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What have you done to support democracy in Vietnam? Why do you hate Vietnam so much, the place of your birth, that you aren't out there struggling for Vietnam's democratic revolution but instead fighting for Hong Kong's lost cause?

What make you come to that conclusion?
As a Vietnamese, I never feel hate Vietnam where I was born and now living in.
One more thing, Chinesetiger1986 talks too offensive, I should say sorry. You know, on the net, people like him is all over the world. But this kind of comment is not the main stream of the educated(Emm...I mean university educated people) . Don't mind it,have a nice day.

My English is not as good to discuss such a complex topic, hope my word not bring too much language mistake, and you fellow enjoy it.

1. You admit your English is not so good, yet you like insulting people in English, calling them uneducated.
2. How educated are you?
3. Why do you apologize for someone else's actions? You're not his parents, nor teacher, nor supervisor at work, you have no right to apologize on someone's behalf.
Communism is only in the politics, to maintain the hold of CCP on the country.
Communism is politics philosophy and ideal society form, maybe it's only a dream, but it's not what you mean, nowadays even governor and officer in China can not got the welfare that communism should provide to everyone.
I suggest you learn more about this noun. you mentioned.
1. You admit your English is not so good, yet you like insulting people in English, calling them uneducated.
2. How educated are you?
3. Why do you apologize for someone else's actions? You're not his parents, nor teacher, nor supervisor at work, you have no right to apologize on someone's behalf.
Communication University of China, a journalist with 7 years work experience,GXTV. My picture is my office. Wanna more information?
I apologized because he make me feel losing face as his fellow countryman. How did his teacher told him before. Well educated?
Communication University of China, a journalist with 7 years work experience,GXTV. My picture is my office. Wanna more information?
I apologized because he make me feel losing face as his fellow countryman. How did his teacher told him before. Well educated?
Sigh, there are far more people here have higher degree than you. Keep your privacy and that will help you.
You dont need to apologize for others that whether he/she is a Chinese that is a problem.
Keep watching and you will know it.
Other than big press and media who keep denigrating HK protesters, 100% of my HK facebook friends are supporting the protest.
Other than big press and media who keep denigrating HK protesters, 100% of my HK facebook friends are supporting the protest.
Depends on what kind of friends you have made. I myself got friends from both sides, pro protest and anti protest.
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Other than big press and media who keep denigrating HK protesters, 100% of my HK facebook friends are supporting the protest.

Your HK friends dare not to support it, there will be a pubic flesh search!

I prefer kindergarten kids who decide HK political fate.

High school and university students never enter the society, what they know about the reality and real society?

Taiwan is our rebellious province housing wackos such as Kolaps who thinks the island can sustain itself without Mainland.

Learn history plz!

20 millions of people saved 1.3 billions of people.
One more thing, Chinesetiger1986 talks too offensive, I should say sorry. You know, on the net, people like him is all over the world. But this kind of comment is not the main stream of the educated(Emm...I mean university educated people) . Don't mind it,have a nice day.

My English is not as good to discuss such a complex topic, hope my word not bring too much language mistake, and you fellow enjoy it.

Quite right about @ChineseTiger1986. :partay:

Communication University of China, a journalist with 7 years work experience,GXTV. My picture is my office. Wanna more information?
I apologized because he make me feel losing face as his fellow countryman. How did his teacher told him before. Well educated?

So you are a journalist?!

You unable and didn't write articles on how to attack back these "foreign worshiper" HK student protesters?

The whole world have been butchered by Western propaganda over HK protest!

And I have tasks for you...

Wrote articles about restoring Confucianism in mainland.

Convince the people and government official... as well as @ChineseTiger1986 above.


THese clowns are the minority who have their own hidden agenda
JUst ask them if they would allow their own kids wasting their education time to camp out on the streets
What make you come to that conclusion?
As a Vietnamese, I never feel hate Vietnam where I was born and now living in.

I was just curious because I don't see a "support democracy in Vietnam" pin on you. Seeing as how that's your country, one would think you'd care enough to support democracy there first. But apparently you care about Hong Kong more than Vietnam. I'm sure our HK PDFers are very touched. :coffee:

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