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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

dont under-estimate us either like the under achieving cheerleading indians

So its a basketball game now or in the case of our Indian comrades a cricket match now? you arrogant people are so full of it

We did not underestimate. We are all prepared for WW3. But Americans disappointed and didn't show up to the fight. :rofl:

....... maybe too busy printing money for their f*cked up economy ...... :lol:

So anytime now were is the nuke? you promise you lied about that too lair!
Massive fleet of fishing boats heading to Diaoyu Island!!!

NHK World News ---- Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai

Description -- China says that after a seasonal fishing ban is lifted on Sunday, its patrol ships will protect fishing boats operating near the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.

On Thursday, China's Agriculture Ministry website posted comments by a fishery bureau official regarding the country's claims to waters around the disputed islands.

The official said a 3-month fishing ban will be lifted on Sunday noon in the East China Sea, where the islands are located. The official explained that many fishing boats are preparing to sail for areas near the islands.

The fishery bureau official stressed that China plans to strengthen its sovereignty claim over the Senkakus, which the Japanese government recently nationalized.

The official said that in accordance with Chinese law, continuous patrols will protect fishing in the country's territorial waters to safeguard its maritime interests.

In April, Chinese survey ships blocked a Philippine naval frigate from seizing Chinese fishing boats near a disputed shoal in the South China Sea. The incident led to a 2-month-long standoff between Chinese patrol boats and a Philippine coast guard vessel and fisheries bureau survey ship.

When a fishing ban was lifted in August, a large fleet of Chinese fishing boats headed for areas around the shoal in an apparent move to step up China's territorial claims.

Sep. 13, 2012 - Updated 21:07 UTC (06:07 JST)

Yes, Japan will attack our fishing boats and then our J-10's fire the YJ-63s. SDF will arrive and then Second Artillery will sink them with DF-16! Assuming our Yuan and Qing class submarines do not sink them with torpedos first.
Massive fleet of fishing boats heading to Diaoyu Island!!!

NHK World News ---- Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai

Description -- China says that after a seasonal fishing ban is lifted on Sunday, its patrol ships will protect fishing boats operating near the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.

On Thursday, China's Agriculture Ministry website posted comments by a fishery bureau official regarding the country's claims to waters around the disputed islands.

The official said a 3-month fishing ban will be lifted on Sunday noon in the East China Sea, where the islands are located. The official explained that many fishing boats are preparing to sail for areas near the islands.

The fishery bureau official stressed that China plans to strengthen its sovereignty claim over the Senkakus, which the Japanese government recently nationalized.

The official said that in accordance with Chinese law, continuous patrols will protect fishing in the country's territorial waters to safeguard its maritime interests.

In April, Chinese survey ships blocked a Philippine naval frigate from seizing Chinese fishing boats near a disputed shoal in the South China Sea. The incident led to a 2-month-long standoff between Chinese patrol boats and a Philippine coast guard vessel and fisheries bureau survey ship.

When a fishing ban was lifted in August, a large fleet of Chinese fishing boats headed for areas around the shoal in an apparent move to step up China's territorial claims.

Sep. 13, 2012 - Updated 21:07 UTC (06:07 JST)

Yes, Japan will attack our fishing boats and then our J-10's fire the YJ-63s. SDF will arrive and then Second Artillery will sink them with DF-16! Assuming our Yuan and Qing class submarines do not sink them with torpedos first.


brilliant move by our fishermen!
haha lets see how the situation pans out! control? to what extent!?

that's how cheerleaders get paid!

Control?? Japanese officials can visit the Island freely without the harrassment from Chinese navy or coast guard, where as there is yet any Chinese officials that are able to set of foot on this island. This is the same as Takeshima and Kuril Islands where Putin and Lee Myung-bak can visit their respective island, and the only thing Japanese government can do is protest and whine about it.
dont under-estimate us either like the under achieving cheerleading indians

Doesn't China has more firepower and well equipped than JSDF ??? Why China still waiting for ??? China just fire a single bullet on JSDF and see what will happens to its anyway ???

I am waiting ......
Doesn't China has more firepower and well equipped than JSDF ??? Why China still waiting for ??? China just fire a single bullet on JSDF and see what will happens to its anyway ???

I am waiting ......

We are all waiting they can only bully weak countries but Japan they can try but they will end up just the same like the battle yultong bridge a lot of casualties still waiting for that nuke you promise us years ago any progress on that by the way?
I am still waiting....come on China ...you can do it....dont shake your legs
lets wait for another 6 months.. on this very thread... I promise China gonna do nothing.. yes more useless warnings... and then back to square one while the Islands are now part of Japanese nation.
Control?? Japanese officials can visit the Island freely without the harrassment from Chinese navy or coast guard, where as there is yet any Chinese officials that are able to set of foot on this island. This is the same as Takeshima and Kuril Islands where Putin and Lee Myung-bak can visit their respective island, and the only thing Japanese government can do is protest and whine about it.

are you proud of that?

I said great to see how it pans out in the next few weeks. and in no way the japanese are in control of the islands like anything near what the S Koreasn and Russians have done to their respective islands

I am still waiting....come on China ...you can do it....dont shake your legs

you indian cheerleaders are shaking your buuuutttts all over the places!

lets wait for another 6 months.. on this very thread... I promise China gonna do nothing.. yes more useless warnings... and then back to square one while the Islands are now part of Japanese nation.

you sound like a cheating yogi predicting indian governments non-action on your collapsing economy
are you proud of that?

I said great to see how it pans out in the next few weeks. and in no way the japanese are in control of the islands like anything near what the S Koreasn and Russians have done to their respective islands

you indian cheerleaders are shaking your buuuutttts all over the places!

you sound like a cheating yogi predicting indian governments non-action on your collapsing economy

I can see ....cheerleaders..is your favorite word.....is this your profession?
you sound like a cheating yogi predicting indian governments non-action on your collapsing economy

why dont we wait 6 months and then you can avoid this thread? :lol: Chinese warning department in overdrive right now that's all. any stupid move and ccp will come to its knees. ccp knows and wont do anything.
I can see ....cheerleaders..is your favorite word.....is this your profession?

it is the term given to the indian cheerleading trolls - dont your feel privileged by my naming collectively of you lot? I will have more of those to come as I see you guys trolling along 24/7. It is a split second wonder of me all the time. indian trolls are great stimulus for my creativity!

why dont we wait 6 months and then you can avoid this thread? :lol: Chinese warning department in overdrive right now that's all. any stupid move and ccp will come to its knees. ccp knows and wont do anything.

just sit by the sideline although we dont want your presence. we will prompt you for the next cheerleading waves!
it is the term given to the indian cheerleading trolls - dont your feel privileged by my naming collectively of you lot? I will have more of those to come as I see you guys trolling along 24/7. It is a split second wonder of me all the time. indian trolls are great stimulus for my creativity!

just sit by the sideline although we dont want your presence. we will prompt you for the next cheerleading waves!

And you are given a name " Fused Bulb" ....now get lost
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