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China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

LOL...... I can see that you have a hard time dealing with reality :lol:

This is what happens when you live behind a Iron curtain and suddenly have to face the light.

Enjoy your Urine soaked eggs and roasted dogs and poop medicine. Just remember to say on your side of the border.

Only the british owned land, the princely states were absorbed by the legal and binding Instrument of accession signed by their political head.

Nizam signed the instrument of accession with India after we captured Hyderabad.

The governor-general of Portuguese India signed an instrument of surrender and Portugal recognized Goa's accession into the Indian union.

Kashmir signed up with India. Its legally binding and final.
Kashimir is not recognised by any one except india even it is disiputed territory in un security council and its dispute is between pakistan and india so keep you instrument of accession to your self
Why you captured hyderabad because you hindus love grabing lands of the other mahrajs was one person and one person can not decide the fate of 89% population

WHY we did what we did is IRRELEVANT.

Fact remains that the Nizam of Hyderabad signed the instrument of acession and Legally bound Hyderabad state to India. Same as the King of Kashmir.

The Political head of ANY State is always ONE PERSON ......... and his is the ONLY signature that matter.
Kashimir is not recognised by any one except india even it is disiputed territory in un security council and its dispute is between pakistan and india so keep you instrument of accession to your self

disputed this disputed that, wtf disputed its under Indian boot and will remain so till eternity, pak is itself crumbing trying to undo this universal fact and will get voided itself in the process, India is a world power now pak army cant do shit. UN is a joke anyway.
Kashimir is not recognised by any one except india even it is disiputed territory in un security council and its dispute is between pakistan and india so keep you instrument of accession to your self


The Shimla Agreement which is a BILATERAL agreement, overrides the UN resolution and in it, pakistan acknowledges the legal status of the instrument of accession.
WHY we did what we did is IRRELEVANT.

Fact remains that the Nizam of Hyderabad signed the instrument of acession and Legally bound Hyderabad state to India. Same as the King of Kashmir.

The Political head of ANY State is always ONE PERSON ......... and his is the ONLY signature that matter.
No it doesnot matter its called illegal oppression and ocupation and fraud
Nizam wanted hyderbad to stay independent but u attack n capture it against the politticall will of king because population was hindu
N in kashmir u accpted political will instead population will double standerd


The Shimla Agreement which is a BILATERAL agreement, overrides the UN resolution and in it, pakistan acknowledges the legal status of the instrument of accession.
No darlling you are wrong secuirty council is more resoult n powerfull than what you n pakistan think
No it doesnot matter its called illegal oppression and ocupation and fraud
Nizam wanted hyderbad to stay independent but u attack n capture it against the politticall will of king because population was hindu
N in kashmir u accpted political will instead population will double standerd

In LAW, it does not matter what a person "wants".

The only thing that matters is what he has agreed too in Writing and attested with his signature.

The Nizam and the King of Kashmir, both have signed the instrument of accession and pakistan as a state has acknowledged and recognized both these documents in the Shimla Agreement.

Beyond this, you are free to make any claim of double standard, triple standard, single standard, no standard etc. , its irrelevant. Only the signed document is relevant.

If you had a problem, you should not have signed it.

No darlling you are wrong secuirty council is more resoult n powerfull than what you n pakistan think

Bilateral AGREEMENT by two sovereign states, overrides the UN resolution 47 which is only a ADVISORY RECOMMENDATION.

The UN has now officially recognized the Shimla Agreement as the overriding agreement that decides the status of kashmir.

This is the Legal status for now.
Chinese FM was in Pakistan right after the Sikkim episode and had lengthy meetings with COAS and others. A decision was taken that if the Indians don't ease of on its aggressive and fake rhetoric Bipin's bluff on being able to fight both China and Pakistan will be called.
i dont want to come out as warmonger, but what is stopping China from free run in bhutan and other disputed territories? most of (million+) bharati soldiers are busy on western border with Pakistan... they cant mobilize them with ease if Pakistan wills.
i dont want to come out as warmonger, but what is stopping China from free run in bhutan and other disputed territories? most of (million+) bharati soldiers are busy on western border with Pakistan... they cant mobilize them with ease if Pakistan wills.

Indian Army is not deployed on any border. Its mostly our various paramilitaries which are around 2 million in total.
They are all along Pakistani border in their garrison and bases some are deployed,

All around the world if not deployed on warring zones militaries remain in bases. Indian strike cores only move to border if some action is anticipated as deployments take large military and civilian resources. That's why cold start was envisioned.
All around the world if not deployed on warring zones militaries remain in bases. Indian strike cores only move to border if some action is anticipated as deployments take large military and civilian resources. That's why cold start was envisioned.

does that deny the fact that they are mostly positioned on western borders and not on Chinese?
Indian Army is not deployed on any border. Its mostly our various paramilitaries which are around 2 million in total.
Your army is depolyed along loc and in kashmir to keep illegal occupation of kashmir

In LAW, it does not matter what a person "wants".

The only thing that matters is what he has agreed too in Writing and attested with his signature.

The Nizam and the King of Kashmir, both have signed the instrument of accession and pakistan as a state has acknowledged and recognized both these documents in the Shimla Agreement.

Beyond this, you are free to make any claim of double standard, triple standard, single standard, no standard etc. , its irrelevant. Only the signed document is relevant.

If you had a problem, you should not have signed it.

Bilateral AGREEMENT by two sovereign states, overrides the UN resolution 47 which is only a ADVISORY RECOMMENDATION.

The UN has now officially recognized the Shimla Agreement as the overriding agreement that decides the status of kashmir.

This is the Legal status for now.
No one have signed that pakistan accept or recognised the instrument of accession.
Your army is depolyed along loc and in kashmir to keep illegal occupation of kashmir

there are some hot zones where army has presence but the numbers are limited, Indian army has presence everywhere but lead is still with BSF and ITBP on Border areas and CRPF and other para militaries for anti terrorist operations.
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