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China Jails 14 Muslims after Destroying Mosque

Pakistan was showing clearly double standards. When Babri Masjid was demolished they cried out from the rooftop. When Chinese do it suddenly it has become holier than cow. Come on you are just friends with China not slaves. Raise your voice ths time.You guys should come out of this big brother complex.
Please, first we crush the evil Hindu Banniya, become a super power and then we think of China, capeesh?
China is our friend, higher than mountains, deeper than the ocean, sweeter than honey, more high tech than an android. We will crush India with swords

Please have lal topi and be on your white horse to conquer India..oh Gosh I Dreamed a Dream lol.
Any comments from Pakistani Bros about opression of Muslims here ?? :).. After all I just saw a 20 page + India bashing thread on accidental fire in a non islamic sufi shrine in Jammu and Kashmir ..
hey you are in valley right bcoz of your business concerns?
Does this "illegal" clause also apply to mosques built after destroying temples ? Just asking.

Of course it's illegal & totally against "ISLAM" to destroy other's places of worship ,,, unless for a just reason, like Prophet Muhammad even destroyed a mosque coz of criminal activities that were going on in there...

Even insulting other's gods is forbidden ,,,

Quran:6:108:-Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance. Thus have We made alluring to each people its own doings. In the end will they return to their Lord and We shall then tell them the truth of all that they did.

If Babri mosque was really built after destroying a temple, then I don't have anything against destroying it & putting the temple back again ... In fact every place on earth could be used for offering prayers,,, if one is destroyed we can always go offer prayers somewhere else...

Prophet Muhammad said "All of the earth is a masjid except graveyards and toilets"
[Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood 1:492]
Rasoolullah (SAW) further said "Offer some of your prayers in your houses and do not make them graves."
[Sahih Bukhari vol 2: no 280, Book of Tahajud chapter 36]
Pakistan was showing clearly double standards. When Babri Masjid was demolished they cried out from the rooftop. When Chinese do it suddenly it has become holier than cow. Come on you are just friends with China not slaves. Raise your voice ths time.You guys should come out of this big brother complex.

Babri Mosque was a historic landmark that was destroyed by Hindu terrorists.

This mosque was not a historic landmark and it was destroyed for violating building code.

different stories.
You can be right for some individual but not for an Indian. Indian is term associated with a group of person well above individualism,political,hatred toward any religion. So get your facts clear. Though all these terms can be found in personal. In India we have two types,I don't have any knowledge about yours at all. 1-personal,2-Social. In personal a person can practice any thing unless & until it doesn't affect the any next person because then it becomes social(something like variety & secularism). In public Indian constitution prohibits every one of doing anything which affects badly another person. India is not perfect but it is good & progressing.Hope you can understand it.
I was referring to Indian posters here. I hope their attitude doesn't reflect the attitude of most Indians.
Babri Mosque was a historic landmark that was destroyed by Hindu terrorists.

This mosque was not a historic landmark and it was destroyed for violating building code.

different stories.

That masjid was closed from last many years. And Babri masjid itself was created by destroying Ram mandir.US had destroyed thousands masjids in iraq and afghanistan. But at that time you guys were busy in churning dollars rather than caring for those masjids. after Babri Masjid demolition Saddam blasted other muslim countries that why you guys were creating hoopla hoo over a closed masjid when uS is destroying historical masjids in iraq on daily basis. But Pakistan was with US even then. Ofcource as always busy in churning dollars. You guys dont have any moral ground to comment on masjids in other countries.
There is nothing to discuss because there is no sincerity or good intention here whatsoever. As if Indian posters here care about Muslims, give me a break man. This thread should be locked, as well as all other Indian troll threads.

Indians care far more for muslims than you care for non-muslims . Get a friggin life

I was referring to Indian posters here. I hope their attitude doesn't reflect the attitude of most Indians.

And not do I only hope but I think I am also sure that most Turks are not xenophobic towards non-muslims like you .
China ka ek ilaz al jehad al jehad..killing muslims in any part of the world is not permissible.Warriors of Islam must take revenge.

Shivani. tell your mom that you are now a grown up Evil, just like all indian trolls here. They will celebrate about it.
Oh, so you mean to say that Brahmins HAD the right to kill any lower cast they wanted to.

If you look carefully, this is what we Brahmins USED TO DO since ancient times.
Teaching people and correcting their mistakes. ;)

I don't see how you confused tense so much. the original Internet Hindu that I replied to was talking historically. And my reply was historical. How on earth you confused the tense to present tense is beyond me.
Maybe if you cut back on the brainwashing classes and had more R&R, might help to revitalize yourself.
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