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China is terrorist becomes top trend

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No they don't. The Americans have slaughtered 10 million Muslims globally since August 1990 and everyone stood silent. They also claimed that Iraq had WMD that could destroy Europe in 30 mins. A proven lie. Now, these SAME americans are accusing the Chinese of allegedly preventing Islamic radicalisation in their country. However No deaths or killings. They have also provided NO EVIDENCE of this either.

So, how many millions of Muslims have the Chinese massacred?.........:azn:..........So far you have provided 0 evidence for ANY of your claims.......:azn:.......8-)

No one stood silent apart from a few US bootlickers.
France and Germany tried to stop the 2003 Iraq War. 1 million people in the UK marched to try to stop this war and Tony Blair is considered a war criminal for his role in that war.
I invite you again to condemn China for it's crimes or at the least ask China to open these camps for international inspections to show it has nothing to hide.
No one stood silent apart from a few US bootlickers.
France and Germany tried to stop the 2003 Iraq War. 1 million people in the UK marched to try to stop this war and Tony Blair is considered a war criminal for his role in that war.
I invite you again to condemn China for it's crimes or at the least ask China to open these camps for international inspections to show it has nothing to hide.

For the 5th time, PROVIDE the evidence that these camps even exist. You can't because they DON'T exist.
Tomorrow they will find some excuse to reducate you and your family. You wouldn't be saying same things if Chinese Communist Party "guests" were sleeping with your daughters and sisters.

US, China, Israelis and any other power who oppresses muslims are evil and just because one is giving you $$ shouldn't make them saints.

I think Pakistan needs re-education camps. There are too many mullah followers ready to cause problems as we saw recently.

As for them sleeping with my daughter or sister, I don't have a daughter, but for sister, she is old enough to make her own decision. I would not tell her otherwise if she did pick a Chinese fellow unless he is of a bad character.

Muslims oppress muslims the most, so perhaps you should start cleaning up from within.
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Funny. This Pakistan first mantra was chanted by Musharaff and look how that shed blood of Pashtuns for American pleasure and made Pakistan associated with terrorism.
So what, his method may have been incorrect, but his message wasn't. I would not want to sacrifice any Pakistani, be they muslims/hindu or athetist.
I think Pakistan needs re-education camps. There are too many mullah followers ready to cause problems as we saw recently.

As for them sleeping with my daughter or sister, I don't have a daughter, but for sister, she is old enough to make her own decision, I would not tell her otherwise if she did pick a Chinese unless he is of a bad character.

Muslims oppress muslims the most, so perhaps you should start cleaning up from within.

The biggest threat facing Pakistan at the moment are treacherous, low IQ, retarded-inbred Mullahs who are obsessed with Ummah Chummah.
Trust me, they will tell their family China is our ally and we stand by it. Pakistan first.
That may be you for your love of Mullahs, after all the ills they have done to our country. Shame on you.
So America killing 10 million Muslims globally since August 1990 is not a terrorist?........Brilliant, retarded inbred low IQ Mullah logic.

America is a terrorist so is China so is India.

Nobody is claiming otherwise, please stop parroting the same "west is murderer of Muslims" line every time someone condemns China.

What has Mullahs to do with this? Seems like a stupid attempt at garnering sympathy by equating speaking against China as something Mullahs preach.

The biggest threat facing Pakistan at the moment are treacherous, low IQ, retarded-inbred Mullahs who are obsessed with Ummah Chummah.

Ummah is a concept given to us by Prophet Muhammad (saww). Please don't mock it.

That may be you for your love of Mullahs, after all the ills they have done to our country. Shame on you.

America is a terrorist so is China so is India.

Nobody is claiming otherwise, please stop parroting the same "west is murderer of Muslims" line every time someone condemns China.

What has Mullahs to do with this? Seems like a stupid attempt at garnering sympathy by equating speaking against China as something Mullahs preach.

Ummah is a concept given to us by Prophet Muhammad (saww). Please don't mock it.


Too bad then that apart from retarded Pakistani Mullah mutts, NO OTHER Muslims from other nations care or even believe in the "Ummah"..........:lol:
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The biggest threat facing Pakistan at the moment are treacherous, low IQ, retarded-inbred Mullahs who are obsessed with Ummah Chummah.

I agree. The Ummah concept was given to us by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). But no one practices it in the current era since every country has there own self-interests. The recent conference in Malaysia is a prime example. Nobody gives a damn about Pakistan even though we have always fought for the Muslim world. For once I want Pakistan to focus on its own interests and the betterment of its people.
India is terrorist is going to be top trend in a few days wait and watch
I agree. The Ummah concept was given to us by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). But no one practices it in the current era since every country has there own self-interests. The recent conference in Malaysia is a prime example. Nobody gives a damn about Pakistan even though we have always fought for the Muslim world. For once I want Pakistan to focus on its own interests and the betterment of its people.

Apart from Pakistanis, Chinese and to some extent, the Turks too, NO-ONE else including the rest of the so called "Muslim" world cares or even gives a damn about Pakistan. To hell with them. PAKISTAN FIRST!
@Dungness @Beast

I know the Govt has released videos of Uyghur terrorists committing acts of crime. I saw it many years ago when my friend use to show me in China. Why don't you educate the masses and show them? I still believe the Chinese Govt should be less strict in its policies and needs to work on projecting a soft image.
Too bad then that apart from retarded Pakistani Mullah mutts, NO OTHER Muslims from other nations either care or even believe in the "Ummah"..........:lol:

I feel pity for you, i don't know where you're living but it seems information doesn't reach you at all.

Dude, this trend was started by Turkish Ozul speaking about it. Then Turkey came out in streets in protest adding to this trend. Indonesian MUI also spoke on it. People from all over the world spread it.

That is a glaring example of the concept of Ummah being alive and well.

Just because some Muslims and puppet leaders of Muslim countries do the opposite doesn't mean it's dead.

It will be dead when Muslims are wiped from the world.
I feel pity for you, i don't know where you're living but it seems information doesn't reach you at all.

Dude, this trend was started by Turkish Ozul speaking about it. Then Turkey came out in streets in protest adding to this trend. Indonesian MUI also spoke on it. People from all over the world spread it.

That is a glaring example of the concept of Ummah being alive and well.

Just because some Muslims and puppet leaders of Muslim countries do the opposite doesn't mean it's dead.

It will be dead when Muslims are wiped from the world.

So when did the alleged Ummah come out and support the Pakistanis and Kashmiris?
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