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China May Have Deployed 100 Aircraft In Ladakh, But India Can Deploy Three Times More Due To Its Advantage — IAF Veteran

PLA is living each passing day facing defeat. Its leader sitting in lavish palace enjoying life.... generals getting removed unceremoniously ..... no more global times news coming out with new videos.... its all stopped.

Indian position from day one remained the same, but further capturing new heights and setting up bases on new tops... strengthening positions ...

The aggressor had motive to stop Indian construction, that failed.
The aggressor lost ground, lost face and will continue to do so.

The liberation has started with small steps,

all the fake news and propaganda here on pdf has since came to a complete full stop.
So? Indian no need to face Pakistan or indian ocean threat?
Pakistan is in the north, and there's no threat from the Indian Ocean as Indonesia is in good terms with India. Certainly Sri Lanka is not going to do anything stupid.
Talking about India’s budgetary constraints, Air Marshal Chopra said, “The total budget is nearly 3.5 times less than China’s. Also, the funds available for capital acquisitions are low. The modernization has a backlog and therefore there is a need for out-of-budget funding of some major acquisitions. For IAF it is critical to get back its fighter squadron strength from 30 to 42 at the earliest.”

Air Marshal Pajeet wants more money from Indians. Their interviews always follow a pattern-- start with chest thumping (India can deploy 250 aircraft) to get attention, build up to a threat (we acknowledge that China is expanding its air base), ask for monies (we need more crores, otherwise we'll get fucked yet again).
PLA is living each passing day facing defeat.
If sitting on 1000 square kilometers of captured territory without firing a shot is considered defeat, we may as well change the definition of defeat lol.

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