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China Is Paying a High Price for Provoking India

Bla bla bla, delusional indians are the most pathetic human on earth. Lets see what's coming out from india:

1. Zero contribution to the world, you can't even find one major single brand from india, you cesspool dwellers create basically nothing.

2. Pitiful cesspool, more than 70 years of independence but india still remains a cesspool.

3. Suffering from extreme delusional and inferior complex, because india is in such a pitiful shame so these pathetic indians have to roam the internet to create fake news and finger pointing to China.

4. The delusional indians have no shame, basically indians are still living in the dream that they are the next superpower, HELLO? You have more than 70 years to build up your shitty country you pathetic cesspool dwellers!

Should I go on? You indians should be ashame of yourself, I will hide my head in the sand if I were you dirty loads.
Ranting like a madman. Too much bat guano?
no i will have to take tuitions from an indian who barely can shit in toilet.

BTW its more of a complex than analogy the best analogy between China & India is US and Afghanistan or US and Iraq :omghaha: :enjoy:
:rofl: Rich coming you guys. Where's the bowl?
Im pretty sure China isnt footing the bills for those billions worth of frantic overpriced weapon purchases India made over the last months.
I am done explaining what is GDP to CCP bots. It is the measure of economic activity in a given period. How do you expect economic activity in a quarter when India was completely shut down on the account of China virus? We would experience degrowth, that should be obvious to anybody with a brain. But only bots would ignore the circumstances to those GDP numbers and assume that India is failing economically. Lol.

Look for GDP statistics for same quarter next year, India would experience a growth of over 30% to cover for this degrowth. This will happen because people would do their normal economic activity (GDP) in that quarter unlike this year.

China’s best number is 16% of Global Exports in recent years.

but In May this year, it reached 20% .

If China's economy becomes bad, does it mean that other countries are even more miserable, especially India? Have you ever seen your Indian export data?

I cannot prevent you attack to China, but your reason is even more valid when applied to India.
I m also very much disappointed by PLA. I was hoping for Iraq like high-tech invasion by them but all my dreams shattered.
China is arming Pak with hundreds of top tiered MBTs and Artillery. Once war breaks out, China needs Pak to be ready to liberate and hold J&K. There are still preparations that need to be made. Be patient.
India isn't a small economy either. In term of GDP (PPP) Chinese economy 2.7 times bigger than India. For a similar comparison, Indian economy is 10 times bigger than Pakistan.
How about spending some of that money on providing toilets for your people?
Bla bla bla, delusional indians are the most pathetic human on earth. Lets see what's coming out from india:

1. Zero contribution to the world, you can't even find one major single brand from india, you cesspool dwellers create basically nothing.

2. Pitiful cesspool, more than 70 years of independence but india still remains a cesspool.

3. Suffering from extreme delusional and inferior complex, because india is in such a pitiful shame so these pathetic indians have to roam the internet to create fake news and finger pointing to China.

4. The delusional indians have no shame, basically indians are still living in the dream that they are the next superpower, HELLO? You have more than 70 years to build up your shitty country you pathetic cesspool dwellers!

Should I go on? You indians should be ashame of yourself, I will hide my head in the sand if I were you dirty loads.
Lol. If you said was true 100,000 Chinese refugees would not be living in India after begging to be let in.
As we all know, Indians are habitual liars and even Trump called them Liars. They shamelessly falsify their GDP numbers, they shamelessly lie about their COVID numbers and so on. It is an extremely disgusting habit to lie like this shamelessly but then if it is in your DNA, then there is nothing one can do except continue lying.
the thing is that China can sustain the "high Price" due to huge economy while Indians cannot sustain even a low price for too long.

US also paid high prices for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq because they could afford it.

for starters it ended Tik Tok getting kicked out of India and USA
The irony is that chess came from India :enjoy: . They got checkmated by grandmaster China in the opening moves lmao.
That's what the Colonial British had us believe the Indians were the first to have Chess in the 6th century,
without knowing that the Chinese already had Chess since 200BC.

The original chess was invented in China, right around 200 B.C., by a military commander named Hán Xin ("Hahn Sheen"). The game was designed to represent a particular battle, anticipated by Hán Xin's troops as they waited out the winter holding their ground. This first chess was called The game to capture Xiang Qi, Xiang Qi being the name of the commander of the opposing army. (This battle is well established in Chinese history.)

Some things that first originated from China were mistakenly thought to be from India.

Chinese Invented Number System: Singapore Ressearcher
June 13, 2002
The earliest known text on arithmetic based on the current number system was written by an Arab in AD 825, but the earliest Chinese treatise on the rod numerals and procedures for multiplication and division - the sun zi suanjing - was written about 425 years earlier.
When Dr Lam compared the procedures in both(Arab & Chinese), she found, to her astonishment, that they were identical.
'They could not have developed the same systems by sheer coincidence,' said the mother of three.
She said: 'Many Chinese scholars did not have access to non-Chinese texts, and other researchers could not read the Chinese texts. I think I made the discovery because as a Singaporean, I had the best of both worlds.'

Who is this Singapore Reseacher.?
Lam Lay Yong
Award-winning authority on the history of Chinese mathematics
Internationally renowned for her research into the history of Chinese mathematics, Lam Lay Yong is the first woman, and the first person from Asia, to have won the prestigious Kenneth O. May prize for her contribution to mathematics.
After 30 years of research, she laid to rest the long held belief that the Arabs and Indians invented the numeral system used today.
She offered evidence that it was the Chinese who discovered it, using simple bamboo rods.

and claimed the credit for it, and propagated by the vast British Empire.
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