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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

not many Chinese people care about the Hong Kong protesters--they are more like a joke to us,maybe we are a joke to them too:-)
I'd say Hong Kong cops shoud be hated. What a bunch of clowns. They are hired to humiliate democracy?
It's hard to imagine Hong Kong is such lawless place.

The HK police force is well respected
They are adopting an attrition strategy which is working to their favour as this madness progresses
The instigators (of the rally) want to portray "students" as "victims and angels" which is not the case as there is a growing and intense pinch on the populace whose livelihoods are affected as the day goes by with the illegal occupation

不战而屈人之兵 - 孙子兵法
Ever wonder how Socialism/Confucianism/Democracy combination would work??

Socialism for healthcare, public education, parks, library, etc.

Confucian for ethical teachings of propriety, etiquette, righteousness, trustworthiness, benevolence, virtue
and loyalty, etc.

Democracy with the freedom of expression and opinion.
Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Freedom of association. Access to power and its exercise in accordance with the rule of law. The holding of periodic free and fair elections by universal suffrage. A pluralistic system of political parties and organizations.
The independence of the judiciary. Transparency and accountability in public administration. Free, independent and pluralistic media.

A good example would be this open forum.:rolleyes1:

Theorietically yes and idealistic only
But in practice there are more democractic systems which have failed and many times due to the covert or subversive manipulation of usa and the western forces
you cannot represent for "everyone"
I don't hate them, I support them.

You're a viet who's own government is a corrupt commie dictatorship. More corrupt than the Chinese government, in fact. Therefore, your support is meaningless because you have to do what your corrupt commie government tells you to do. Change your own government before worrying about Hong Kong. Or do you hate Vietnam so much that you are satisfied with being a poor slave? :pop:

As i said it will happen slowly over decades,,,,,there is simply not much reason for china to be ruled by iron fist now,,,those times are gone.Now chinese are nationalistic and even in a democracy they will be successful.

The 50-60's were dangerous times for a large country,not anymore:angel:

This is a rational comment. Deng Xiaoping himself said that China will evolve politically to look like a large version of Singapore - over time - being the key phrase.
You're a viet who's own government is a corrupt commie dictatorship. More corrupt than the Chinese government, in fact. Therefore, your support is meaningless because you have to do what your corrupt commie government tells you to do. Change your own government before worrying about Hong Kong. Or do you hate Vietnam so much that you are satisfied with being a poor slave? :pop:


1. I don't represent for Vietnam government. I'm in same position as HKer.
2. Do you mean HKer have to do what Xi tell them to do?
1. I don't represent for Vietnam government. I'm in same position as HKer.
2. Do you mean HKer have to do what Xi tell them to do?

What have you done to support democracy in Vietnam? Why do you hate Vietnam so much, the place of your birth, that you aren't out there struggling for Vietnam's democratic revolution but instead fighting for Hong Kong's lost cause?
You're a viet who's own government is a corrupt commie dictatorship. More corrupt than the Chinese government, in fact. Therefore, your support is meaningless because you have to do what your corrupt commie government tells you to do. Change your own government before worrying about Hong Kong. Or do you hate Vietnam so much that you are satisfied with being a poor slave? :pop:

This is a rational comment. Deng Xiaoping himself said that China will evolve politically to look like a large version of Singapore - over time - being the key phrase.
Vietnam government is corrupt yes. I tried to tell vietnam posters to be more logical if they want to be treated with credibility. If you are poor you can't make fun of someone who is wealthier than you. If you are more corrupt you can't tell someone less corrupt you are worse than me.
I apologize on behalf of the Vietnamese posters.
1) I don't hate them.
2) I don't particularly love them either.
3) I think their grievances should be heard, and they community should have a chance to vote on which way to go, rather than CPC dictating what should happen.

There are lots of conflicting stories about what these guys want. My understanding is they want democracy really as a means to the end of protecting HK from perceived mainland intrusions - specifically mainlanders competing for real estate and jobs, causing prices to rise and wages to fall. So the protesters' position is kind of anti-capitalist, really. Certainly not open-borders, free-trade capitalism anyhow.

In that sense, it feels more like a conflict with the CPC representing mainland interests (not being restricted in HK) and HK protesters representing more parochial interests (having more local ability to restrict immigration/competition).

In the long run, cutting out the mainland will not be good for them economically. But, I think that is a choice they should make for themselves. CPC dictating will cause more problems than it solves, in the long run. It will create a feeling of oppression within the local people. Allow a vote, make your case. CPC has a pretty good case to make, I think, in this case.

I support my government assisting other peoples in the world be heard. I don't think the US government should take sides in this particular kerfluffle other than ensuring that voices are not just snuffed out.

Oh, and the photos don't lead me to believe they are more evil - its a bunch of college kids having dinner, playing board games, playing ping pong, and sleeping/cuddling. In the West, you can't have sex with that many clothes on, but perhaps China is ahead of us in that regard.
Hopefully, this is just the first among many.
scholarship cancelled.jpg
I don't see how that is possible. USA and Western you say? Democracy is harder to establish than fascism. It is a system hardest to achieve and requires lots of elements. Free education is the key to success. The ultimate power lies within your government. If they allow democracy to flourish and distribution of powers than you will have democracy.

Democracy is like the internet where informations flows freely. People are allowed to freely express their opinions. Here, ideas are constantly exchanged, knowledge are gathered and analyzed by individual. You make the decision of truth or false, right or wrong. You determine if the information is worth analyzing or are they just nonsense? You can choose to read it, comment about it, contribute or just ignore it. Unless your posts are being monitored by your government on your end, or if you are the type that would rather have others make the decision for you, then that would be a different story.

I am not here to tell you what is right or wrong or to influence you in anyway. This is simply my opinion having lived through multiple types of government systems. This is the matter of your future not mine.

Democracy according to USA?
Have you read the book " legacy of ashes - history of the CIA"
Do you know who is Julian Assange;
Who is this bloke

Who is this guy

Give me the name of democratic countries ouside of the "USA or NATO's umbrella" that are successful in terms of the combined indices in GDP, per capita income, HDI, Advances in science and technology, crime rate, hospital and health care, welfare and retirement system, defense system, sports performance, education system and scholastic performance, infrastructure

Give me the name of democratic countries ouside of the "USA or NATO's umbrella" that are successful in terms of the combined indices in GDP, per capita income, HDI, Advances in science and technology, crime rate, hospital and health care, welfare and retirement system, defense system, sports performance, education system and scholastic performance, infrastructure


The world most successful country.

Futuristic UTOPIA..!

Nation of IT.

Extreme low crime rate, street safe for woman even mid-night.

World best no.1 healthcare welfare in the world.

Unmatched defense system, David vs Goliath.

Top ten world finest school and smartest student in the world.

Subway to HSR.

Except we are bankrupt now...

The world most successful country.

Futuristic UTOPIA..!

Nation of IT.

Extreme low crime rate, street safe for woman even mid-night.

World best no.1 healthcare welfare in the world.

Unmatched defense system, David vs Goliath.

Top ten world finest school and smartest student in the world.

Subway to HSR.

Except we are bankrupt now...

No. Taiwan does not fit in
Taiwan is a big American lapdog! :stop:
And even with that your so called "democracy according to usa" system is in biggest chaos
food safety, sunflower revolution, collapsing infrastructure (leaking gas pipes underground) a less than 3-year-old "state of the art" 2,700-ton scientific research ship just capsized, politics and economy all in limbo and endless in-house fighting ..
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