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China Likely to Unban Foreign Consoles


Mar 29, 2013
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China Likely to Unban Foreign Consoles. Game-changer.

by Luke Karmali JULY 11, 2013

China is considering overturning a 13-year ban on the sale of games consoles, as long as one key condition is met.

The South China Morning Post (via Spong) reports that the country may lift the ban, but only if foreign companies like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft manufacture their products in Shanghai's new free trade zone.

The move is apparently being considered as part of a plan to open up the Chinese economy and widen the use of its currency. Government documents explain that if foreign companies register in the new zone, they will be able to sell their products once approval has been received from "culture-related authorities".

They still need approval from the culture ministry and other relevant government bodies for their products.

An unnamed source told SCMP, "They still need approval from the culture ministry and other relevant government bodies for their products, which I think is reasonable, because the government wants to make sure the content of your games is not too violent or politically sensitive for young people."

The ban initially came into effect in June 2000 after seven ministries, led by China's Ministry of Culture, opted to ban the production and sale of games consoles in China after concerns were raised about unhealthy and violent content in games, and what effect it may have on the country's youth. All that was allowed was the import of components to be assembled in China, before being exported again.

If it comes to pass, it'd be absolutely huge news for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo and would open up a new market of hundreds of millions to them, with a new generation of consoles on the horizon. China stands to benefit too, with the "Made in China" caveat providing an opportunity for a manufacturing boom.

China Likely to Unban Foreign Consoles - IGN
It's about time, considering the "ban" has been a fail.

Buying a console there is as easy here in the states, perhaps even easier. And you get to bargain too XD
Ugh... I actually hate those so-called ''gaming'' consoles, the controllers are way too simplistic for certain games and the internals operate at a fraction of your average PC. For games like Minecraft and Arma, PC is the way to go!

But okay... I do admit, playing FIFA with friends, with multiple controllers in the living room while dissing each other's inability to play football, does deserve a mention XD

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