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China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy by PPP

with Hu songshan advice, I strictly follow the spirit of every thread,
I think I expressed the most correct about the report,
and will not derail the topic by any act of trolling accounts.
you have no right to dream ,,,a mini country with short guys! and ugly ,black! super poor country- vietnam

Dude, dont drag this thread into the gutter. Just ignore him.

On the topic of PPP, it is useful in representing the buying power of money in different countries but the accounting of it can get quite creative.

At the supermarket here in Sydney, a plain French croissant costs $2.50, bread can go up to $5 and a withered bundle of asparagus $2.50. Its disgraceful!

Video game prices are so bad the government is constantly looking into the industry for price gouging. Americans get new titles for $60 max while here in Australia, 100 or more is charged. And we dumbass Aussies always complain but pay the price anyway.
the old tactic to derail ( change from compare China to USA to China to Vietnam, LOL. Actually that's a bad tactic )
I'm not the Vietnamese govt. I'm just an ordinary man from nowhere.
I could see clearly about what media make for propaganda.

I see, Vietnam poorer, China slightly poor same to Thailand, poorer than Malaysia and Russia; Korea and Taiwan, Singapore more prosperous, Japan and USA are rich.
I learn from statistic that Chinese poor population are bigger than total population of USA.
And the standard for a person to be called poor in China is 1$ per day.
1.25$ per day income cannot get the support from the govt.

And we all know that poor people cannot spend money of rich people.
so tell me what is the standard of poor?? the poor standard in china is same with America?? in china ,,,as long as you are not so lazy and want to work ,,any worker will be much enough to support you life ,,, of course ,the living stnadard can't match USA,,

so tell me what is the standard of poor?? the poor standard in china is same with America?? in china ,,,as long as you are not so lazy and want to work ,,any worker will be much enough to support you life ,,, of course ,the living stnadard can't match USA,,
in fact ,most chinese that spend less than 1$ PER DAY are farmer, they raise pig and plant some vegetables ,,,,the life isn't that bad,
so tell me what is the standard of poor?? the poor standard in china is same with America?? in china ,,,as long as you are not so lazy and want to work ,,any worker will be much enough to support you life ,,, of course ,the living stnadard can't match USA,,

in fact ,most chinese that spend less than 1$ PER DAY are farmer, they raise pig and plant some vegetables ,,,,the life isn't that bad,
oh pls,u guys can totally just ignore him,cause he's just nothing more than a pathetic vietnamese who could just live in their self-dreaming fantacy.and they r all brainwashed. like he said that they will supass china and singapore very soon. :lol::lol:don't take him serious,just take him as a joke,u can laugh a while then ignore him,that's it.
All these has zero to do with representative election. In fact, worker's rights is a socialist mechanism that is incorporated into many nation's economic policy after WWII. The same thing goes with protection of private property and private enterprise, which are all economic mechanisms that has nothing to do with how the government representative is selected. All these are economic policies. Individual rights concerns a nation's individual constitutional rights, which again, has nothing to do with the government selection process, which is its own thing. Having a representative government also has nothing to do with electoral process, as the Chinese people's assembly has way better presentation of people from all background than the US congress or senate.

Japan and West Germany's economic success in the 60s has to do with their unique geopolitical position, as well as their good industrial foundation which is built respectively in their fascist/monarchy days.

Basically, you listed a large number of things and almost all of them has zero to do with election, which you seem to take as the measure for democracy. Completely forgetting that the concept of democracy itself has nothing to do with elections.
I seriously doubt you will find a credible Japanese or German economist or historian who will NOT credit the implementation and expansion of democratic ideas as a major catalyst for their respective countries success.

As I said, by your way of thinking, the fact that the wealthiest major countries of the planet, the ones with the highest GDP's per capita, best human rights records, best systems of law enforcement and independent judiciaries, best quality of life and resources in food, medicine, leisure, etc., all of which are also democracies, is just some sort of weird 1000 to 1 coincidence. Sorry, but as the logic of Occum's razor dictates, the simplest answer using the fewest assumptions is almost always the correct one. A couple of years old, but not much has changed and with the exception of a few oil rich lands, what do all these countries have in common besides being the most prosperous per person, most economically dynamic per capita, on the planet? That right, class! They are all, in a really weird coincidence...representative democracies! Or, maybe not so weird. :agree:

Real estate will never be counted truly in India, but there are many mid size and small size industries that are still unaccountable in India, hopefully the new GDP base year of 2011-2012 when adopted will account all these mid-size and small size industries in manufacturing/agriculture and services.
For example; there is no accountability of leather manufacturing Industries or meat exporting industries which are one of the biggest in the world and are easily in billions of us dollars
And many mid size manufacturing industries in agriculture and service sector. When these are accounted next year. Indian nominal GDP will jump to 300-400 US $ billion. This will mean India will be able to go from 2 trillion $- 3 trillion $ in very short time.

" there are many mid size and small size industries that are still unaccountable in India
....there is no accountability of leather manufacturing Industries or meat exporting industries which are one of the biggest in the world and are easily in billions of us dollars. And many mid size manufacturing industries in agriculture and service sector. When these are accounted next year..."

Are these industries required to report timely tax, statistical or export data to your government? And not complying to the requirements are not punishable by law?
Regarding the "next year" matter, it is a one year rolling-over delaying problem in reporing so still the data are captured, not omitted completely

i heard that too. HK is in reality still a colony of uk?

Hong Kong belongs to China
Chinese or related companies which get listed on the HKEx are the overwhelming majoriy. HKEx ranks consistently top 3 in world for capitalization
No other army are allowed to stationed in Hong Kong except PLA

Imagine if Japan invades HK again, who is going to defend HK?
UK? USA? or Taiwan?

THe traitors who live in Hong Kong are minorities.

And the GDP of China nor our fx reserve has taken into accounts of those separately counted for in Greater China (Taiwan, HK, Macau).
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Yes right now Govt. is tightening screws on these industries, in earlier UPA govt. due to crony dealings with ministers the owners of these industries deposited Billions of US $ in Swiss Banks. One of them was named also recently Hasan Ali Khan I think he had around 8 Billion $ in Swiss Banks, there are many more companies like these in India which underreport everything from revenue to export to escape giving taxes. But new government's anti corruption stance is strong and system is becoming transparent.

Also the GDP base year revision is due next year India uses base year of 2004-05 to report her GDP, after base year revision you can see more jump to GDP<may be close to 3%-4%>.

Good for you!
What a democracy!
You are not alone.
Many "democratic" countries in Europe, S American, Asia, Africa also face similar problems
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You mean you were kidnapped and brought there against your will? :o: Has Canada revoked your right to leave? It's either that, or you are a Canadian citizen and belong to a NATO country or your parents brought you there because they sought greater freedom and opportunity in a land that is, an American lackey state, as you put it. Which is it? I'm just always fascinated by you guys who run down the West, her countries and her values.....and then choose to live, or remain living, there. :azn:
i cannot leave canada not yet. canada belong to nato meaning she is not a leader. you can say an american lackey state.

" there are many mid size and small size industries that are still unaccountable in India
....there is no accountability of leather manufacturing Industries or meat exporting industries which are one of the biggest in the world and are easily in billions of us dollars. And many mid size manufacturing industries in agriculture and service sector. When these are accounted next year..."

Are these industries required to report timely tax, statistical or export data to your government? And not complying to the requirements are not punishable by law?
Regarding the "next year" matter, it is a one year rolling-over delaying problem in reporing so still the data are captured, not omitted completely

Hong Kong belongs to China
Chinese or related companies which get listed on the HKEx are the overwhelming majoriy. HKEx ranks consistently top 3 in world for capitalization
No other army are allowed to stationed in Hong Kong except PLA

Imagine if Japan invades HK again, who is going to defend HK?
UK? USA? or Taiwan?

THe traitors who live in Hong Kong are minorities.

And the GDP of China nor our fx reserve has taken into accounts of those separately counted for in Greater China (Taiwan, HK, Macau).

more traitors will get to HK soon. already student protest. before this coolie protest. before coolie protest anti-mainlander protest.
i cannot leave canada not yet. canada belong to nato meaning she is not a leader. you can say an american lackey state.

more traitors will get to HK soon. already student protest. before this coolie protest. before coolie protest anti-mainlander protest.
...and yet, as I said, you or your parents decided to live there, (along with almost one quarter of a million Vietnamese immigrants. :agree:). So again, why did you or your parents decide to live there if you have such a low opinion of Canada?
...and yet, as I said, you or your parents decided to live there, (along with almost one quarter of a million Vietnamese immigrants. :agree:). So again, why did you or your parents decide to live there if you have such a low opinion of Canada?

life is worse than twenty years ago. dirty politicians are the worse. health care in shambles. young people can forget about your pension when you reach 70. i can go on an on. no point.
i cannot leave canada not yet. canada belong to nato meaning she is not a leader. you can say an american lackey state.

"you can say an american lackey state."
same as UK, Japan, S Korea, Australia, Germany ... - the fundamental requirement for a democracy "according to usa"

more traitors will get to HK soon. already student protest. before this coolie protest. before coolie protest anti-mainlander protest.

stupid people and minorities
They will be discarded by the majoriy public

life is worse than twenty years ago. dirty politicians are the worse. health care in shambles. young people can forget about your pension when you reach 70. i can go on an on. no point.

This is not in sync with your fellow Viet members here on PDF! 8-)
life is worse than twenty years ago. dirty politicians are the worse. health care in shambles. young people can forget about your pension when you reach 70. i can go on an on. no point.
Ya, Canada's a real hell-hole. :lol:

"The list below displays the top-ranked country from each year of the Human Development Index. Norway has been ranked the highest eleven times, Canada eight times, followed by Japan which has been ranked highest three times. Iceland has been ranked highest twice."

Human Development Index - Top 50 Countries with the highest human development ranking
so tell me what is the standard of poor?? the poor standard in china is same with America?? in china ,,,as long as you are not so lazy and want to work ,,any worker will be much enough to support you life ,,, of course ,the living stnadard can't match USA,,

in fact ,most chinese that spend less than 1$ PER DAY are farmer, they raise pig and plant some vegetables ,,,,the life isn't that bad,

FYI, poverty line in China is around 2,836 RMB per year / person ( officially )
while poverty line in Japan around 5,700 USD / year. ( $23,458 / year for a household )
in USA similar to Japan but more complicated to apply slight differently to different type of household.
Basically, Western standard is around 22,000-24,000$ / household / year

So don't confuse about the ratio of poverty in different countries. They are not based on the same standard.
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