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China media hurls racist slur at departing US envoy

The original article.

2014年02月27日 20:37 来源:

  骆家辉是一个在美国出生的第三代华裔,他的“黄皮白心”的香蕉人属性成了奥巴马外交的优势。美国亚太新战略的显露,选择在他的任期内。因为,一 个人要想拆你的台,总要留给人“我是为你着想”的印象。当美国在亚太不断搅起漩涡、制造矛盾的时候,却有一个表面上久居海外的游子、黑头发黄皮肤的皮囊来 为美国叫好。真是演得一出好双簧。

  然而香蕉放久了“黄皮”总归是要烂掉的,不但“白心”会露出来,也会变成反胃的“黑心”。也许骆氏觉得单靠黄皮肤出场是不够的。经历过美国政治 竞选秀的骆氏懂得利用媒体。于是乎,各种“轻车简行、背包自助游、坐经济舱”的戏码轮番登场。一开始,确实赚到了朴素善良的中国人的眼球。但后来仔细想 想,放着公务舱、珍馐美味,偏要“无意”在镜头前坐经济舱、吃快餐,其实和有钱人偶尔去农家乐然后拍照上传“作秀”有什么不同?骆氏是否作秀我不敢乱说, 至少美国人自己的媒体透露,他任华盛顿州景郡郡长、竞选华盛顿州州长期间对于属地公司的行贿向来“手到擒来”。

  其实,骆大使的真人秀是财政上“节流开源”好案例。说“节流”,是因为美国大使的财务是包干的,坐公务舱、吃豪宴预算就用完了,坐经济舱、吃快 餐省下的钱是不退的。说“开源”,作秀背后需要的安保、宣传成本,就是新的预算项目。我们很好奇,大使先生“节流开源”后省下的钱,莫不是去开广告公司 了?只是听外媒说,大使先生在没有镜头的时候,住的是耗资上亿美元的大使官邸,出行代步的是特制防弹豪华专车。

  大使本职是传声筒,让两家不至于稀里糊涂吵架动手。但骆氏不但不认祖先的文字,还看不懂中国法律,特喜欢对着中国的内政指手画脚。每次美国官员 访问中国,骆氏都会递上简报,大谈中国所谓的人权及西藏问题,提点美国官员借机敲打中国。他还跑到新疆、西藏,煽邪风,点邪火。他自己跑不够,还收留所谓 的维权律师陈光诚,然后“义务”带着这位盲人一起跑,成功发挥了“导盲犬”的作用。由此,骆氏顺利荣膺大使行业里扔掉起码的外交礼仪的“奇葩”桂冠。

  骆氏如此费力地演出,图个啥呢?其实在他甫一到任时就说了:“我们也通过会见宗教领袖和一些人权律师广泛传播了美国价值观。”原来,他是让我们 爱美国,想美国,揣着钱包去美国。他是这么想,也是这么做的。他卖力“投资”中国舆论界,以官方或民间基金会的名义资助、收买“亲美人士”,发展“美分 党”。对了,还有他津津乐道的“大幅缩短了中国人签证面谈等候的时间,让90%的申请者都可以拿到签证”。可是您想到没有,要不是中国经济的腾飞鼓起了中 国人的腰包和精气神儿,哪有那么多人去美国啊!

  当我们国家为治理环境群策群力的时候,大使先生放着本职工作不作,更没有告诉我们美国也有洛杉矶污染的“光灰岁月”,而是拿着测试仪读取北京 PM2.5数值并发微博。不知道他究竟何为,反正听说这之后美国大使馆工作人员的补贴和使馆配套设备都上了新台阶。骆氏也利用我们治理环境,再次恶心了我 们一次。

  美国对于外人,似乎从未像说的那么“有爱心”过,除了海湾中亚的坦克导弹,还有埃及乌克兰的街头冲突。欧洲人称这是新时期的“十字军东征”,但 当地的自由、机会和平等却是荡然无存。说到这,我想提醒骆先生,以后再外放大使的时候,不要随便“轻车简行”啦。毕竟不是每个国家都向中国这么友好,安 全。日本有山口组,伊拉克、阿富汗还有AK-47,很危险哩!

  如今,在斯诺登搞的白宫灰头土脸之后,骆氏走了。他说,一切为了孩子。呵呵,看起来您还是铁了心让后辈也服务美国的“自由、机会和平等”了。毕 竟,我们都知道美国的枪口往哪指、开炮往哪揍了。亚太的水快被他的后台导演以及导演的日本、菲律宾小伙伴搅浑了。再表现“为你着想”没人信了。至少,我们 知道,“四海炎黄是一家”的观念需要改一改了。大使先生想让我们去爱美国,我不想多说什么了,但我想起骆氏祖上豪杰骆宾王说过一句话:




When China received an ambassador from another country, we expect him/her to be a refined person with finesse.

Ambassador Locke seem to act more like an activist rather than a ambassador between two major nation of the world today.

Let's say we are a bit surprised by the behavior of this honored guest of China. I guess you can put that up as cultural differences.
When China received an ambassador from another country, we expect him/her to be a refined person with finesse.

Ambassador Locke seem to act more like an activist rather than a ambassador between two major nation of the world today.

Let's say we are a bit surprised by the behavior of this honored guest of China. I guess you can put that up as cultural differences.

Well the article says Chinese people defended him and pointed out had it not been for him raising awareness of the dangers of smog to Chinese citizens, the Chinese govt. wouldn't have pushed the program to crack down on smog. How much is the Chinese govt. spending to reduce the smog now?
Well the article says Chinese people defended him and pointed out had it not been for him raising awareness of the dangers of smog to Chinese citizens, the Chinese govt. wouldn't have pushed the program to crack down on smog. How much is the Chinese govt. spending to reduce the smog now?
He ain't raising shit. There are many environmental activists, of Chinese origin, who brought up the situation and make the central government response. It is not Gary Locke that cause the government to respond. You give him too much credit. And when is the few translated commentators represent the Chinese people anyway?
My next door neighbor was a Navy guard at Gitmo. According to him, and finally admitted by many human rights activists, what constituted 'torture' was usually blown out of proportions. When the facility was opened, of course the conditions were bare, and even the guards had to live in open air environment while the constructions were on going.

Gitmo is a prison for enemies of the US, not for ordinary criminals. No one but the most gullible take your stale arguments any more.


That intellectually dishonest argument have been discredited a loooooong time ago. For example, if the European countries have no marijuana laws, but we do, then naturally we will have a higher incarceration rate than the Europeans. Marijuana is a legitimate substance abuse law in many countries, no? How about rape, murder, robbery, or assault? Those are good reasons to imprison people, no?

How about political dissent? Ooopss...Your China specializes in that. Care to talk about those 'black jails' in China?
No political prisoners in the US ? What about Bradley Manning ? Isn't he a political prisoner ? Why did Edward Snowden have to flee ? What about Julian Assange ? What do you call these people ? They are not murderers, rapists, thieves or involved with drugs in anyway. Of course American hypernationalists will call these people traitors but infact they are whistleblowers. Its an political act and they are being punished for it. And the drug laws is a red herring since China has strict drug laws too. And yet on a per capita bases China still lock up 4 times less people then the US.

And then there is the activist Aaron Swartz.

Aaron Swartz was 'killed by the government,' father tells mourners - Los Angeles Times

And as far as your next door neighbour is concerned he is probably a sadist. This is another example of American hypocrisy if not racism. The people locked up in Guantanamo bay are not Americans so you can do what you want with them. What would America say if Americans are locked up abroad more than adecade without trial and being waterboarded in the mean time ?
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Looks like the most racist country on the planet got a taste of its own medicine....
Well the article says Chinese people defended him and pointed out had it not been for him raising awareness of the dangers of smog to Chinese citizens, the Chinese govt. wouldn't have pushed the program to crack down on smog. How much is the Chinese govt. spending to reduce the smog now?
He is called "banana" to mean yellow on the outside/skin and white inside. Inside in Chinese language is the same word as heart. That imply for Chinese people, his heart or in this case his motive is important.

The article called him a "banana" and a hypocrite. That means it was believed that his motive is not well intention.

You think Chinese people would not be suspicious of an ambassador that is representative of the US government, for US interest, engaging in such activities?

Those are rather odd things that an ambassador would do, because it doesn't seem to have anything to do with bilateral relation or US interest, so a reasonable person would ask why?
Complaints about being "racist" or "racialists" by someone here seems too far fetched.

This person tries to act racist as well many times and makes an utter fool of himself so many times.
Gary spoke out what the Beijing residents want their govt to know and act accordingly ...
I'ts no surprise to see some blame him while so many support him right inside Chinese language community
No political prisoners in the US ? What about Bradley Manning ? Isn't he a political prisoner ? Why did Edward Snowden have to flee ? What about Julian Assange ? What do you call these people ? They are not murderers, rapists, thieves or involved with drugs in anyway. Of course American hypernationalists will call these people traitors but infact they are whistleblowers. Its an political act and they are being punished for it. And the drug laws is a red herring since China has strict drug laws too. And yet on a per capita bases China still lock up 4 times less people then the US.
Bradley Manning violated laws while being a US military member. If he bide his time and completed his military obligations then exposed what the US government did based upon his personal experience and without stealing documents, there is next to nothing the US government could do to him. Same for Edward Snowden. Julian Assange? Take it up with Sweden for that sexual assault charge. There are many ways to expose governmental misdeeds without violating the laws, or at least violating only minor laws that can plead down or even eliminated in the interests of correcting the government. So no, Manning and Snowden are not political prisoners. They are criminals. If you want to talk about political prisoners, or lack thereof, look at Noam Chomsky or Ward Churchill or Howard Zinn or Michael Moore. Their Chinese versions are poor and locked up in China.

China's illegal drugs situation?

Illegal drug trade in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reporting on the activities of drug trafficking organizations in China is sparse.

Yes...More conspiracy theories, please...

And as far as your next door neighbour is concerned he is probably a sadist. This is another example of American hypocrisy if not racism. The people locked up in Guantanamo bay are not Americans so you can do what you want with them.
Prisoners at Gitmo lives better than prisoners in China. Or may be even better than the Chinese poor.

What would America say if Americans are locked up abroad more than adecade without trial and being waterboarded in the mean time ?
If they violated local laws, what do you expect US to do?
He is called "banana" to mean yellow on the outside/skin and white inside. Inside in Chinese language is the same word as heart. That imply for Chinese people, his heart or in this case his motive is important.

The article called him a "banana" and a hypocrite. That means it was believed that his motive is not well intention.

You think Chinese people would not be suspicious of an ambassador that is representative of the US government, for US interest, engaging in such activities?

Those are rather odd things that an ambassador would do, because it doesn't seem to have anything to do with bilateral relation or US interest, so a reasonable person would ask why?
There lies the flaw in your argument.

What is meant to be a 'banana' when it comes to Asian-Americans? Not Asians who lives in the US, but Asian-Americans, meaning Asians who are US citizens? A banana is yellow on its skin, which is thin to start, and white on the meat, which contains the nutrition and taste people want. So to call an Asian-American a 'banana' is to demand attribution of racial characteristics to his skin color, the external appearance, and other racial characteristics to the inner person, as in his morals, thoughts, and beliefs. You insists that he must settle this conflict and since he cannot shed his skin, he must either place his 'yellow' racial characteristics at a higher priority than his 'white' racial characteristics or get rid of the 'whiteness' completely.

The attribution of certain racial characteristics to skin color by the Chinese members here make them no better than the American KKK. And here on this forum we see no shortage of people calling Americans stupid, backward, provincial, etc...:lol:

Gary Locke is a far better human being and an accomplished person than all you losers here COMBINED.
Your long-winded essay aside, a banana is simply someone who betrays his "race" to benefit whites who want to kill them.
Your long-winded essay aside, a banana is simply someone who betrays his "race" to benefit whites who want to kill them.
Fine...So you are saying that there are unique thought patterns and behaviors to each race that cannot be found in the other races. Do you have any scientific evidences for this?
Your logic is garbage. The unique "thought patterns" of "a race" is that white people THINK we're a race and try to exterminate us on that basis. Easy enough to understand?

Who knows if Gary Locke was a traitor though.
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