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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

so basically the toothless Chinese ran back because of a stern Japanese warning. lol so much for the megatons
Now that Taiwan supports mainland China on Diaoyu Islands, soon Taiwan will purge the DPP lovers, especially those that have close ties to foreign countries. Our random attacks against Japanese show that Chinese are now turning full ethno nationalist. The purity of our nation is a source of pride.
Now that Taiwan supports mainland China on Diaoyu Islands, soon Taiwan will purge the DPP lovers, especially those that have close ties to foreign countries. Our random attacks against Japanese show that Chinese are now turning full ethno nationalist. The purity of our nation is a source of pride.
thanks for the comic relief :tup:
All it takes is for the Japanese to do a Nehru. That will be the start of the walk. :lol:

There is no Cuban missile Crisis happening now for the CCP to dare and fight :rofl:
It seems the CCP propaganda of Ultra nationalism along with fake han Chinese historic facts are put to the test in SCS and East sea issue.
Comic relief is people enslaved by Timur Ghori and Babur for 800 years showing their inferiority complex. :lol:

Those guys you have mentioned are some what civilized and supported Civil society, But you Han Chinese are enslaved by Barbaric mongols and unlike Indian subcontinent entire China bowed under the barbaric hordes .

Its time we see these aggressive Chinese useless rants are true or not in this east sea issue.

Now that Taiwan supports mainland China on Diaoyu Islands, soon Taiwan will purge the DPP lovers, especially those that have close ties to foreign countries. Our random attacks against Japanese show that Chinese are now turning full ethno nationalist. The purity of our nation is a source of pride.

There is no purity in Han China, Minorities are systematically massacred and forced to integrate.

Chinese are attacking Japanese people on the streets! Yes its time for blood.

Japan warns nationals in China after assaults - The Standard

Look at all the indians feeling so inferior from the way we slaughtered you in 1962 and viets feeling so inferior from the way we slaughtered you in 1979. China is ready to slaughter both again as soon as we are done with Japan. Our DF41 nukes are ready!

Just go through the japanese comments on this issue you will know the truth.

Indians get humilated by UK hundreds years, i never see they got any payback. Cheers India!

You seems to have forgot the massacre of Chinese by Japan in Nanking and your emperors who built walls with peasant blood just to ward of barbaric hordes.
Tokyo: 6 Chinese Ships Enter Waters Near Disputed Islands

Six ships have seized control of Diaoyu Island and evicted Japanese presence.

Our nuclear missile forces are on high alert and ready to rain down on Tokyo anytime.

you all live in dreams don't you?
First of all you think its easy to take down Japanese... thats the stupid part of you, well what did your pathetic government did when Japanese activists raised their flag on those Islands and when chinese activists tried to do they were stopped and arrested by Jap coast guards,

and remember japs have the capacity and have enough materials to build an Atom bomb anytime she wants, and if needed they'll too rain down Beijing.... you're just like another pathetic leader of your pathetic communist leaders.....
Perhaps as toothless as how we slaughter thousands of your army boys like pigs back in 1962 "cake walk" and "run back" as a moral victory for Indians?
And please stop telling fairy tales about you got a so-called Chinese girl friend or wtf it is, the reality its consider an insult to even link anyone with Indian in HK or taiwan, they got way better taste than that:lol:

What do we got here weak small eyed chinese talking about racism :rofl:

In future there won't be any Cuban missile crisis to take advantage of situation by CCP. These Chinese visitors thought they can hold the territory of India when superpowers are in crisis and ran away as soon as the Crisis is over. You call it a military victory. Cheap Chinese tradesmen mentality. :lol:
you all live in dreams don't you?
First of all you think its easy to take down Japanese... thats the stupid part of you, well what did your pathetic government did when Japanese activists raised their flag on those Islands and when chinese activists tried to do they were stopped and arrested by Jap coast guards,

and remember japs have the capacity and have enough materials to build an Atom bomb anytime she wants, and if needed they'll too rain down Beijing.... you're just like another pathetic leader of your pathetic communist leaders.....
:lol: indians still feeling inferior from 1962 and 800 year hindu kush by Central Asian conquerors
Tokyo (CNN) -- Six Chinese maritime surveillance ships briefly entered waters around a group of islands at the center of a heated territorial dispute between Tokyo and Beijing, ignoring warnings from the Japanese authorities amid escalating tensions in the region.

The Chinese ships arrived near the uninhabited islands -- which Japan calls Senkaku and China calls Diaoyu -- on Friday morning and began patrols and "law enforcement," China's state-run news agency Xinhua reported.

The islands, situated in the East China Sea between Okinawa and Taiwan, are currently under Japanese control, but China claims they have been an "inherent" part of its territory "since ancient times." The long-running argument over who has sovereignty has resulted in occasionally violent acts of public protest.

The United States,a key ally of Japan, has repeatedly urged Tokyo and Beijing to resolve the dispute through dialogue. U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will meet with his counterparts in Japan and China during a visit to the region that begins this weekend, the Department of Defense said Thursday.

The Chinese ships entered Japanese territorial waters Friday despite warnings from the Japanese Coast Guard, said Shinichi Gega, a spokesman for Japan's 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters.
Disputed islands in East China Sea
Why is Japan feuding over islands?

The vessels had all left the waters by mid-afternoon and headed north, the Japanese Coast Guard said later Friday, noting that sea in the area was getting rough as a huge storm, Super Typhoon Sanba, approached from the south.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura said Japan would intensify its own patrols of the area in response to what he described as an "unprecedented scale of invasion" of Japanese waters.

See a map of Asia's disputed islands

Tokyo has protested the "inappropriate, illegal act" to the Chinese authorities, Fujimura said.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Japan would "take all possible measures to ensure security" around the islands.

Two of the Chinese ships responded to a Japanese Coast Guard vessel's warning by reiterating China's territorial claim to the islands and saying they were carrying out patrol work, according to Gega. Japanese ships and helicopters are continuing their own patrols of the area, he said.

The controversial Chinese move to begin patrols around the islands follows the Japanese government's purchase of several of the islands from a private Japanese owner earlier this week, a deal that China described as "illegal and invalid."

Read about China's warning of economic fallout

The purpose of the patrols is "to demonstrate China's jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets and ensure the country's maritime interests," Xinhua reported Friday, citing a government statement.

This week, China announced what it said were the boundaries of its territorial waters around the islands to back up its claim of sovereignty. It said it had filed a copy of the announcement with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday to comply with international law.

But Fujimura insisted Friday that the islands are an "integral part of Japanese territory" under international law, highlighting how directly opposed the two sides are.

Animosity between the two countries over the islands runs deep.

They have come to represent what many Chinese people see as unfinished business: redressing the impact of the Japanese occupation of large swathes of eastern China during the 1930s and 1940s.

China says its claim goes back hundreds of years. Japan says it saw no trace of Chinese control of the islands in an 1885 survey, so formally recognized them as Japanese sovereign territory in 1895.

Japan then sold the islands in 1932 to descendants of the original settlers. The Japanese surrender at the end of World War II in 1945 only served to cloud the issue further.

The islands were administered by the U.S. occupation force after the war. But in 1972, Washington returned them to Japan as part of its withdrawal from Okinawa.

Tokyo's diplomatic corps suffered an unexpected setback Thursday when the newly appointed Japanese ambassador to China, Shinichi Nishimiya, collapsed in Tokyo and was hospitalized just two days after he was named to the post.
you all live in dreams don't you?
First of all you think its easy to take down Japanese... thats the stupid part of you, well what did your pathetic government did when Japanese activists raised their flag on those Islands and when chinese activists tried to do they were stopped and arrested by Jap coast guards,

and remember japs have the capacity and have enough materials to build an Atom bomb anytime she wants, and if needed they'll too rain down Beijing.... you're just like another pathetic leader of your pathetic communist leaders.....
^not sure if you're aware but "jap" is a racist term. refrain from using it
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