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China lifted 65.3m out of slums, and India 59.7m

Whatever you people. say India Or china has slums or not....it does not matter ... both countries had their share of poor people... who could not afford better living like us, and many others....

conrats...to China , i must say ...they did a splendid job to bring reforms and take millions out of poverty......India has done things...but not at such huge scale like china... WE must work in bigger scale..and with tighter laws... to help these poor...and give them better life and security and the biggest thing equality....
And to Pakistani friends....instead of embarking on others welfare pro gramme , you should think about your nation too....about those who are living under poverty line...40% and those who are heavy drug addicts ... throwing stones at others will not help.....

Putting china's beautiful pictures ....does not show your standard...so try better build such things and show...

no offence....
India, China thread in world affairs? LOL
if its true then its good news, 100 million is not a small number. Congrats to both the countries!!!

So now Indian agency = More reliable, neutral and trust worthy then UN. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now, ToIlet group of newspaper is more = More reliable, neutral and trust worthy then independent BBC. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

slum in China?never heard it:sick:

Show me a single Indian who says there are no slums in India but hippocrasy and lies of some chinese amazes me. Never ever heard of.............Oh my god.

I can post dozens of pic but let it be, the world know it all.

Plz, be rational we are developing country with big population its natural to have them and they are the symbol of development soon they will be dissapear with proper housings in both India and in China.
Show me a single Indian who says there are no slums in India but hippocrasy and lies of some chinese amazes me. Never ever heard of.............Oh my god.

I can post dozens of pic but let it be, the world know it all.

Plz, be rational we are developing country with big population its natural to have them and they are the symbol of development soon they will be dissapear with proper housings in both India and in China.

Please post. They must be recent. I am sure you will find some bad housing, but the question is not whether there are bad housing, but in which degree there are obvious non-permanent housing which lacks reasonable access to toilets. The slum is not a single house, but consists of many "houses". I reckon the degree of slums in China is less than in other countries. I.e, slums do not account for a significant amount of a city's area in China. Bad housing in China? Yes. But housing which only consists of sheet metal, dominating a pretty large area? Skeptical. I think that's what the other Chinese in this thread are thinking about when thinking about slums (me as well).

One must also be aware of the construct validity of this report:
The report's authors described a house as a slum if it lacked at least one of these five amenities:

* a permanent structure
* less than three people sharing a room
* access to water that was sufficient, affordable and could be obtained without extreme effort
* a private toilet or a public one shared with a reasonable number of people
* secure tenure

Of course this is also valid for India as well. I'd say that a house should not be considered as a slum because more than three people share the same room. IMO, a slum does not have a permanent structure or access to toilet. There must be a substantial number of people living nearby with the same conditions as well, so one bad neighbourhood can't be regarded as a slum, there must be a district. But then again, just my impression what a slum is like.
The thread would have moved in much better direction if it would had title as "china lifted 65 m out of slums" or "india lifted 59 m out of slums"

to add fuel to fire, some very high intellectual people from our beloved neighborhood participated very well.


Considering a large population of poor class in india, alot alot more needs to be done. Damn, with corruption-less society this number could have been 5 times. Positive is despite of corrupt leaders the potential is quite high.
to add fuel to fire, some very high intellectual people from our beloved neighborhood participated very well.


In other words, nothing new under the sun. People tend to be more patriotic, especially in military forums.. To be honest, the first Chinese replying in this thread weren't dissing India, but questioning facts about China (not India) in the article. And then xebex insulted below_freezing and then it slowly began. So IMO, it wasn't the Chinese that began adding fuel to fire.
中国万岁-ProsperThroughCo-op;1696920 said:
One must also be aware of the construct validity of this report:
The report's authors described a house as a slum if it lacked at least one of these five amenities:

* a permanent structure
* less than three people sharing a room
* access to water that was sufficient, affordable and could be obtained without extreme effort
* a private toilet or a public one shared with a reasonable number of people
* secure tenure

Hmm so UN thinks more than three people sharing a room makes it a slum? Next time people asking about Chinese defense spending hikes, we could reply more money is needed to improve the welfare of our servicemen. By United Nations standard most Chinese soldiers are living in slums!

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