways, they are ambassadors for the greatest country the world have to date -- the US. Each of them accomplished far more than ALL OF YOU COMBINED.
Funny how a racist squirt of dog turd like you is screaming racism. Stop clogging up the screen.
Well Gary Locke is a hardcore banana. Look at his last name, can you even tell he is ethnic Chinese or Asian, lol, At first I thought he was related to John Locke, the English enlightenment philosopher, lol. But anyway, who cares.

Our ancestors already said 
lol from where did you get that Indians call American Indians as coconuts. LMAO I am hearing this for the first from you.
Bullshit, when was "banana" ever a racist insult? :rofl: These guys know absolutely nothing about China.

It's almost an equivalent to Indians calling Westernized Indians "coconuts". Is that racist too?

Racism means considering a person superior or inferior based on their ethnicity/race.

What ethnicity/race is Gary Locke? He is ethnic Chinese, so how can there be any racism? :disagree:
There lies the flaw in your argument.

What is meant to be a 'banana' when it comes to Asian-Americans? Not Asians who lives in the US, but Asian-Americans, meaning Asians who are US citizens? A banana is yellow on its skin, which is thin to start, and white on the meat, which contains the nutrition and taste people want. So to call an Asian-American a 'banana' is to demand attribution of racial characteristics to his skin color, the external appearance, and other racial characteristics to the inner person, as in his morals, thoughts, and beliefs. You insists that he must settle this conflict and since he cannot shed his skin, he must either place his 'yellow' racial characteristics at a higher priority than his 'white' racial characteristics or get rid of the 'whiteness' completely.

The attribution of certain racial characteristics to skin color by the Chinese members here make them no better than the American KKK. And here on this forum we see no shortage of people calling Americans stupid, backward, provincial, etc...:lol:

Gary Locke is a far better human being and an accomplished person than all you losers here COMBINED.
The article is written in the Chinese language and put on a Chinese website. It is intended for Chinese reader.

"banana" is a term used to describe a particular type of oversea Chinese. It doesn't necessary carry any obligation/judgement.

Mr. Gary Locke fit the description of a "banana" PERFECTLY.

The article simply call a spade a spade.

And the reason the article point it out is to remind Chinese reader of his true intention/motive.
Funny how a racist squirt of dog turd like you is screaming racism. Stop clogging up the screen.
So say a member of the forum group that believes the Chinese is the rightful MASTER of Asia because all other Asiatics are 'inferior' in genetics.
So say a member of the forum group that believes the Chinese is the rightful MASTER of Asia because all other Asiatics are 'inferior' in genetics.

Never said that, you are off your meds. China is a multi-ethnic state.
The article is written in the Chinese language and put on a Chinese website. It is intended for Chinese reader.

"banana" is a term used to describe a particular type of oversea Chinese. It doesn't necessary carry any obligation/judgement.

Mr. Gary Locke fit the description of a "banana" PERFECTLY.

The article simply call a spade a spade.

And the reason the article point it out is to remind Chinese reader of his true intention/motive.
Yeah...He supposedly 'betrayed' China, even though the only ties he has to China is two generations ago. Only racists have that kind of reasoning. So do continue to call him a 'banana', it will only confirm to the rest of the world the true attitude of the Chinese. Note: I NEVER advocated the Chinese to stop being what they are and how they regard other people. Just like you, am calling a spade -- a spade.
Yes, many Chinese ppl don't like Mr Locke. I think the reason is below:
Mr Locke found favor in the eyes of Chinese at the beginning because of his ethnic Chinese face, but for some reason, I guess he want to dispel concern from US side upon his loyalty,which is very slightly but not zero , he acted more conservative than a conservative white politician when criticizing China. This Of course smeshed the illusion of the "friendly yellow face", ppl was disappointed and feel embarrassed so use "banana" to make fun of Mr Locke.

Those US guys in this thread who blame this as RACIST are either stupids or want to make trouble deliberately.:D
While I hold no brief for any racists in the world, the suggestion here seems to be that only white Americans and wannabe white Americans have the right to be racists.

The person making the biggest noise repeatedly behaves (and is doing so in this thread) as a racist just because he has become an American and so "acquired the privilege to be a racist".

This is nothing to do with the large majority of Americans who are decent people.

One may change his country, one may not change his race, despite all attempts. One only ends up making a fool of himself if one tries that.

And if you see a specific behavior by such people that can just come from "trying too hard", "banana" or "coconut" or other such words may describe part of the phenomenon of what is going on.
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