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China may give india a taste of it's own medicine

I hate your skin,I hate your nasty eating habbits which stinks like hell,I have you forward dented face and I hate almost every thing in a common chinese EXCEPT I only like one thing. Their doggish behaviour.They lick ur feet as long as they are hungry(can be visible by looking at their economy) licked all the way the westerners for investments and now just like a dog after its stomach being full,it barks at its owner,just like you people barking at the westerners.
Atleast keep that attitude up.

Let it out, sister, let it all out. We are all into group therapy here. :smokin:


Pls don't let him get banned, dear mods. I searched far and wide for some real "Brahmanists". Frankly, many of the those who bear the "chakra" on their flags run false operations, which make me look like a bigger fool than I am.

Now we finally got a real one, even if just a wannabe who is ever ready to give up on her "nationality" ...

I personally would like to grow her like a flower ... Sorry Rajeev. :smitten:
words of a looser.:tdown:

I am a "looser", I like it loose ... :bunny:

And talking about "losers" - our dear Wiccan sister gave up her nationality already??!! Heck, I am away for a day and she's already rolled the flags of "akhand bharat" and stashed it away in the basement?

The Aryan is back to her homeland ... lovely. :azn:

we are the early settlers.and we are the ones who civilized whole of Asia. there is no point of teaching a professor.
we are the early settlers.and we are the ones who civilized whole of Asia. there is no point of teaching a professor.

Early settlers? I am not so sure. The Dravidians were in South Asia first - by common accepted archeology (despite ongoing, revisionist efforts). It's still debated whether they had more to do with the Indus Valley splendor or if was some other extinct group.

Civilized whole of Asia? I acknowledge the "partial", but undeniable truth in that statement.

A professor? Okay, let's get it out there: boss. :partay:

Wiccan master, Aryan supremo, Guru (you know the chart-reading, star-gazing kind), India's Bill Gates, Boss Brown Hog - any other titles I am missing? :smitten:
we are the early settlers.and we are the ones who civilized whole of Asia. there is no point of teaching a professor.

Interesting, my dear enemies destroyer, did you happened to change

your nationality in 24 hours ? German now ?

I thought you are a company owner with hundred of Chinese staff,

Now suddenly you are a Professor.

Well, i had a feeling someone just got free from a mental hospital !

Way better than a self proclaim rich people in India, probably working as a human waste cleaner.

Keep up your nice dream about surpassing China, it might help to fight hunger from your stomarch before sleep.

Great thoughts...Thanks for the suggestion...even though i am not a human waste cleaner..However care to elaborate why we cannot compete or surpass china??? If china can go all out with a dream of competing and surpassing US then why india cant do the same with China??? Also did china had to fight hunger at any time or chinese people were always well-off???

Here is a small excerpt from an article which clearly says that Indian position detiorated when it comes to hunger(c i dont mind talking the truth) but even though chinese improved they still have long way to go

The report attributes China’s success in reducing the problem of undernourishment to land reforms that led to greater productivity. The helped China reduce undernourishment levels to 9% of the population. [It did not give a comparable figure for 10 years ago.] In absolute numbers however, China’s problem remains enormous. Some 117 million people go hungry every day, and in most cases, their level of deprivation is extreme. Also, the agricultural improvements have come with a cost. The rise in agricultural productivity has come about thanks to extremely intensive use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides that are the biggest source of water pollution in the country.

Hunger Scorecard: China Improves, India Deteriorates - BusinessWeek

One last thing(dont consider it as an excuse)

- Even though condition of poor in india is pathetic but remember our economic progress started only in 1990's when china was enjoying her GDP bloom...
- We being a democracy things are comparatively slow than a communist regime though our base will be more stronger(Now plz dont get into democracy vs communist debate here)

P.S : I have lot of respect for chinese accomplishments but friend even she has a long way to go...Also i belonged to a low meduim middle class family and now with god grace i can be considered in high medium class income group..but that does not mean that now low medium group people are trash for me...I have a small message in above lines..please see if you can understand and digest it...
Hey guys this is a worst thread I have ever seen in this forum,Why cant mods pls have a look the messages,it just degrades the quality of pdf. Guys fighting like a Kid,Thread is about China trying to divert water from Brahmaputra and I cannot see anything related to that.

Dear Chinese friends from all the messages I have seen I am sure you Chinese are really very happy by saying India is poor,Indians commit suicide , Indian kids die,Indians starve.

This is my kind advice , We all are human beings ,you should feel sad if some one is starving to death. If you feel you are the best country in the world and 100 times better than India then you should be sad that your country trying to divert water from a river which is further going to add suffering to millions of people of "worst India" which does not deserve for people to live , where only we rats survive.

Guys please change your thoughts.We Indians have a great hostory of coming up from every downfall we had in the history. please check how many times Delhi has been destroyed and recovered and where it stands now.we are developing and will overcome all difficulties we have now .
This is my kind advice , We all are human beings ,you should feel sad if some one is starving to death. If you feel you are the best country in the world and 100 times better than India then you should be sad that your country trying to divert water from a river which is further going to add suffering to millions of people of "worst India" which does not deserve for people to live , where only we rats survive.

Guys please change your thoughts.We Indians have a great hostory of coming up from every downfall we had in the history. please check how many times Delhi has been destroyed and recovered and where it stands now.we are developing and will overcome all difficulties we have now .

I agree with you. It's my belief that every net brigand has an online personality and a "real-life" face. The former is usually 3-5 times uglier than the latter - for obvious reasons.

I can confidently predict: there will not be any dam across the Brahmaputra / Yalu-Zangpo river ...

But I do miss sister Sath. :D

Reports on dam construction 'inconsistent': China

New Delhi, Oct 25 (PTI) Criticising the Indian media, China has said the reports of construction of a dam by it on the Brahmaputra river are "inconsistent with facts".

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu, in a recent media briefing in China, said, "As far as I know, the reports of Indian media are inconsistent with facts".

Ma was replying to a question on recent media reports that China has decided to build a dam on the upstream section of Yalu Tsangpo river (Brahmaputra's name on Chinese side).

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had last week told a delegation from Arunachal Pradesh that China has not constructed any dam on Brahmaputra river and only run-off-the-river construction had been made.

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