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China Just Overtook The US As The World's Largest Economy by PPP

Ya, Canada's a real hell-hole. :lol:

"The list below displays the top-ranked country from each year of the Human Development Index. Norway has been ranked the highest eleven times, Canada eight times, followed by Japan which has been ranked highest three times. Iceland has been ranked highest twice."
reading these index is useless. unless you live there you should not talk too much.

"you can say an american lackey state."
same as UK, Japan, S Korea, Australia, Germany ... - the fundamental requirement for a democracy "according to usa"

stupid people and minorities
They will be discarded by the majoriy public

This is not in sync with your fellow Viet members here on PDF! 8-)
i don't live in vietnam. maybe over there life is decent with $1500 us/year. where i live $70,000 per year mean you can rent a condonimium.
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