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China Is Paying a High Price for Provoking India

Surprise from India...???

Most likely it will turn out to be 'Sir Prize' for you China.

The prized possession of 38,000 sq.kms of Ladakh(Aksai Chin) from India.

Now 1000 sq.kms of prize to China from India.

India is up for grabs...

yeah and what about 90000 sqkm?
yeah and what about 90000 sqkm?

Claim and counter claims are part of the game. But situation is really very tight for the PLA this time... That's why veiled threats by Gobar Timez in recent months.

Hope IA will further strengthen their positions..
Your country is SINKING only a pigeon with eyes closed cannot see the CAT.
What EXACTLY is happening? Pakistanis are fed this notion that India is imploding when actually nothing is happening. India has seen worse. Khalistan terrorism, Kashmir, Naxalism, 1991 economic crises etc. India sleepwalked through all this.

What EXACTLY is happening? Pakistanis are fed this notion that India is imploding when actually nothing is happening. India has seen worse. Khalistan terrorism, Kashmir, Naxalism, 1991 economic crises etc. India sleepwalked through all this.


PLA has disappointed them. Now it has become frustration and next phase is depression for cheer leaders..
yeah and what about 90000 sqkm?

You mean 90,000 sq.kms which India is occupying.????

Actually China claims all of Ladakh with a landmass to total of 90,000 sq.kms.

So about 50,000 sq.kms is up for grabs in Ladakh by China in addition to already retrieved land.

Just as China considers Arunachal Pradesh as 'South Tibet'...and will occupy it at right point in time. Old maps of China, about 500 years old depicts Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese landmass...

India is foolishly fighting a loosing battle...
You mean 90,000 sq.kms which India is occupying.????

Actually China claims all of Ladakh with a landmass to total of 90,000 sq.kms.

So about 50,000 sq.kms is up for grabs in Ladakh by China in addition to already retrieved land.

Just as China considers Arunachal Pradesh as 'South Tibet'...and will occupy it at right point in time. Old maps of China, about 500 years old depicts Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese landmass...

India is foolishly fighting a loosing battle...
Let them lose this foolish battle. But it's not getting started.
Yup exactly, empty utensils make alot of noise. No wonder indian media is jumping up and down and making noise while chinese are cool, calm and silent. Lolz stupid indians.
What EXACTLY is happening?
1)Your own puppet Kashmiri politicians dont call themselves Indian any more for the first time.
2)Intelorence towards the minorities especially the Muslims is all time high.
3)Your Covid cases are among the highest in the world.
4)Your economy is in a sharp decline.
5)China has grabbed 1000 sqkm of your territory.
6)All your regional neighbours are not in good terms.
7)Your arms imports are all time high.
8)Your new buddies are Western countries which you once despised.
9)Your regional insurgencies are resurfacing rapidly.
10)Your games in Afghanistan and Baluchistan have all flopped.

And still you say India is on the rise!
1)Your own puppet Kashmiri politicians dont call themselves Indian any more for the first time.
2)Intelorence towards the minorities especially the Muslims is all time high.
3)Your Covid cases are among the highest in the world.
4)Your economy is in a sharp decline.
5)China has grabbed 1000 sqkm of your territory.
6)All your regional neighbours are not in good terms.
7)Your arms imports are all time high.
8)Your new buddies are Western countries which you once despised.
9)Your regional insurgencies are resurfacing rapidly.
10)Your games in Afghanistan and Baluchistan have all flopped.

And still you say India is on the rise!
Just which Pakistani media house reports all this?

I m also very much disappointed by PLA. I was hoping for Iraq like high-tech invasion by them but all my dreams shattered.
Don't think there will be a war. Even a limited skirmish is out of the question for now.

China has achieved what it wanted by stationing some force across the northern border.

Threat of India waging war against Pakistan to capture GB was real. We know that India is not capable of capturing GB, however, any conflict between India and Pakistan would have resulted in disruption of the last phase of CPEC. This is not only unacceptable to Pakistan, but even to China. With rising energy demands at cheaper costs to maintain the competitive advantage, China doesn't want to delay BRI, of which CPEC is an important part.

India tried several options by:

1 - Creating problems through Afghan terririst regime.
2 - supporting baloch insurgency with some help of Iran.
3 - Fanning internal political chaos by buying political leaders who have their business interests attached with India.

The above three have not achieved desireable outcomes. Pakistan successfully handled situation in Afghanistan and the adjacent Pashtun belt is now mostly under Taliban control who are pro Pakistan. Peace in Afghanistan with Taliban's demands fully provided for, Pakistan doesn't need to worry about Afghan in the near future.

Baloch insurgency is also dying a timely death. With Iran on board with China, it's extremely difficult for Baloch separatists to operate freely across borders. This is why we are seeing Baloch coming into mainstream every other day.

The political chaos is also in its last stage. After Maulana's last attempt to create some kind of problems, this issue will be settled.

India was in a hurry to attack GB to fullfill western ineterests before Pakistan could start reaping benefits of achieving above mentioned successes. This credible information lead the Pak Army to call all political leadership to take necessary constitutional steps. However, the trumpt card was played by China to kill Indian ambitious plan for good.

There will be no escalation as per my understanding, but IA will have to keep its military placed across the who northern border due to fear of Chinese salami slicing. A ratio of 1:1 engagement against Pakistan army in Northern areas will result in a defeat of Indian Army, specially when a minimum force has to be kept on the northern border to address Chinese threat.

Comes March 2021, and the Indians plan will be burried in a deep dark pit forever.
You mean 90,000 sq.kms which India is occupying.????

Actually China claims all of Ladakh with a landmass to total of 90,000 sq.kms.

So about 50,000 sq.kms is up for grabs in Ladakh by China in addition to already retrieved land.
A landmass to total of 90,000 sq.kms is the state of Arunachal Pradesh which China calls South Tibet.

Yup exactly, empty utensils make alot of noise. No wonder indian media is jumping up and down and making noise while chinese are cool, calm and silent. Lolz stupid indians.
Chinese Media like GlobalTimes producing at least 10 articles and 50 tweets per day threatening India for last three months.
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