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China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soar

Anyone who believes Chinese government is stupid on the covid policy himself is either stupid or with vicious purpose to China. I do trust Chinese government makes its policies on scientific basis.

No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.

Once the "vulnerable" population in countries such as the UK got jabbed, then deaths from the virus went down by 10-20x.

If your vaccines were really good then letting the virus spread unrestrained would not be a problem from a logical perspective.
China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soar
  • In the last few days, the mainland China daily Covid case count has climbed to around or more than 28,000 — near levels seen in April during a stringent lockdown in Shanghai, according to CNBC calculations of Wind Information data.
  • “China might have already passed the point of no return, as it’s unlikely to achieve zero Covid again without another Shanghai-style hard lockdown,” Macquarie’s Chief China Economist Larry Hu said in a report Tuesday.
  • In GDP terms, nearly 20% of China’s economy was negatively affected by Covid controls as of Monday, close to the high of 21.2% recorded in mid-April during Shanghai’s lockdown, Nomura’s Chief China Economist Ting Lu said, citing the firm’s model.

BEIJING — Surging Covid infections across mainland China make it harder for the government to achieve zero-Covid without reverting to a harsh lockdown, Macquarie’s Chief China Economist Larry Hu said.

In the last few days, the daily case count has climbed to around or more than 28,000 — near levels seen in April during a stringent lockdown in Shanghai, according to CNBC calculations of Wind Information data. The figures showed the last time mainland China saw only a handful of daily infections was in June, shortly after Shanghai eased its restrictions.

The latest Covid wave has hit the southern city of Guangzhou, the capital city of Beijing and many central parts of China — prompting local officials to tighten restrictions on business and social activity this month.

“China might have already passed the point of no return, as it’s unlikely to achieve zero Covid again without another Shanghai-style hard lockdown,” Hu said in a report Tuesday. “What policymakers could do now is to slow the spread of virus, i.e. flatten the curve, by tightening the Covid controls for the time being.”

Hu pointed to slight changes this month in government policy and propaganda as signs authorities are preparing for reopening in the next six to nine months. But he noted that “the road to reopening is set to involve lots of back-and-forth.”

Markets have speculated for weeks about the timing of China’s departure from its stringent zero-Covid policy. The controls have weighed on the economy, which barely eked out growth while Shanghai was locked down and has posted growth of only 3% during the first three quarters of the year.

In GDP terms, nearly 20% of China’s economy was negatively affected by Covid controls as of Monday, close to the high of 21.2% recorded in mid-April during Shanghai’s lockdown, Nomura’s Chief China Economist Ting Lu said, citing the firm’s model.

“Beijing has recently shown early signs of willingness to reopen, and it has rolled out some fine-tuning measures, but the reopening may be a prolonged process with discomfort,” Lu said in a separate report this week.
He said Vietnam’s unwinding of its Covid restrictions since fall last year could shed light on the path forward for China. He noted how the Southeast Asian country saw “no immediate surge in infections after the pivot,” while its GDP rebounded.

Covid controls tighten in Beijing​

Local authorities in China have faced the difficult task of trying to make Covid measures more targeted, while controlling infections.
As of Monday, about 412 million people were affected by lockdown measures in mainland China, according to Nomura estimates. That’s up from 340 million the prior week, the report said.

The Nomura analysts noted that many lockdowns or controls are implemented without public announcement. “We believe [the southwestern municipality of] Chongqing is currently experiencing the most severe local lockdown in China, based on our observation of numerous mobility metrics,” the report said.

Covid controls in Beijing alone have tightened since Tuesday.

Authorities announced requirements for more frequent virus testing, and ordered more restaurants to suspend in-store dining. More shopping malls have closed, as have large parks. Various apartment compounds have been locked down.

State media said Tuesday the city’s tech-focused Zhongguancun Forum that was scheduled to kick off this week will be postponed to next year. The conference had already been delayed from September.

@F-22Raptor @Hamartia Antidote @beijingwalker @Beast terrible situation In China, people in lockdown are jumping out of windows to their death.
What happen to OP? Why are u getting ban? Becos you troll? :lol:

No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.

Once the "vulnerable" population in countries such as the UK got jabbed, then deaths from the virus went down by 10-20x.

If your vaccines were really good then letting the virus spread unrestrained would not be a problem from a logical perspective.
If u see from the chart, death rate still persists in quite a high level ( Few hundred dead per day in USA ). Not to mention, its near winter when infection will increase.

Is this what we want to continue to see for next 5 years?
No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.

Once the "vulnerable" population in countries such as the UK got jabbed, then deaths from the virus went down by 10-20x.

If your vaccines were really good then letting the virus spread unrestrained would not be a problem from a logical perspective.
You are indeed stupid as I said. Are Chinese vaccines so important for China? Assume as you said Chinese vaccines didn't work well. Fine. Buy vaccines from other countries. No big deal for China. The economic cost for lockdown is many times higher than vaccines cost.

US has lost millions of lives even it uses west vaccines. Taiwan reported 500 people die everyday with west vaccines protection.

No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.
Stupid is what stupid believes

This is how wonderful western vaccines work, lol, western worshippers are just utterly stupid or blind

covid deaths.png
No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.

Not stupid, but too prideful to admit that their zero-Covid policy they are so proud of is not sustainable and too prideful to do a policy U-turn. Too much copium inhaled to rationalize why they are special and better than the rest of the world. Lesson learnt for us, never engage in ideological hubris and believe that you're somehow smarter than the rest of the world.

It's also the reason why they only abolished the one-child policy in recent years when their TFR already dropped below 2.1 in the 1990s. You do not need to have a PhD in demographics to know that the policy has long outlived it's purpose and is leading them towards a demographic disaster. Policy inertia.

Taiwan reported 500 people die everyday with west vaccines protection.

Source: Trust me bro, I read it on Weibo.



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No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.

Once the "vulnerable" population in countries such as the UK got jabbed, then deaths from the virus went down by 10-20x.

If your vaccines were really good then letting the virus spread unrestrained would not be a problem from a logical perspective.
Dont BS all the time that Chinese vaccines are no good all the time just to make out something of bad in China. After all, pakistan, indonesia and many other countries in the world do mainly use chinese vaccines and yet they manage the pandemic well now. At the same time, with the fabled western vaccines widely administered, there are still many deaths in the US, EU and yes such as Taiwan too now. So, its not the problem of Chinese vaccines, but have to do with the attitudes of Chinese gov on the virus and pandemic, they are just too cautious in dealing with the pandemic.
You are indeed stupid as I said. Are Chinese vaccines so important for China? Assume as you said Chinese vaccines didn't work well. Fine. Buy vaccines from other countries. No big deal for China. The economic cost for lockdown is many times higher than vaccines cost.

US has lost millions of lives even it uses west vaccines. Taiwan reported 500 people die everyday with west vaccines protection.



If you going to get angry, at least make sure your facts are straight.

Apart from a short-sharp peak up to 170 one day in June, they(Taiwan) have been averaging around 50 deaths a day since then.

No, the vaccines will not stop every death as there are some people that cannot have the vaccine and the rest will not be 100% protected against the virus.

Most of those that are dying are anyway old and/or quite unwell anyway.

Looking at the data it looks like Taiwan may have entered natural "herd immunity" and that is the best way to protect the ill and the sick and not locking whole cities and regions down as the virus will still stay very deadly in the absence of natural immunity.

BD has been at "herd immunity" since last August year and now barely records any daily deaths and there is no attempt to control the virus anymore- maybe China can learn something from what is happening in countries like BD?
No we do not have anything against China but think your government is either stupid or trying to cover something up like Chinese vaccines do not work as well as those from the West.

Once the "vulnerable" population in countries such as the UK got jabbed, then deaths from the virus went down by 10-20x.

If your vaccines were really good then letting the virus spread unrestrained would not be a problem from a logical perspective.
Actually Chinese vaccines are used around the world. It was pretty effective for the first variant but almost as useless as Pfizer for Omicron. From the HK studiee, 3 dose Sinovac is almost as effective as 3 dose Pfizer. But 2 dose Sinovac was very poor compared to 2 dose Pfizer. But of course you will never hear this is the wmsm (western msm)

Our government estimates 2mil minimum deaths, which is inline with many projections, that's the real reason for this. I am in Shanghai, I don't even wear masks, do you really understand what is zero covid? The strategy China employs is to limit it to as close to zero as possible by constant testing, twice weekly. That's the key. I think you must have the impression that China is closed or the whole China is under lockdown or something. The western msm is very effectuve in injecting prejudices into the minds of others, they just carefully omit the fact that fcking 99% of China was open even during the peak of Shanghai lockdowns. It creates an impression as though the communist and Stupid Communist are locking ppl for fun. I can't change your mind but you need to have critical thinking, analyze and talk to people in China. China had been bashed for the past 30 years, until today ppl think China has a million ghost cities, all products made here are low quality and everybody is rioting in China. Here is a dose of reality

11 Nov, 12'000 Americans died from Covid in a single day, and in US, they have very strict definition for the Covid deaths. Eversince the much ridiculed Shanghai lockdowns, 90'000 Americans have died, and eversince the also ridiculed Wuhan lockdowns, 1'090'000 Americans have died.

Btw these are tested figures, and testing is not mandatory anymore in the states.
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Agenda 2030 being implemented, testing in progress.
Soon to rollover everywhere in the world by UNO and WHO
(Masterplan by WEF)


Beijing Crematoriums Strain Under China Covid Wave​

By Laurie CHEN
12/16/22 AT 3:45 AM
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Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across China after three years of strict containment measures ended

Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across China after three years of strict containment measures ended AFP
Workers at Beijing crematoriums said Friday they are overwhelmed as China faces a surge in Covid cases that authorities warn could hit its underdeveloped rural hinterland during upcoming public holidays.
Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across China after three years of strict containment measures ended last week, with health authorities now admitting the true scale of the outbreak is "impossible" to track.
China's top Covid response body on Friday urged local governments to step up monitoring and treatment services for people returning to rural hometowns to visit family for upcoming New Year's Day and Lunar New Year celebrations.
The latter is the world's largest annual migration, with three years of pent-up demand due to prolonged zero-Covid domestic travel restrictions waiting to explode.
State media and Chinese health experts have downplayed the severity of Omicron, with expert Zhong Nanshan recently saying that Covid should be called the "coronavirus cold".

But millions of unvaccinated elderly people remain vulnerable, and there have been widespread shortages of antigen tests and fever medicines in shops.
Two Beijing funeral homes contacted by AFP confirmed they were operating 24 hours a day and offering same-day cremation services to keep up with a recent surge in demand, despite official data registering no new Covid deaths since December 4.
"We're being worked to the bone! Over 10 of our 60 staff are positive (for Covid) but we have no choice, it's been so busy lately," one crematorium staffer told AFP.
"We are cremating 20 bodies a day, mostly old people. A lot of people have been getting sick recently."
Another Beijing crematorium told AFP that there was a week-long waiting list for a spot.
A recent study by researchers at the University of Hong Kong estimated China could experience about a million Covid deaths this winter without timely intervention such as fourth-dose booster vaccinations and social restrictions.
China has only reported nine official deaths from Covid since mid-November, despite logging more than 10,000 daily infections since then.
There were no Covid deaths reported nationwide between May 28 and November 19.
In the earliest Wuhan outbreak, many deaths of Covid-positive patients went unreported due to strict national criteria for classifying Covid-related deaths, Chinese media reported at the time.
Managers of five nursing homes told Chinese media in a Thursday report that they were unable to procure antigen tests or medicines due to shortages, and had no emergency plans for a wide-scale outbreak.
Staff at multiple Beijing nursing homes contacted by AFP Friday refused to speak about conditions there.
Many elderly homes nationwide have continued pandemic-era "closed-loop" protocols in which staff are required to live on-site, according to notices posted online in recent days.
In addition, China's lack of a primary care system means that hospital facilities are easily swamped by an influx of people with relatively minor ailments.
Videos of Covid patients sitting on stools receiving saline drips outside crowded hospitals have also been going viral on social media in recent days.
AFP geolocated one video to a hospital in Hanchuan county, Hubei province, whose staff confirmed it was filmed Tuesday.
"The patients in the video volunteered to sit outside in the sun because it was... a little bit crowded inside," the staffer told AFP.

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