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China-India border skirmishes may become a new normal


Sep 26, 2018
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Chinese troops on the country’s disputed border with Indiaraised their combat readiness to the second-highest possible last week after an exchange of gunfire, but the alert was lowered after a meeting of the nations’ foreign ministers, military sources said.
The increase, to second level, meant more weapons and troops were deployed to the front line, and training exercises were ramped up for commanders, officers and soldiers, a military source told the South China Morning Post.
The last time such a high level was employed by troops in the restive region was in 1987, when a skirmish in the Sumdorong Chu valley pushed the two sides to the brink of war, said the person, who asked not to be named.
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA)has four grades of combat readiness. The first level is used only when military leaders are convinced an armed conflict is inevitable.
The PLA’s Central Theatre Command said on Weibo on September 8 – the day after the exchange of gunfire – that they had received orders to deploy more weapons and troops to the plateau, and begin a series of physical and technical exercises.

“Since the combat readiness level was raised, commanders, officers and soldiers have been working around the clock, carrying out extra training and drills,” the source said.

“The PLA mobilised more troops and weapons systems to the Line of Actual Control [the formal name for the disputed China-India border] in preparation for the worst.”

The heightened state of alert was only relaxed after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met his Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, in Moscow on Friday on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, a second source said.

Although the combat readiness level had been lowered, the second source said it could be reinstated if circumstances changed.

“The level can be decided by troops on the border, as happened before the 1987 skirmish, when it was adjusted several times,” the person said.

The defence ministry in Beijing did not reply to the Post’s request for comment.

Meanwhile, satellite images published in the latest issue of the Canadian military magazine Kanwa Defence Review appeared to show a build-up of PLA troops and military installations along the Pangong Tso valley in the disputed region.

“The PLA’s JH-7 bombers at frontline airports are loaded with weapons, indicating they are ready for action, and one of the obvious signs the border air force is under second-level combat readiness,” said Andrei Chang, the magazine’s editor-in-chief.
“I am afraid the confrontations might become a regular thing, and turn the LAC into another Kashmir,” he said.

Tensions in the Himalayas have been rising since a clash in the Galwan Valley in June left at least 20 Indian soldiers dead. Beijing said it also suffered casualties, but did not elaborate.

Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, a distinguished fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, a think tank based in New Delhi, said Indian forces had been on high alert since the deadly confrontation.
“The Galwan clash hardened Indian views on China, and not just the public perception,” she said. “It now goes across the board, and especially among opinion makers.”
best option for bhartis is to lick russian butt as much as they could .
siding with so called squad wont help them neitherany member of squad will come to their rescue if war broke out.

I don't think anyone wants to pick a fight with China.

Chinese haven't fought a large scale war for decades and as a result they've amassed so much armament and have saved up so much money.

It's like the US before World War 2 was not a global power but had the world's largest economy since the 1880s. As soon as they unleashed that war machine during World War 2 backed by their humongous economy, all European Super Powers fell before it just like that.

I don't know why India thought they'll get away with it without fighting a war with China after they annexed Indian Occupied Kashmir on 5 August 2019.

Either the Americans (and others) really assured them that you pull this stunt and we'll back you and Indians simply believed it or Indians thought Chinese will not retaliate because they're too focused on the growth of their economy and India is just important.

Anyway, whatever the reason, a lesson that Indians have learnt (or haven't) is never democratically elect a Hindu Extremist party to power that can destroy India for the sake of an ideology.
PLA never start war when enemy is prepared. War will not happen as Indian army is well prepared. As soon as disengagement reached and India lowers guard with trust. PLA will try again same drama.

Example: Taiwan
PLA never start war when enemy is prepared. War will not happen as Indian army is well prepared. As soon as disengagement reached and India lowers guard with trust. PLA will try again same drama.

Example: Taiwan
Fighting a war with India will be much easier than with Taiwan. For one thing, you are not separated by a 100 mile Taiwan strait, which is already huge. And plus, there is really no threat to the Chinese ground forces, which number roughly 800,000 to 900,000 troops, so basically the entirety of the Army could be brought against you guys. Besides, saying the Indian Army is prepared is almost as funny as saying India has enough toilets for its population. You guys have less than 10 days worth of ammunition stockpiled, which is why the IA has virtually zero live fire drills (I'd be surprised if you guys even shot straight in combat). The only thing stopping you from having to learn Chinese is that China has tens of billions of dollars worth of investments in India and worries about the nuclear arsenal of India.
Fighting a war with India will be much easier than with Taiwan. For one thing, you are not separated by a 100 mile Taiwan strait, which is already huge. And plus, there is really no threat to the Chinese ground forces, which number roughly 800,000 to 900,000 troops, so basically the entirety of the Army could be brought against you guys. Besides, saying the Indian Army is prepared is almost as funny as saying India has enough toilets for its population. You guys have less than 10 days worth of ammunition stockpiled, which is why the IA has virtually zero live fire drills (I'd be surprised if you guys even shot straight in combat). The only thing stopping you from having to learn Chinese is that China has tens of billions of dollars worth of investments in India and worries about the nuclear arsenal of India.
This is not new info, PLA and china are not aware of it. What is stopping PLA or china? Simply lack of capacity and capability to face head on.
Red Green blue. And after that China will raise its threat level to dark red like lipsticks haha.

What the **** china is doing, if it wanted to win it should have attacked when India was still deploying. It seems more fighting is happening on PDf than on border. Lol.
PLA never start war when enemy is prepared. War will not happen as Indian army is well prepared. As soon as disengagement reached and India lowers guard with trust. PLA will try again same drama.

Example: Taiwan
what about korean and veitnam war?
Chinese forces lack the toughness and experience to fight in the 18,000 feet mountain peaks at the LAC. Those qualities can't be replaced with machinery and technology. To be honest, Pakistan has got rather more experience in mountain warfare than China. An ongoing conflict with India where both countries suffer regular casualties for decades has troops psychologically ready for a hot war in short notice. In 1962, ill prepared and heavily outnumbered Indian troops faced Chinese veteran of Korean war in NEFA and Ladakh.

This time around, things are very different in terms of troop deployment and logistics of India. China certainly has tech and numeral asymmetry in weapons and firepower but not enough for a successful mountain warfare where terrain creates obstacles for full use of those firepower that China possesses.

By the way, Global times is hilarious.
It has written 200 threatening articles in different tones over past 100 days all for the amusement of India public.
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