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China makes NYC look like the 3rd world

Chinese cities like Shanghai are better than New York.

China is making a mockery of the US 'superpower' status.

China humiliated the US military in war, just today got confirmation that China has a bigger economy. More and more things the US will lose to China as the years go by.

US will have to accept it's just not good enough to compete with China.

As China gets richer, the US decline will accelerate.

I've always said, American power is grossly overrated based on the Western propaganda machine.

You remove that hype, what you get in real life is a through public humiliation as was shown when the Chinese Volunteer Army managed to kick the American 8th Army out of North Korea.
So much for a 'superpower' military that can't even defeat a volunteer army :lol:

China is now the largest economy, largest manufacturing nation, largest goods trading nation, largest energy producer and consumer, largest agricultural producer and consumer, largest industrial metals consumer, largest electricity producer and consumer, largest e-commerce market, largest automobile market, etc.

China keeps surpassing the US in every category.

I remember a few years ago when the US used to compare itself to the Chinese automobile market. Within a few years, China moved so far ahead of the US in automobile market size, that it stopped being even a comparison.

This type of thing will happen in all areas as the middle class of China rises to a point that it will be double the size of the entire US population.

China is closing the technological gap very fast where Chinese brands like Huawei, ZTE, Inspur, Haier, Alibaba, etc are starting to take away market share from American companies in the Chinese market and use that scale to launch their global operations and completely dismantle the spine of US corporations.

US is playing a losing game with China.

As the years go by, the more it favours China.

Puerto Rico is our 51st state. Canada is our 52nd. Mexico is our 53rd. It is inevitable that Cuba will be our 54th. We do not care if the US flag have only 50 stars. All of you are Yankees, whether you know it or not.

lol dont know what to say to this. its not true lmao
Unfortunately statistics disprove him.

There might be an upper class that is very wealthy much 90% of Chinese still have to get by with few dollars a day.

There are 1,5 billion Chinese which is a huge burden on the economy. Now exports are decreasing China has to switch to domestic markets but nobody has money. The rich are transfer their money out of China at lightening speed which tells me a boom boom will happen soon.

Chinese never ending economic growth is nonsense. Every economy has its rise and its fall. China had its best days and is maturing in terms of growth. The problem is unlike other countries China will have 1,4 billion hungry Chinese on their hands if an economic crises happens. The rich Chinese will already have left the country leaving the poor without savings or food.

this is really arrogance
nowadays, it is hard for factories to employ workers with salary of 500 dollars/month
Chinese are poor in western standard, but compared to Turkey, the salaries are just similar.
NYC is Icon of USA

It needs some major revamp for its public facilities just like the recent major overhaul on the Statute of Liberty
This is what the topic was after on the hardware part.
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