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Heh university students have been used as pawns by political forces throughout history. They're young and naive, but received just enough education to think they know it all. These are the easiest to manipulate, and they are always the first ones to start in any major political shift. Of course, after politicians are done with them, they get thrown aside and the cycle begins again. I was quite idealistic and hated the Communist Party in my late teen's and early 20's. I still don't like them, but I am also more pragmatic after these few years.

Good that Ferguson rioters were not that well educated. Blessed the US regime. LOL.




US-China confrontation disastrous for HK

US consulate personnel in Hong Kong were revealed to have held meetings with student representatives who led the class boycott campaign. This news stirred up Hong Kong society, sparking heated discussion.

Some students kicked off a week-long boycott of classes from September 22. The Hong Kong opposition camp now is busy with preparations to launch the "Occupy Central" protest during the National Day holidays. Behind the scenes is external support from the US and the West, as has been proven by the latest media exposures.

Western support serves as an anchor to the pan-democracy camp. They are emboldened by Western champion, misperceiving what they are doing as a moral cause and misjudging the risks that "Occupy Central" could bring.

Sino-US relations are complicated. Competition is a normal state of the bilateral relationship. The more divergences Hong Kong has, the greater the possibility that it will draw attention from the US and be used as a card to trouble China.

The US has plenty of approaches to interfere in Hong Kong affairs, either through covert meddling, or blunt intervention. If China disregards the temporary turbulence in Hong Kong, the influence of US tactics will abate.

From an overall perspective, China's strategic initiative in the China-US relationship has been on the rise. The US influence on Hong Kong is not significant enough to be a trump card in competition with China. But the problem is that some radical forces in Hong Kong are catering to the US, which may increase US leverage.

Hong Kong society should have a grand vision and be clearly aware of its position in the strategic rivalry between China and the US. Hongkongers should firmly object to radical forces, who are attempting to kidnap the destiny of the whole region for their own political ends. The US will inevitably stretch its hands into Hong Kong. If Hong Kong turns into a wrestling field of the US to hedge China's rise, that will be a disaster for all of Hong Kong.

Washington hasn't started openly intervening in Hong Kong. The pan-democracy camp had better not count on that. Hong Kong's development cannot afford any direct collision and confrontation between China and the US in the region. China hopes for a prosperous Hong Kong with great sincerity and motivation.
You should go to South Chicago instead.
I was driving on the road and I can't remember the name.
Even cops dare not go to that area.

That's too dangerous for me. I hear South side of chicago is the most dangerous place in the US.
That's too dangerous for me. I hear South side of chicago is the most dangerous place in the US.

Yes. People knock your door when you are waiting for traffic lights.
Shops on both sides of the streets have iron bars on the windows and doors.
A lot of people wandering on the streets selling drugs.....
Yes. People knock your door when you are waiting for traffic lights.
Shops on both sides of the streets have iron bars on the windows and doors.
A lot of people wandering on the streets selling drugs.....

Oh that would send me on a Tachycardic episode! How do you know so much about the south side of Chicago? Are you from the Windy City?
China should publicize a full list of names - American intelligence officials working out of the Hong Kong consulate and the Chinese traitors who met with them. These lists should be run on flat screens across Hong Kong, 24/7 so everyone knows who the traitors are. And then the Public Security Bureau can pay them a visit. Protesting for democracy is one thing. I don't inherently have a problem with the act of protesting or voicing dissent, no matter how hypocritical or stupid the protesters are. However, doing so with the backing of a foreign government and their intelligence agencies is treason. Traitors should be dealt with harshly.
Oh that would send me on a Tachycardic episode! How do you know so much about the south side of Chicago? Are you from the Windy City?

I went there many times when I was studying in Iowa. Now I moved to a Southeastern state.
I went there many times when I was studying in Iowa. Now I moved to a Southeastern state.

I'm not so fortunate to have visited Chicago as much as you, but I did go there one time to attend a symposium. I stayed mostly in the Northside because the symposium was held at Loyola University by Chicago's Roger's Park area. Btw, there's quite a lively Vietnamese district in Uptown. Its by North Broadway St and Argyle St.

I'm not so fortunate to have visited Chicago as much as you, but I did go there one time to attend a symposium. I stayed mostly in the Northside because the symposium was held at Loyola University by Chicago's Roger's Park area. Btw, there's quite a lively Vietnamese district in Uptown. Its by North Broadway St and Argyle St.


North side has very good museums. I visited all of them.
Michigan lake is charming.
North side has very good museums. I visited all of them.
Michigan lake is charming.

I had the pleasure of walking the lake shore drive bike trail one time. (It was at the Belmont entrance) You're right, it is incredibly picturesque there.

I wish i had more time in Chicago, or to have been given the chance to live in the North Side/ River North district.

Well its good to know that you were there, too. These are experiences we look back to during our 'youth', eh? lol
I'm not so fortunate to have visited Chicago as much as you, but I did go there one time to attend a symposium. I stayed mostly in the Northside because the symposium was held at Loyola University by Chicago's Roger's Park area. Btw, there's quite a lively Vietnamese district in Uptown. Its by North Broadway St and Argyle St.

BTW, a little off topic. Your post on the other day was translated by someone into a popular Chinese forum.
Tianya. I didn't realize you are so famous.

See this:

U.S. officials traced to a secret meeting of Hongkong students Incitement to strike and accounted “Central ",Promises to provide shelter
美国驻港总领馆官员、美国情治人员等近40人,被披露与香港学生代表开会商讨罢课行动及“占中”。(American Consulate officials in Hong Kong, the United States intelligence personnel, nearly 40 people, was disclosed with the Hong Kong student representatives met to discuss the strike action and "accounted Central.")

据香港《文汇报》17日报道,一名自称老泛民、署名“民主真兄弟”的人士16日晚撰文称接到匿名人士爆料,指公民党英语组、“香港2020”9月5日晚举行会议,邀请外籍人士讨论政改,出席者包括两名美国驻港总领馆官员、美情治人员和外国学者等40人,前经济司布简琼(Elizabeth Bosher)更是被陈方安生和李柱铭等人亲自送入会场。

该人士上载4页会议记录及多张图片,显示会议由公民党主持,发起罢课的“学联”和“学民思潮”等均有代表出席。“学民”发言人周庭称,之前“反国教”有公民党帮忙才能成功,与其过去一直强调无政党介入明显有矛盾。 港大学生会会长梁丽帼称,参与罢课不仅包括本地学生,还包括内地和国际留学生。梁丽帼透露,壹传媒多次联系她,承诺给予资金支持。美国驻港总领馆官员、曾任职美国国防部和国家情报主任办公室的丹·盖瑞特称,“这次回美国向顶头上司汇报目前香港所处境况及我在港推动的工作进展。华盛顿要求继续在香港推动民间、社会力量争取民主诉求运动,尤其是推动青少年在社运扮演先锋角色”。他还承诺,“美国会保护学生领袖,包括赴外国留学、定居”。“本土行动”成员陈允中扬言,香港要争取民主,就必须暴力“企硬”、违法甚至流血,以迫使中央让步。他更带去一名中东难民,该难民声称会召集滞港的政治难民协助“占中”,如条件成熟会在港成立极端伊斯兰组织。“民主真兄弟”在文中直言,“学生领袖们是有退路的,泛民大佬就更有退路,只不过害了那帮不出名的孩子”。

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