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China makes NYC look like the 3rd world

Taipei and Kaohsiung are 10x better than Shanghai.
no equivalents in the West?
have you ever been to german cities such as Frankfurt and Munich? obviously not.
the public transports are world class, comparable to Singapore.

Say again? I almost took my first intern in Frankfurt more than a decade ago... one of my Ex was from Hamburg... so were many of my buddies... a high school foto of mine was even in a German fashion ads mag owned by my friend's family... and I was once introduced for a local München movie audition during my junior school winter break... I'd been to so many large and small German cities and villages probably before you were even born, you moron :rofl:

sorry, you are clueless. as for GDP per capita, I can tell you:
a poor man/women without job, money, house, wife, kids, nor future gets from the german government:

- 399 euro cash a month, equals 503 dollar a month or 6,036 dollar a year. How much is China GDP per capita? $6,807, just a bit more.
- a free flat with household equippments such as TV, washing machine, etc...
- free medical care
- cheap or free public transport costs
- free or cheap meals
- free or cheap clothings

LOL yes, a beggar, he/she is richer than a common chinese working fulltime :cheesy:

I was talking about urban hard infrastructures and general prospoerity level in the vibi metropolitan street lifes, not gdp per cap.

Perhaps I am indeed a bit clueless about how many freebies the govt gives to every homeless and jobless all these years.

Obviously, being one of them you've shown quite high degree of familiarity with how many free bucks, probably up till cents, you can claim from the labour bureau each month, 399? no, 399.5 euro? You also have a free tv, free meal and cheap clothings, huh? Yay, I got the picture. :tup:
no equivalents in the West?
have you ever been to german cities such as Frankfurt and Munich? obviously not.
the public transports are world class, comparable to Singapore.

sorry, you are clueless. as for GDP per capita, I can tell you:
a poor man/women without job, money, house, wife, kids, nor future gets from the german government:

- 399 euro cash a month, equals 503 dollar a month or 6,036 dollar a year. How much is China GDP per capita? $6,807, just a bit more.
- a free flat with household equippments such as TV, washing machine, etc...
- free medical care
- cheap or free public transport costs
- free or cheap meals
- free or cheap clothings

LOL yes, a beggar, he/she is richer than a common chinese working fulltime :cheesy:
Believe me! Singapore MRT is over hyped :P
you must be joking, just weeks ago in münchen on my way back from airport I had to wait for hours for stuck S-Bahn to move again, no further reason was given other than "Betriebsstörung"/malfunction, too common reason for train delay in germany. one half year in Shanghai and I have never seen anything like this, and the metro in München looks like beggar vehicle compared with shanghai. Today especially the public transportation in shanghai and even most provincial level in china are far above the standard of germany.

We have to differentiate the public infrastructure and the general living condition between Germany and China.

Generally, tier 1 cities in China have a modern and up to date infrastructure because all is new. But go to a small villages in, e.g. Anhui province where many don't even have a paved road and compare that to any village in Germany, the difference is huge.

With regard to living condition in big cities, in China either you are well to do and have a similar standard as in Germany, but the poor still have a rather precarious living situation, even in Shanghai or Beijing, in small villages in China the situation is even worse both in infrastructure and living standard. In Germany, even low living standard flats/ houses are deemed luxurious in many parts of China.

Public infrastructure has been crumbling in the last decade, because our bloody government rather spend billions to save to-big-to-fail banksters than investing into our future.
China has very underdeveloped regions, we never deny that fact, but at least not like Vietnam, the whole country is underdeveloped dirt poor. the poorest region in China is the far west part.




You can make a city look better than New York, but it'd be still lame without New Yorkers. :D
China has very underdeveloped regions, we never deny that fact, but at least not like Vietnam, the whole country is underdeveloped dirt poor. the poorest region in China is the far west part.

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actually i wanna know when and where is it on the pics?were they donated?
we are a developing country,and we'll keep this tittle till the next century,cause we need this tittle.but unfortunate,even the most backward province of China Guizhou's per capital GDP is still several times of VN.so...since China is the third world country,VN is like..............the fifth world country?or the sixth world maybe...:lol:
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China has very underdeveloped regions, we never deny that fact, but at least not like Vietnam, the whole country is underdeveloped dirt poor. the poorest region in China is the far west part.

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When you start to head back to compare China vs Vietnam, you admit a true fact ....

to be safe, using your words, Vietnam and China shared the very underdeveloped situation in some regions. Our poor people looks exactly the same

and not like you, I never bring out some paradise pictures of somewhere in our country to pretend Vietnam is a rich country,
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When you start to head back to compare China vs Vietnam, you admit a true fact ....

to be safe, using your words, Vietnam and China shared the very underdeveloped situation in some regions. Our poor people looks exactly the same

and not like you, I never bring out some paradise pictures of somewhere in our country to pretend Vietnam is a rich country,
oh plz don't drag China down to your level just bcz a few poor ppl of the far west China.u kinda remind me of a video which made by the north korean gov,they went took sum pics of the american beggars,homeless ppl and abandoned houses back in their country and tell their citizens that the US is like hell.
we never say that we are rich or what,but the foreigners always do.cause many places of china r developed.since u said u have those kinda paradise pics ,u totally can just show it? let me see how "paradise" is it.and make the foreigners say sumthing like the tittle of this threat toward your nation as well.otherwise talking is just nonsense.
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