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China may give india a taste of it's own medicine

Pull your walking stick out of yourself for a moment so you can pay attention.

India isn't going anywhere.

If you're done fantasizing about India falling apart, let me remind you that we've been through worse and we're still here today. The percentage of my 'types' in America will only add more strings to the next aid package to Pakistan.

1. Christian.

2. Read: BBC NEWS | South Asia | Congress leading in India states

Hindu fundamentalists = irrelevant.

Negotiating is one thing, letting them run around with AK 47s and challenging the state is another. The state must be in charge, not some tribal. Pakistan needs to grow a pair and establish its authority in what it claims to be its own territory.


I meant spitfire, but I haven't gotten around to changing it yet.

Do you do lobbying for India or what
Lol....... I donno how to laugh after looking at the fellow chinese postings. I am getting sick of laughing.

Just because you are a fe-male dont consider all others living on this planet are of same gender.99.99% of the indians only migrated to countries with democratic gov.At the same time the same percentage of Chinese migrated to the same democratic countries to have a fresh live.And it is insane people from the commie mainland just getting a visa to save their *** and get some rights in the democratic countries ,come over onto the forums like this and posting all the bullish crap abt the unknown world named as China is really bothering me.

Apart from the CCP paid forum and blog commentors ,I would appreciate any other Chinese commenting from China itself.
After all you gotta have to agree that ur CCP is even controlling you whether to get fcukeed by ur husband to give birth to a child.You should be glad that you are not living in China ,else you have to go through the same forced sterilization process to kill you womb.

And again if the will to fight against the enemy was inherited by you by reading few words from the MAo`s book of communistic philosophies,the same was inherited by Indians though blood while our ancestors were happened to fight against the invaders for the past 1000 years.
Lol....... I donno how to laugh after looking at the fellow chinese postings. I am getting sick of laughing.

Just because you are a fe-male dont consider all others living on this planet are of same gender.99.99% of the indians only migrated to countries with democratic gov.At the same time the same percentage of Chinese migrated to the same democratic countries to have a fresh live.And it is insane people from the commie mainland just getting a visa to save their *** and get some rights in the democratic countries ,come over onto the forums like this and posting all the bullish crap abt the unknown world named as China is really bothering me.

Apart from the CCP paid forum and blog commentors ,I would appreciate any other Chinese commenting from China itself.
After all you gotta have to agree that ur CCP is even controlling you whether to get fcukeed by ur husband to give birth to a child.You should be glad that you are not living in China ,else you have to go through the same forced sterilization process to kill you womb.

And again if the will to fight against the enemy was inherited by you by reading few words from the MAo`s book of communistic philosophies,the same was inherited by Indians though blood while our ancestors were happened to fight against the invaders for the past 1000 years.

Mind you language! China is doing her parts to keep the population from exploding! That is why we need to have birth control. The way you put it are so disgracful to your race.

Indian will be choke by her own population if she do nothing. Imagine a area smaller than China but with larger population in future. Good luck to your decendent.
absolutely right.
This is the reply I was awaiting from the fellow chinese.
So you people do have no right to comment on Indian religious affairs.
If you refrain from doing so, then only expect others to be nice.

Every country on this planet has goods and bads.And the same thing which you feel as good might be considered as bad by others and vice versa.

If a few tribes in the middle India are drinking cow urine dont necessarily need to include whole India.
Just like if I point to the Chinese eating habits which include almost all living creatures right from reptiles to dogs and everything while they spare no thing.

And for the population Issue,we are still glad that our population density not that worse while compared to most other countries.We give citizens the rights which is considered to be our main priority.

there is a old saying:
"Drinking water while standing is most preferable than drinking milk running". we prefer the former. :cheers:

And for the population Issue,we are still glad that our population density not that worse while compared to most other countries.We give citizens the rights which is considered to be our main priority.


Don't worry your population density. Starvation works perfectly: for the density and the rights.
:lol: once again, you're one to talk.

I'd rather watch the show as Indians pretend to be nicey nice to the Chinese while burning up with jealousy and frustration.

Are you sure about Pakistan not begging for help? How about 1971 when the US deployed a carrier group in the bay of bengal,

The US/Russian posturing in 1971 was strictly for show. Neither superpower was going to get directly involved in the war. From Ayub's time, we knew the US was not a reliable ally and had no serious expectations from them.

not that it stopped us from dismembering you,

With 7x the resources, India has always had a stronger military.

or in 1999. Never mind, I don't need to go there,

Yes, let's not. Seeing as that's when India begged Israel to come bail them out in Kargil.

Pakistan survives on aid so lets not talk about begging.

Pakistan has more than enough resources to be self-sufficient, if only the leaders have the guts to remove corruption and enforce taxation.

Also, I think you haven't read enough about the '65, '71 or '99 war.

I know enough to know that Pakistan exists despite India's refusal to come to terms with our existence.

Pakistan is not the victim, it is the aggressor. The tribal invasions, operation Gibraltar and Kargil were initiated at your end, not ours.

India has done its share of meddling in Pakistani affairs, from East Pakistan to Balochistan and FATA.

Furthermore, Pakistan has failed to 'keep India at bay' given how it lost half its territory and population thanks to us.

Bangladesh was mishandled by Pakistan, although India took advantage of a bad situation. And we notice how India has never dared to try and bully us since we went nuclear (like it does the smaller neighbors).

the majority of your army is deployed on the eastern front. Talk about obsession.

It's called vigilance. We remember Siachen all too well.

India has its faults, the only difference between us is that we are secure enough to admit them and you (Pakistanis) aren't.

You must not be paying attention in this forum and elsewhere where we debate Pakistan's internal problems quite candidly. But that doesn't mean that we will ignore the threat next door.

I hope I don't have to direct you to anymore conspiracy theories, I'm sure your media has bombarded you with enough of them.

The diversity of views in Pakistan media is a breath of fresh air compared to the jingoistic tripe that passes for Indian media.

Come back and talk when Pakistan has the gonads to deal with its demons like a normal, responsible nation.

You mean like letting the perpetrators of the Punjab 1984 and Gujarat 2002 massacres go unpunished?

Or stationing 400,000 thugs to terrorize, rape and kill unarmed civilians in 'restive' areas like Kashmir?

Or keep ignoring a violent Naxalite insurgency burning up 20 out of 28 states?
Don't worry your population density. Starvation works perfectly: for the density and the rights.

Same goes with US.I personally came across as many times when an yankee have asked me a dollar or more to fill their stomach on the streets of Newyork city and many other places in Cali itself.
Starving and poverty are not patented to India my friend.Every country have its own share. since you became independent 200 years ago and been on the continuous train of reforms ,you were standing in a shade today.But that doesnt mean that your are safe.

My donations wont simply make me a richest man,because i donated to an yankeeee. Just be considerable.
I'd rather watch the show as Indians pretend to be nicey nice to the Chinese while burning up with jealousy and frustration.

You're doing more than just 'watching'. Take your own advice.

The average Indian living in India knows what India is, they live in it. We have many more hurdles to overcome but we have taken immense strides. India is optimistic, we are a nation that is trying and we have something to show for it.

The US/Russian posturing in 1971 was strictly for show. Neither superpower was going to get directly involved in the war. From Ayub's time, we knew the US was not a reliable ally and had no serious expectations from them.

So you're saying that Pakistan hasn't gone crawling to the Islamic nations or the Chinese for help during a war?

With 7x the resources, India has always had a stronger military.

True that. And to think that we weren't the ones to start a war in 1999 that too AFTER nuclear weapons were tested. Nice. So who's the aggressor here again?

Yes, let's not. Seeing as that's when India begged Israel to come bail them out in Kargil.

Yes, India knows how to maintain its strategic relations. We have had some fantastic diplomatic victories recently in case you haven't noticed.

You better thank your stars that Israel gave India the laser guided munitions needed to dislodge the PA. The GoP did not have the courage to admit that the soldiers were its own. Had India not succeeded, the war could have spread beyond Kashmir and before you knew it Pakistan could have been held responsible for initiating NUCLEAR war in the subcontinent.

what the hell were they thinking? does someone not understand how nuclear weapons work? how can any sane person think that India is the aggressor? Do you not realize how dangerous and stupid Kargil was? does the war in '65 (also initiated by Pakistan) not ring a bell?

Pakistan has more than enough resources to be self-sufficient, if only the leaders have the guts to remove corruption and enforce taxation.

I don't care about Pakistan's potential, what does Pakistan have to show for itself? There hasn't been an ounce of stability in Pakistan, there have been no reforms, society has become more and more conservative while no one has to guts to challenge the Mullahs. Pakistani society has done nothing to reform itself. I don't mean to be overly critical, but it surprises me as to how you don't see this.

India has its problems, but people challenge and sideline the loonies. You ever read about that underwear incident? BBC NEWS | South Asia | Underwear protest at India attack

Pakistanis still seemed confused. Read some of the posts here.

I know enough to know that Pakistan exists despite India's refusal to come to terms with our existence.

Yeah, let it out. There, there.

Stop with the victim card already. Pakistan has been far more reckless than India. Although I admit, India has been far more successful. Like you said, we're stronger.

India has done its share of meddling in Pakistani affairs, from East Pakistan to Balochistan and FATA.

You can start the war but you can't decide its course.

Bangladesh was mishandled by Pakistan, although India took advantage of a bad situation. And we notice how India has never dared to try and bully us since we went nuclear (like it does the smaller neighbors).

'Mishandled'? I would call all those deaths more than just 'mishandling'. Shows your mindset nonetheless.

If Pakistan/Pakistanis can initiate war thrice, India can start a war or two of its own.

did you also notice how dangerous and idiotic kargil was? India has shown immense restraint, something Pakistanis always seem to miss. In fact, from your statement, it seems to encourage you.

It's called vigilance. We remember Siachen all too well.

Then your memory isn't long enough. Don't forget about '65, '47 and the insurgency in Kashmir

You must not be paying attention in this forum and elsewhere where we debate Pakistan's internal problems quite candidly. But that doesn't mean that we will ignore the threat next door.

Well has Pakistan done anything to taken on the Mullahs yet, or is it still fighting the symptoms as opposed to the causes?

The diversity of views in Pakistan media is a breath of fresh air compared to the jingoistic tripe that passes for Indian media.

I think Bollywood is improving. I'm glad society is opening up. But the media does seem to be a bit overly dramatic. Its pretty stupid. We do have some good shows though, Compare Karan Thapar to Zaid Hamid and you'll have your answer.

You mean like letting the perpetrators of the Punjab 1984 and Gujarat 2002 massacres go unpunished?

Or stationing 400,000 thugs to terrorize, rape and kill unarmed civilians in 'restive' areas like Kashmir?

Or keep ignoring a violent Naxalite insurgency burning up 20 out of 28 states?

Maoists are about be dealt with. ~80,000 troops are going to be deployed. They're fighting them with propaganda, military and money. They hide in the jungles, there aren't any 'Swats'.


INDIA Landmark judgement leads to convictions in Gujarat massacre case - Asia News

:cry::cry: 400,000 thugs! Pakistan doesn't give two hoots about 'Kashmiri independence'. No one buys that.
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Same goes with US.I personally came across as many times when an yankee have asked me a dollar or more to fill their stomach on the streets of Newyork city and many other places in Cali itself.
Starving and poverty are not patented to India my friend.Every country have its own share. since you became independent 200 years ago and been on the continuous train of reforms ,you were standing in a shade today.But that doesnt mean that your are safe.

My donations wont simply make me a richest man,because i donated to an yankeeee. Just be considerable.

You really had poor judgement. In US, you will find someone asking for a dollar but you seldom/never see anyone starve to death. Just be realistic, who had the most poverty rate? China? US? India?
You really had poor judgement. In US, you will find someone asking for a dollar but you seldom/never see anyone starve to death. Just be realistic, who had the most poverty rate? China? US? India?
Wooooov....Seems like chinese were obsessive with Indian poor.
And also projects that they have a clear understanding disability.
Same goes with US.I personally came across as many times when an yankee have asked me a dollar or more to fill their stomach on the streets of Newyork city and many other places in Cali itself.
A person begs only if they are starving.Since its US, and a mere dollar can buy more than a rupee in India.Once you people come out of the obsession,then only you can understand what others say.
Same goes with US.I personally came across as many times when an yankee have asked me a dollar or more to fill their stomach on the streets of Newyork city and many other places in Cali itself.
Starving and poverty are not patented to India my friend.Every country have its own share. since you became independent 200 years ago and been on the continuous train of reforms ,you were standing in a shade today.But that doesnt mean that your are safe.

My donations wont simply make me a richest man,because i donated to an yankeeee. Just be considerable.

Tell us, in recent which year starvation made people die in hundreds or thousands in US?

I did see some internet rumor that hundreds of thousands starved to death in Great Depression in US, 70+ years ago, but I'm doubtful, since I haven't seen a credible report on that. It might be that some people did perish, but number wise it is not credible.

BTW, that street beggar may well exchange your money for drugs instead of filling his allegedly empty stomach. :lol:
Lol....... I donno how to laugh after looking at the fellow chinese postings. I am getting sick of laughing.

Just because you are a fe-male dont consider all others living on this planet are of same gender.99.99% of the indians only migrated to countries with democratic gov.At the same time the same percentage of Chinese migrated to the same democratic countries to have a fresh live.And it is insane people from the commie mainland just getting a visa to save their *** and get some rights in the democratic countries ,come over onto the forums like this and posting all the bullish crap abt the unknown world named as China is really bothering me.

Apart from the CCP paid forum and blog commentors ,I would appreciate any other Chinese commenting from China itself.
After all you gotta have to agree that ur CCP is even controlling you whether to get fcukeed by ur husband to give birth to a child.You should be glad that you are not living in China ,else you have to go through the same forced sterilization process to kill you womb.

And again if the will to fight against the enemy was inherited by you by reading few words from the MAo`s book of communistic philosophies,the same was inherited by Indians though blood while our ancestors were happened to fight against the invaders for the past 1000 years.

Let me teach you how to laugh, OK ?

(1) Indian's way of population control ?

Over 400,000 babies die within day of birth in India
New Delhi: More than 400,000 children die within 24 hours of their birth in India every year - the highest anywhere in the world, a study by an international charity said.
Over 400,000 babies die within day of birth in India - *National News ? News ? MSN India

(2) Are you sure you want to drink water in India ?

In the shadow of its new suburbs, torrid growth and 300- *million-plus-strong middle class, India is struggling with a sanitation emergency. From the stream in Devi’s village to the nation’s holiest river, the Ganges, 75 percent of the country’s surface water is contaminated by human and agricultural waste and industrial effluent. Everyone in Indian cities is at risk of consuming human feces, if they’re not already, the Ministry of Urban Development concluded in September.
India Failing to Control Open Defecation Blunts Nation?s Growth - Bloomberg.com

BTW, just curious, no offence, do you have a toilet ? Or you need to

do open...........:smitten::pakistan::china:
Isnt it China has gone through all these phases 30 years back?

We are still working on it to get things much better than awkwardish just like ur talk.

A small example to those majority of Chinese and Pakistanis:


Just like the above image,majority of the people around the world see a lamp(similar to their perception of a developing India)while a majority of only chinese and pakistanis have the perception of a female part.

And I hope this will end furthermore discussions related to Indian poor.

And If US and other western people did have comment about the same poor and same retarded behaviourism of Chinese 30 years back? what would your response have been?
Oooooh people unless you move your manufacturing facilities to China,how can we eliminate the poor? :tdown:
Of all the posters who simply jump and comment, no one seem to have a minimum thinking ability even the words were put down in a simplified english.Either we have to further downgrade the english sentences or you people have to learn more.

Added later: my net worth is 10 times higher than your so called Chinese rich class average.( now shut ur shitty mouth,else i might have to use it as a toilet)
Isnt it China has gone through all these phases 30 years back?

We are still working on it to get things much better than awkwardish just like ur talk.

A small example to those majority of Chinese and Pakistanis:


Just like the above image,majority of the people around the world see a lamp(similar to their perception of a developing India)while a majority of only chinese and pakistanis have the perception of a female part.

And I hope this will end furthermore discussions related to Indian poor.

And If US and other western people did have comment about the same poor and same retarded behaviourism of Chinese 30 years back? what would your response have been?
Oooooh people unless you move your manufacturing facilities to China,how can we eliminate the poor? :tdown:
Of all the posters who simply jump and comment, no one seem to have a minimum thinking ability even the words were put down in a simplified english.Either we have to further downgrade the english sentences or you people have to learn more.

Added later: my net worth is 10 times higher than your so called Chinese rich class average.( now shut ur shitty mouth,else i might have to use it as a toilet)

Don't be such a poor loser ! You started it, not me.

Whats the matter ? You sounds hurt !

Listsen, if you ever try to insult other's family with your dirty

comments, i will made you experience times of your life !

This is special for you; Learn some history that you are not familiar

Sulabh International Museum of Toilets :smitten::pakistan::china:
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