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China Lost World War II

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For us, we were always an independent country fought in civil war and resisted complete imperialist colonization. Major difference.

Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, Cutting of the Chinese Mellon:
World History for UPSC: Colonization of Asia Revision Note

Colonialism in China:
1750-1919: China and the West: Imperialism, Opium, and Self-Strengthening (1800-1921) | Central Themes and Key Points | Asia for Educators | Columbia University

If you were independent, then you must have won the Opium Wars? If you were independent, why did the Boxer uprising take place? If you were independent, why were "spheres of interest" carved out by the British, French, German, Russians and the Portuguese? Why were so many concessions handed over to western powers? Why was Hong Kong part of the British Empire and Macau part of Portuguese empire?
Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, Cutting of the Chinese Mellon:
World History for UPSC: Colonization of Asia Revision Note

Colonialism in China:
1750-1919: China and the West: Imperialism, Opium, and Self-Strengthening (1800-1921) | Central Themes and Key Points | Asia for Educators | Columbia University

If you were independent, then you must have won the Opium Wars? If you were independent, why did the Boxer uprising take place? If you were independent, why were "spheres of interest" carved out by the British, French, German, Russians and the Portuguese? Why were so many concessions handed over to western powers? Why was Hong Kong part of the British Empire and Macau part of Portuguese empire?

Start reading up on what the end result of the opium wars was. The very thing you stated: handing out concessions, means that China was not fully colonized and was independent. India handed out no concessions to the British, but rather Britain controlled all of India directly so there is no question of concession or not. Concession implies that something is yours to give, and partially at that.
Funny article, considering Japan was never able to hold more than 1/3 of Chinese territories at the peak of its invasion. In addition, majority of Japan's ground troops were tied down in the China theater, as well as a good portion of its air force. Almost as funny as Americans claiming they "won" the Vietnam War or Indians claiming they didn't lose in 1962.
Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion, Cutting of the Chinese Mellon:
World History for UPSC: Colonization of Asia Revision Note

Colonialism in China:
1750-1919: China and the West: Imperialism, Opium, and Self-Strengthening (1800-1921) | Central Themes and Key Points | Asia for Educators | Columbia University

If you were independent, then you must have won the Opium Wars? If you were independent, why did the Boxer uprising take place? If you were independent, why were "spheres of interest" carved out by the British, French, German, Russians and the Portuguese? Why were so many concessions handed over to western powers? Why was Hong Kong part of the British Empire and Macau part of Portuguese empire?
You are mistaken being a weak power at that time with being under fully colonized by foreign powers and subject to foreign currency, culture, and language dominance as is the case with India. The British ruled you, controlled you, set rule on you, defined how you should speak and learned their language, imposed their tax on you, forced you to work and paid royal tax on any business that you conduct on your motherland property. Anymore you want me to add? my friend? LOL

For us, the situation is different. We control our culture, our education, our currency. Basically we control every central ingredient of a sovereign nation. We were just weak. Therefore were subject to unequal treaty and trade. But make no mistake, we were never under any individual foreign power direction, and/or, nor, control of leadership whatsoever.
You are mistaken being a weak power at that time with being under fully colonized by foreign powers and subject to foreign currency, culture, and language dominance as is the case with India. The British ruled you, controlled you, set rule on you, defined how you should speak and learned their language, imposed their tax on you, forced you to work and paid royal tax on any business that you conduct on your motherland property. Anymore you want me to add? my friend? LOL

For us, the situation is different. We control our culture, our education, our currency. Basically we control every central ingredient of a sovereign nation. We were just weak. Therefore were subject to unequal treaty and trade. But make no mistake, we were never under any individual foreign power direction, and/or, nor, control of leadership whatsoever.

I cannot reply separately to all the ignoramus on this forum.

The main reason the British, or for that matter the other colonial powers didn't colonize all of China is because the hinterland is sparse and unproductive, and not because they couldn't. They had complete control over the Chinese territories that they wished to control. Same was the case with Afghanistan. The Afghans are a proud people who claim they were never colonized. What they will not tell you that the British wanted Kabul, so they took it. They did not see any point of controlling an inhospitable terrain with hardly any economic resources.

As for controlling your culture, you must be referring to the Han ethnic-cleansing and extermination of all other cultural/religious/ethnic identities in China, right? You colonize and subjugate your own people, so congratulations! You must be so proud!!!

China had the Mao Zedong, India has the Maoists ... who is imbecile ? LOL ~!!!

Armed and funded, no doubt, by the permanently revolutionary People's Republic!!
The main reason the British, or for that matter the other colonial powers didn't colonize all of China is because the hinterland is sparse and unproductive, and not because they couldn't. They had complete control over the Chinese territories that they wished to control. Same was the case with Afghanistan. The Afghans are a proud people who claim they were never colonized. What they will not tell you that the British wanted Kabul, so they took it. They did not see any point of controlling an inhospitable terrain with hardly any economic resources.

If this very Indian logic works in one way or another, India will never be colonized because it is more than an headache (a social, infrastructural and cultural nightmare) than an asset for any major power.

Now that's another consolation for you after your renowned democracy.

Obviously, colonization never worked that way. And will never work that way.

Besides, Chinese rule has never ceased under Japanese or British colonization hence a Kabul scenario never took place. This is because of the popular armed resistance.
If this very Indian logic works in one way or another, India will never be colonized because it is more than an headache (a social, infrastructural and cultural nightmare) than an asset for any major power.

Obviously, colonization never worked that way. Chinese rule has never ceased under Japanese colonization hence a Kabul scenario never took place. This is because of the popular armed resistance.

Your romantic notions of "popular armed resistance" couldn't save you from Nanking, could they?
Your romantic notions of "popular armed resistance" couldn't save you from Nanking, could they?

We are not talking about invasion and war crime here.

We are talking about colonization and your brilliant Indian logic to explain why China has not been entirely colonized and government never ceased to exist.
We are not talking about invasion and war crime here.

We are talking about colonization and your brilliant Indian logic to explain why China has not been entirely colonized and government never ceased to exist.

Well, that indian started to troll.
The notion that such a proud and large India is being colonized by a tiny island Britain and literally beg for freedom instead of fighting for it like any other independent country resisting against imperialist (ala The Vietnam, for example) is not a good chapter in India history whether you want to sugarcoat and paint it in any ways. LOL This is why it is laughable to compare our situation with India. Let not forget for a second, shall we?

I cannot reply separately to all the ignoramus on this forum.

The main reason the British, or for that matter the other colonial powers didn't colonize all of China is because the hinterland is sparse and unproductive, and not because they couldn't. They had complete control over the Chinese territories that they wished to control. Same was the case with Afghanistan. The Afghans are a proud people who claim they were never colonized. What they will not tell you that the British wanted Kabul, so they took it. They did not see any point of controlling an inhospitable terrain with hardly any economic resources.

As for controlling your culture, you must be referring to the Han ethnic-cleansing and extermination of all other cultural/religious/ethnic identities in China, right? You colonize and subjugate your own people, so congratulations! You must be so proud!!!

Armed and funded, no doubt, by the permanently revolutionary People's Republic!!
What kind of historical revisionist twist did you learn from? Japan revisionist right? LOL Look, my friend. The reasons foreign power couldn't control China was because the Chinese people were FEARLY anti-foreigner, anti-imperialist that it was impossible for any power to control China proper peacefully. It is simply not worth it. That's why no one try to colonize us. We practically fought the 8-nation alliance during the Boxer Rebellion for a reason. The case with India is different. The Indian people respectfully treat and admire the British people. In fact, many British high-class got Indian as servants in Hong Kong for that reason because of Indian subservient attitude toward foreigners.
We are not talking about invasion and war crime here.

We are talking about colonization and your brilliant Indian logic to explain why China has not been entirely colonized and government never ceased to exist.

It is self-evident. When colonial powers wished to extract resources from a colony, they focused on the rich hinterland as opposed to desolate and impoverished parts. All of India happens to be a hinterland, as opposed to the interior of China. What was to be gained by trying to establish colonial rule in remote and impoverished Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Inner Mongolia? Too much effort for too little gain.

If you want to argue logic, then why didn't the British and French colonize all of the United States before Independence? Surely not due to the fierce resistance of the indigenous population? If they were as disingenous as you, they would disregard their subjugation and claim that they fought off the British and French and were thereby victorious!!!

If, instead of arguing ex-tempore, you would study the colonial history of Congo, Algeria, Afghanistan - countries more comparable to your's, instead of trying to borrow the colonial experience of countries like India, Egypt and Morocco, you would be better informed. You obviously have little grasp of world history, being fed a staple diet of your great nation's silly propaganda and revisionism. You argue based upon first principles, with no sources or context. Now stop wasting my time.

The notion that such a proud and large India is being colonized by a tiny island Britain and literally beg for freedom instead of fighting for it like any other independent country resisting against imperialist....

As opposed to the fierce fight you put up for Hong Kong and Macau, respectfully petitioning till it was decided by higher powers to grant your wish!!! Two can play a game.
There is no trolling, just stating facts. Vietnam and Philippines got throw around like a rag doll during World War. France colonized you fully, then Japan kicked them out for a short period, ruled you, then Japan defeated. France came back to rule you until you gain independence with the help of CCP. Ask Ho Chi Minh. Same with the Philippines, got fully colonized by Spain, then US colonized them, then Japan invaded and colonized for a short period, then US came to freed them only to re-colonized again until independent in post-WWII. As for the India, let not even mention them. They basically fought under the flag of the British colonial master flag.

For us, we were always an independent country fought in civil war and resisted complete imperialist colonization. Major difference.

You can not deny that China was ruled by white man like Britain, Portugal until 1999. Too late, bro.
The notion that such a proud and large India is being colonized by a tiny island Britain and literally beg for freedom instead of fighting for it like any other independent country resisting against imperialist (ala The Vietnam, for example) is not a good chapter in India history whether you want to sugarcoat and paint it in any ways. LOL This is why it is laughable to compare our situation with India. Let not forget for a second, shall we?

What kind of historical revisionist twist did you learn from? Japan revisionist right? LOL Look, my friend. The reasons foreign power couldn't control China was because the Chinese people were FEARLY anti-foreigner, anti-imperialist that it was impossible for any power to control China proper peacefully. It is simply not worth it. That's why no one try to colonize us. We practically fought the 8-nation alliance during the Boxer Rebellion for a reason. The case with India is different. The Indian people respectfully treat and admire the British people. In fact, many British high-class got Indian as servants in Hong Kong for that reason because of Indian subservient attitude toward foreigners.

Bro, India's colony history didn't begin with Britain. Long long before that, since 11th century, India had been Muslims' colony. It continued 700 years, from Delhi Sultan to Turkic Mughal. You know the famous Taj Mahal is an Islamic-style building. Shameless Hindustani, why not to continue the Non-violent resistance? Argue for what? @Nick81
You can not deny that China was ruled by white man like Britain, Portugal until 1999. Too late, bro.

Followed by you logic:

You can not deny that vietnam is ruled by China till now, if you considered Paracel Islands is yours.
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