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China invades "Japanese" territorial waters

Dude, you forgot that Japan surrendered in WWII and gave up all lands that didn't belong to it before 1860.

There is no Chinese presence in these Islands how can you claim, China also declared Sikkim as Indian territory and now they are opposing it, How about that :sniper:

India need to tackle with Pakistan, Bagladesh, Siri lankar. No time ******* around with Big China. India is obviously bog down in the subcontinental.

Chinese will be tied down in SCS and East sea disputes, We don't have any opposition except with pakistan in subcontinent. So much for your super duper threats originating from Beijing.
Lol, Look what happened to NATO in Iraq and Afghanistan. NATO is war weary. China can vaporize Japan. Japan is a puppet state of the American empire.

Japan does everything USA says. Japan doesn't even have nuclear weapons.

It seems China has won this round, and this time China, will not allow Japan to rise again.

China is going through what Japan has during its Meiji restoration.

China had Deng's revolution. Deng changed everything in China.

Oh just like you're being China's puppet, First learn and start writing on the forum, ya jap doesn't have nukes but they're very capable of making nukes, they know how to do and have enough materials to build and rain down China if needed, first of all you know nothing...its not easy for china to take down japs, thats the reason china doesn't dare, and won't....see now Jap Activists raised their flag in those islands and when chinese activists tried to do they were arrested by Japs, and the pathetic chinese govrn couldn't do anything, tell me know who won... only cheerleaders like and Bangladesh and wife likw pakistan would stand by Pathetic China, If china takes any steps militarily against Jap it would pay the price severely, ya i know Chinese Navy is strong, but its never easy for them to take down Japs, not to mention China would be pissing in their pants worrying when Americans would join with Japs and assault the Pathetic China
So everybody cool down,nothing invasion or anything some chinese surveillence ships entered waters stayed for some time then left.Nothing too hot.The japanese still control the islands.
Finally someone is in touch with the reality. The truth is no matter how many those surveillence ship China send to the island. This island still reminds under japan's control.
listen to yourself you sick commy scum.

you think by raining down Tokyo you and China will be ok? you fool...

don't under estimate us nor Japan
We did not underestimate. We are all prepared for WW3. But Americans disappointed and didn't show up to the fight. :rofl:

....... maybe too busy printing money for their f*cked up economy ...... :lol:
Finally someone is in touch with the reality. The truth is no matter how many those surveillence ship China send to the island. This island still reminds under japan's control.

haha lets see how the situation pans out! control? to what extent!?

it's very funny to see indians and Viets jumping upside and down standing up for Japanese in this thread . You cant do **** about this.

that's how cheerleaders get paid!
listen to yourself you sick commy scum.

you think by raining down Tokyo you and China will be ok? you fool...

don't under estimate us nor Japan

dont under-estimate us either like the under achieving cheerleading indians
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