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China may give india a taste of it's own medicine


I definitely knew that Chinese currently living outside China(mostly in democratic countries)wont like to giveup thier own freedom os speech,right to live and blah blah....
Especially those who are living in Canada and US.

Oceanx,tell me frankly how many webpages you can borwse in canada comparitively to the same in china?
And also bother to point out the content of the page you browse through.
I definitely knew that Chinese currently living outside China(mostly in democratic countries)wont like to giveup thier own freedom os speech,right to live and blah blah....
Especially those who are living in Canada and US.

D@mn right brotha :woot: We enjoy democracy in its current edition in the West. And we would like to see Chinese in China enjoy it, too - in due course.

We just differ with the Saffron Jihadis and NED types on implementation - but that's hardly news to you. ;)

Oceanx,tell me frankly how many webpages you can borwse in canada comparitively to the same in china?
And also bother to point out the content of the page you browse through.

Too many - and trust me Internet addiction is a problem in China, too - see those that post here. And check out any of the Chinese sites. While we fight the NED plants and Saffron brigands here or on Globeandmail, they fight the "50cent" brigade over there.

We all have work cut out for us.

On that note, too many web pages have I browsed indeed. Now gotta get back to some paid work.

It was written all over the natal and astrologic charts analysed by the famous astrologists world wide.No one can change the fate.can you?



Does the same chart write that democratic India will be the number one country of starvation?

No one can change your fate? Are you so sure?


Does the same chart write that democratic India will be the number one country of starvation?

No one can change your fate? Are you so sure?

It was written that the ancient bharatavarsha will be formed again and people will see golden age which lasted in the past only 100,000 years.

history repeats..no one can change,either an evangelist western or a communist China or a socialistic russian.
Every one has to follow the road laid.No one can deviate.
You want tehcnical proofs?I can

there is this person named veerabrahmendra said to lived some where in south-india. His prophecies which were written some 100-200 years back,all came alive satisfying the end results inclunding the unpopular WWI and most popular WWII....

If you wanna follow the road going down the valley,you gotta have to hold the anywhere be it an end or somewhere in the middle to get you down safe.
It was written that the ancient bharatavarsha will be formed again and people will see golden age which lasted in the past only 100,000 years.

history repeats..no one can change,either an evangelist western or a communist China or a socialistic russian.
Every one has to follow the road laid.No one can deviate.
You want tehcnical proofs?I can .

Nothing can convince me more than this weekend's lottery jackpot numbers. What are they, sathruvinasakh? :smitten:

there is this person named veerabrahmendra said to lived some where in south-india. His prophecies which were written some 100-200 years back,all came alive satisfying the end results inclunding the unpopular WWI and most popular WWII....

If you wanna follow the road going down the valley,you gotta have to hold the anywhere be it an end or somewhere in the middle to get you down safe

One problem though : when people are starving, they usually have little energy left to check for the road down to the valley. Instead, all they can see are stars acturally :cheesy: quite confusing you know... Why don't you ask veerabrahmendra if there's any shortcut ? :D
Dont be foolish, the last thing we need is to counter Chinese arguments with astrology.
It was written that the ancient bharatavarsha will be formed again and people will see golden age which lasted in the past only 100,000 years.

I disagree with you. 100,000 yrs??? You mean it happened even before evolution of human beings, even before language creation.

Astrology is voodoo. It is as good as anyone claiming they have sorceress's stone. If one has the capability, the person should gain in all the advantages - though I find most the astrologists earn almost all their income by prophesying rather than acting on their own so-called prophesying.

Religion unfortunately is most deterrent to human intellectual growth.
Half of the Indian population is chinese looking up north east

How can they say it belongs to Indian these folks are chinese decendents , and china is the rightful owner of these lands

End of story
Half of the Indian population is chinese looking up north east

How can they say it belongs to Indian these folks are chinese decendents , and china is the rightful owner of these lands

End of story
Just like 90% of Pakistanis look like Indians and so it belongs to India. Does it??

Also, similarly, culturally even including language is same in both US and UK and so US should belong to UK??

When you completely disregard all the factual evidence provided by the Indians in several of the postings regarding AP, you either dont read it or fail to acknowledge them. They provided content with all the pictures and information to state their view point.

Rather than talking like parrot following one-party headquarter's official line, use your own brain! Especially, when you even dont belong to China!
that is the most speculative approach huh?
But on the ground the reality bites.
India needs both Bangla and Myanmar.

There will a trilateral pact.

India had good relations when there was a democratic govt. in Myanmar. Thanks to China there is a dictaorship which indulges in killings of Buddhist monks, muslim rohingyas and anyone against the military Junta. (So much for China being freind of muslims ehh?)

Had it not been for Chinese support, the military would have to Aung San back in power. What India should do is to unreservedly state their commitment to democracy in Myanmar so that people of Myanmar know that India is their friend. And its about time that International community puts pressure on China to respect Human rights and stop supporting regimes like Myanmar and Sudan or atleast influence them to bring about democratic reforms
India had good relations when there was a democratic govt. in Myanmar. Thanks to China there is a dictaorship which indulges in killings of Buddhist monks, muslim rohingyas and anyone against the military Junta. (So much for China being freind of muslims ehh?)

Had it not been for Chinese support, the military would have to Aung San back in power. What India should do is to unreservedly state their commitment to democracy in Myanmar so that people of Myanmar know that India is their friend. And its about time that International community puts pressure on China to respect Human rights and stop supporting regimes like Myanmar and Sudan or atleast influence them to bring about democratic reforms

I dont think we should emotional about it. India should do things that benefit it in short and long run. Supporting democracy in Burma, India did no good for itself nor it gave any benefit to democratic movement in the country. It however gave China access to Bay of Bengal, access to gas which we didnot get until we started supporting the dictators. Personally, I think India should try to take care of its own business of uplifting poor in country and remember we are not America - our resources are limited and Indian govt is elected for upliftment of Indians and not to engage in promoting democracy.

If it is a matter is protecting Bangladesh in case of war,then I agree that India should help Bangladesh. But Bangladesh should remember supporting China to set up deep water ports in Chittagong is not going to help getting support from India.
I dont think we should emotional about it. India should do things that benefit it in short and long run. Supporting democracy in Burma, India did no good for itself nor it gave any benefit to democratic movement in the country. It however gave China access to Bay of Bengal, access to gas which we didnot get until we started supporting the dictators. Personally, I think India should try to take care of its own business of uplifting poor in country and remember we are not America - our resources are limited and Indian govt is elected for upliftment of Indians and not to engage in promoting democracy.

If it is a matter is protecting Bangladesh in case of war,then I agree that India should help Bangladesh. But Bangladesh should remember supporting China to set up deep water ports in Chittagong is not going to help getting support from India.

Its not an emotional response. Having a democratic government is in the best interests of the people of Myanmar and for India as well because then Myanmar govt. will be answerable to its people unlike now where its only the generals incharge. Military dictatorships are prone to conflicts. Any country that has the armed forces in power will look to increase its armed forces dispropotionately and indulge in conflicts to bolster its image. Do you think Myanmar with China backing and providing it military aid be friendly to India in light of recent events.

And its always good to get facts rights rather than follow myths. Myanmar has a naval outpost that is used by China, Bangladesh is building a commercial deep sea port which is financed by Bangaldesh, World Bank and ADB. Some Chinese companies are building it as well just as Chinese companies are building telecom infrastructure in India. Bangladesh has every right to do that and there is no reason why a commercial venture should worry India while Myanmar is actually providing naval outposts. Espicially when we will be using the same sea port to service our NE region

Bangladesh to tender for $8.7 bln deep-sea port
Its not an emotional response. Having a democratic government is in the best interests of the people of Myanmar and for India as well because then Myanmar govt. will be answerable to its people unlike now where its only the generals incharge. Military dictatorships are prone to conflicts. Any country that has the armed forces in power will look to increase its armed forces dispropotionately and indulge in conflicts to bolster its image. Do you think Myanmar with China backing and providing it military aid be friendly to India in light of recent events.

And its always good to get facts rights rather than follow myths. Myanmar has a naval outpost that is used by China, Bangladesh is building a commercial deep sea port which is financed by Bangaldesh, World Bank and ADB. Some Chinese companies are building it as well just as Chinese companies are building telecom infrastructure in India. Bangladesh has every right to do that and there is no reason why a commercial venture should worry India while Myanmar is actually providing naval outposts. Espicially when we will be using the same sea port to service our NE region

Bangladesh to tender for $8.7 bln deep-sea port

Thanks for the link, Ejzar. I was wrong. I thought Bangladesh was giving access to PLA ships. Appreciate for correcting me!

Now regarding Burma, I stand to my point. I think our goal should be to uplift Indians out of poverty. Indians by supporting the democratic government will be doing no good but can do irreparable harm to our country by having an enemy on eastern border. Burma, due to India's recent support to junta providing India access to the gas and I think that is paramount to India.
India needs to chill a little, but it wants to be #1 in the world with huge problems of developing nations. India should take its pace and stop being the big dog on the block. History has shown that making friends is better than being surrounded by enemies.
India needs to chill a little, but it wants to be #1 in the world with huge problems of developing nations. India should take its pace and stop being the big dog on the block. History has shown that making friends is better than being surrounded by enemies.

India is already a big dog on the block. China is only competitor to India's dominance in the region. China has much powerful army and they have much better tactical missile technology whereas India has much better airforce and an impressive navy.

Pakistan will never be a friend of India. I am sorry I cannot ever see it happening. The army dictators have interest in keeping an enemy to maintain their budget even when Taliban is invading the country.

Rest of neighbors will have to accept India. India does not impose her will on any other nation, but India does not go blind when a neighboring country will try to disrupt India's influence.

India has already foot on door for becoming big power and I think if India focuses on its growth, it will become one too!
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